
Chapter 17: Conflict

The battle at the hospital was finally over. Jason slept until the third day to wake up.

  After Dare died, the Goblins did not come back to the hospital. There was a big thing happened in the hospital.

Ling woke up two days earlier than Jason. People saw Ling wake up, they rushed to her side and thanked she saved them. Some people have been saved by Ling for the second time.

Ling divided the soul crystals, props, and skills, dropped from the Goblins, to the others. Most of the people went to level 2, some were up to level 3, and only a few be level 4, including John.

After Ling distributed the soul crystals, John took the opportunity to announce that Ling would be their leader.

  Ling wanted to refuse at first, but she did not want to disappoint others either. Finally, she agreed to be the leader, but she would resign the position as long as there was a more suitable leader than Ling.

  Seeing Jason wake up, Rachel went to Jason's side

  "You finally woke up Jason. Why you slept for so long, I thought you will never wake up."

  "I was too exhausted, never had such a difficult battle, how long have I slept ah?"

  "Three days."

  "What! I can't believe I slept for three days!" Jason immediately got up from the bed, pulled Rachel's hand and asked

  "Where's Ling, where's Ling, we have to go save George!"

  Rachel's hand was pulled by Jason, her face blushed. She just want to speak to Jason, Ling's voice came behind, Rachel hurriedly pulled hand back from Jason's hand.

  "You're awake, ah, I also want to ask you about George, the other people do not know where George is."

  "George was taken to the City Hall by the Bloodaxe!" Jason said.

  "The Bloodaxe again?" Ling frowned.

  "We're going to City Hall to save George!"

"Wait a minute Jason, we don't know anything about the situation in the City Hall. If we went to there, we might run into another trap and get caught again.

This time we were lucky that the Goblins didn't kill us immediately, but we can't take any risks." Rachel said.

  Both of them looked at Ling, hoping that Ling would make a decision. Ling considered for a moment and said to Rachel

  "Can you please inform all the cadres that we have a meeting tonight in the hospital meeting room after dinner." After saying that, Ling left the room.

  "Cadre? What cadre?" Jason asked, puzzled.

  "You, Charlie and I, we are all cadres." Rachel told Jason about these days that Ling became the leader and appointed six other people as cadres.

  "Besides of us, who are the other three cadres?" Jason asked.

  "One is Luka the werewolf, one is Kaya, she represents those who were sent to the hospital by the Bloodaxe . The last one is Charlie's father, John. He represents those were Hattured by the Goblins in the hospital before."

  Splitting into two groups so quickly? I hope nothing bad happens, Jason thought to himself.

  "I'll inform them, do you want to come with me?" Rachel asked.

  "Yes, after so many things happened, I have something to tell you, as well." Jason and Rachel both left the room together and went to the other cadres' rooms to inform them of the evening meeting.

Along the way, "what do you want to tell me?" Rachel asked

  Jason took out the Invisible Hat and handed it to Rachel

  "This should be yours. Do you remember the book I was reading in the library that you snatched away? The <<Invisible Hat>> you said you had read it as a kid?"

"Yes, but you do not want to tell me, this one is the Invisible Hat? "

"Yes, it is." Jason said.

"You, where did you find it ah? That time you talked to me, but I cannot see you because you is wearing this hat?" Rachel took the hat, looked unbelievable.

  "Yes. The story is true, I found it in your house." As the two walking, Jason told Rachel about how he found the Invisible Hat.

  "I can't believe that the Invisible Hat is in my house." After saying that, Rachel put the Invisible Hat on her head.

  The invisible Rachel quietly came behind Jason and pushed Jason's back, but was dodged by Jason, and Rachel fell directly to the ground.

  "Didn't you say this was the Invisible Hat? How did you find me?" Rachel stood up, took off the Invisible Hat and asked Jason.

"My perception is higher than yours, although I didn't see you completely, I felt like there was something behind me, so I dodged it." At this point, Jason remembered that Dare had almost found him before.

It seemed that he was lucky because his perception was not lower than Dare a lot. Otherwise, he would be found by Dare.

  Rachel handed the Invisible Hat back to Jason

  "It's better to give it to you. After all, you found it, and also your perception is high which makes you are less likely to be discovered. I'd better support you guys with my skills."

  Jason wanted the Invisible Hat. Hearing Rachel say that, he took the Invisible Hat back.

"Thank you Rachel, I will find some suitable props for you. By the way, do you know, the maker of the Invisible Hat, he is a wizard, your ancestor.

You have the blood of a wizard, I believe you will become a powerful witch in the future." Jason told the whole story of the Invisible Hat to Rachel.

  The two went to Luca's room, the door was open, but Luca was not in there, so they left a note for Luca and went to inform others.

  "No, the Bloodaxe can't be trusted!" , the two came to Kaya's room and were just about to knock on the door, they heard an argument coming from inside the room.

  Then John opened the door and came out of the room, saw Jason and Rachel outside the door and asked

  "What are you doing here?"

  "We're here to inform cadres that we have a meeting tonight after dinner." Jason said.

  "Okay, I got it, thank you, you haven't notified Charlie yet? He's out on patrol, when he comes back, I'll go notify him." John said and left the place.

  Rachel and Jason walked into Kaya's room.

  "Kaya, why were you arguing with John?" Rachel asked.

  "I can't believe that John wanted to cooperate with the Bloodaxe, I would never trust the Bloodaxe! I have heard we have a meeting tonight, I must report to Ling at the meeting."

  Jason and Rachel didn't stay in Kaya's room for long, seeing that Kaya already knew about the meeting, the two left.

  "Jason, is that you?" Luca's voice came from behind.

  "Here you are, I went to your room to look for you, but you were not there, so I knew you waked up already. Are you walking with your girlfriend." Luca winked toward Rachel.

  "Rachel was taking care of you while you were sleeping!"

  Rachel blushed and quickly asked

  "What do you want to do with Jason, Luca?"

  "To talk about man-to-man secret, do you want to join us? I saw the note you guys left for me, I'll borrow your boyfriend for a while and give him back to you in the meeting." Luca said and left with Jason.

  The two returned to Luca's room, Luca closed the door and brought Jason a bottle of Coke

  "Drink it, and thank you for saving me."Luca said.

  Jason did not know what Luca wanted to do, he took the Coke and asked

  "No problem, I wanted to save Ling, but you were also in that room. So why do you invite me in here?"

  Luca walked closer to Jason and quietly asked

  "How did you sneak into the basement in that day? There were so many Goblins outside? Do you have any special skills?"

  "I don't have any special skills, it was just luck that day, if you have nothing else, I'll leave." Jason said and turned to leave.

  "Wait wait wait." Luca hurriedly stopped Jason, "I know a place with treasures, but there are too many traps inside. There is no way I can solve them by myself, so if you have special skills, we can..."

  Luca's words have not finished, Jason refused him "Sorry, I really do not have special skills, sorry, I have to go." Jason left Luca's room.

  At night, Ling and the other cadres came to the hospital meeting room, and Ling spoke first

  "My friend George has been caught by the Bloodaxe, I have to save him. Luca will be the leader for the time when I am away."

  "No way." The other six cadres said together.

  "It's too dangerous for you to save George alone, at least you take me with you." Jason said.

  "I don't want to be the leader, the rest of you can be." Luca said.

  "We'd better not conflict with the Bloodaxe now, we can negotiate with them, ask them to give George back." John said.

  "Stop! You guys talk to me one by one, John first." Ling stopped their arguing.

"Ling, right now we are short of food, all the water and food around us are taken by the Bloodaxe, we need to work with them. Charlie and I met Kane from the Bloodaxe while we were on patrol.

Kane said that they could give us food and water if we gave them the blood bags from the hospital. We could also take this opportunity to ask them release George." John said.

  Charlie nodded his head and continued to say

  "Yes Ling, there's no need to fight them, we can get George back in exchange."

  "No, the Bloodaxe trade humans to the Goblins, we can't trust them." Kaya said.

  Then they started arguing again.