
Chapter 15: Rescue

Jason did not go to city hall to save George; he chose to go to the hospital first.

  Just heard the lady say that the Bloodaxe took people as sacrifices to the Goblins, Jason was very worried about the situation in the hospital. If he went there late, there is no chance to save Rachel and others.

  On the way to the hospital, there was not a single monster. Jason chose a different way than last time, he came to a high building near the hospital, first. Then he absorbed the soul crystals dropped from the Eric, Jason's level goes to 6. Finally, he took out binoculars which found at Rachel's house and carefully observed the situation at the hospital.

  Jason found that there were a large number of Goblins having party in the center of the hospital, drinking wines, and dancing. They built a simple altar in the open space, several Goblin Advanced Warriors and Archers guarded on the side of the altar. The Goblin Riders patrolled around the hospital.

  Jason observed for a while, finally he figured out a rest time of the Goblin Riders, and found a way to avoid them. He sneak into the hospital quietly. After all, the Invisible Hat can only be used 1 time per day, and each time it can only lasts 20 minutes. Jason must make good use of these 20 minutes in order to get the others out.

   Jason added his three skills points to Perception. He used Primary Scouting to see the information of Goblins, he found that Goblins' perception was generally low. They would not feel Jason, so he used the Invisible Hat in hospital.

  Only 20 minutes, must be fast, Jason first saw Charlie and Rachel in the crowd. The two had been released, but the Goblins had tied everyone with rope to avoid them escaping again. Charlie's body was covered with lots of wounds, Rachel's body was not very serious. Goblins were afraid that Rachel would be killed directly by whipping.

  Jason quietly came to Rachel's side and whispered to Rachel

  "Rachel, I'm Jason, don't be nervous, I come to save you."

  Suddenly heard Jason's voice, Rachel "Ah!" got surprised.

  The Goblins looked towards Rachel, she hurriedly covered her wounds.

  "Ah, it is painful. Do you have any painkillers?" Rachel said to the Goblins.

  The Goblins saw it was Rachel and said

  "Shut up, sacrifice!"

  Rachel stopped talking and whispered to Jason

  "Jason what are you doing here, how come I can't see you, are you invisible?"

  "It's a long story, do you know where your weapons are? There are too many Goblins, I cannot kill them alone. Also, why isn't Ling with you?"

  "Ling was locked up in the basement, our weapons were taken away, and I don't know where they took them."

"Okay, then I'll go to the basement to save Ling first, you must hold on a second. I will be back." Jason gently hugged Rachel, quietly cut the rope on Rachel, and then he came to Charlie's side, cut the rope on Charlie's body, as well.

Jason ran towards the basement. When he came to the basement, he see two Goblin Warriors, Jason quietly followed them behind.

  "We finally get enough numbers of sacrifices, great, I hope we can also be blessed by the Priest." A taller Goblin Warrior said to the shorter Goblin Warrior beside.

  "Yes, yes, the altar has been built already, just waiting for the Mage Dare to be ready, so we can be blessed. Really looking forward." The short Goblin replied.

  Jason followed them and came to the door of a room. The taller Goblin Warrior said to the guards in front of the room

  "Time to change shifts, you and you, can go rest. How come I don't see any other guards, why only four of you here?"

  "They all went to drink, anyway, these two can't use skills in the room, don't worry, they won't escape, it's okay. In a few minutes later, Mage Dare will personally escort them to the altar." One of the Goblins replied.

  "Yes, yes, once Mage Dare is here, it will silence them. They can not use skills, do not need to worry, we will go first." After saying that, the two Goblins left the place.

Although Jason knew that Ling was locked in this room, facing four guards, he only relied on himself, it is impossible to take out four guards at the same time.

Once the fight taking too long to attract other Goblins, the rescue plan would definitely fail.

  "I wish I could leave here and drink wine. They only care about themselves, don't know bring us some wine, just let us guard here." A Goblin complain.

  Jason suddenly had a plan. This is a hospital, so it should be possible to find sleeping pills. If he put sleeping pills in the wine, and these Goblins drink the wine, it would be possible to make these Goblins fall asleep. He could take the opportunity to save Ling!

  The Invisible Hat can still last 10 minutes, but where to find sleeping pills? Jason came out of the basement, now there is no time for him to look for sleeping pills room by room. He came to the nurses station to try his luck.

  But there were two Goblin Advanced Warriors standing at the entrance of the nurses' station, seems that they are protecting the one inside. Jason looked at the information of the two Goblin Advanced Warriors

  Level 11 F+ Goblin Advanced Warrior

  Strength 13

  Agility 10

  Physique 12

  Intellect 6

  Mental 5

  Perception 7

  There was no way he could solve them at the same time. Jason was about to leave, suddenly the door of the nurse's station opened and Dare came out from inside.

  "Who, who is there?" Dare asked as it looked in Jason's direction.

  "OH no, its perception is high, it's going to find me." Jason moved back slowly.

  "It's me, Mage Dare, you haven't come out since last night, we were a little worried, so I came to see if you needed any help." A Goblin's voice came from behind Jason.

  "How can you help me, a bunch of useless. I told you that no one was allowed to bother me. Do you see anything else before you came here?" Dare asked.

  "No, Mage Dare, only they are guarding here." The Goblin pointed the two Goblin Advanced Warriors.

  "You two did not find anything unusual?" Dare asked the two guards again.

  "No, Mage Dare." One of them replied.

  "Okay, maybe I'm too tired and haven't rested all night, so I see something wrong. Never mind, let's go to the altar, I have to write down some symbols, then I will go to the basement, bring up the main sacrifice."

  Dare left with the other Goblins, and Jason hurried into the nurses' station.

  The pills in the nurse's station were all over the ground. Jason also found Ling's Spider Cut and Storage Bracelet in the nurse's station. He brought the two items on and saw a bottle of wine that had been opened.

  While he picked up the wine, he saw some sleeping pills next to the wine. Then, Jason mixed them into the wine and quickly took the wine to the basement.

  "Do you smell a wine? It smells so good, it smells just near us."

  "Smell it, smell it, it smells amazing! Seems to be around here."

  The four Goblins in basement smelled the wine and they discussed it.

  "Why there is a wine, this is a basement, there should not be a wine. We have to keep a good guard here." The tall Goblin Warrior spoke up to the other three.

  "No, it smells too good, it must be wine. I do not care, I'm going to look for it."

  "I'll go with you."

  "I'm going too, I'm going too."

  The three Goblins followed the smell of wine. They find the wine that Jason had already put into the sleeping pills.

  "It's really a bottle wine, we're so lucky! There is actually a really good wine."

  The three Goblins drank the wine one by one. Only a few seconds, the wine had been drank finished by them.

  "Wait a minute, don't drink it first, don't you think it's a trick? How can there be a bottle of wine, just because you are luck?" The taller Goblin Warrior reminded them again.

  "Whatever, it's really a good wine, it tastes amazing. I've never had such a good wine in my life, it's just only one bottle, not enough for us to drink." one of the Goblin Warrior said.

  The three Goblins finished the wine and went back to the door.

  The time of Invisible Hat was about to end, but only three Goblins drank the wine. Jason did not know when they will sleep over. There was no other choices, Jason stabbed the tall Goblin Warrior's heart from behind. It became a could of black smoke and disappeared.

  "There is a enemy, there is a enemy!" The three Goblins raised their weapons and attacked towards Jason.

  Although the sleeping pills did not make the three Goblins fall asleep completely, it also affected their speed. Jason dodged their attacks and killed them one by one.

  "In the basement, nothing happened, right? I always have a bad feeling." Dare asked the Goblin beside.

  "Don't worry Mage Dare, they can't escape."

  Dare nodded and pointed to a Goblin Advanced Warrior said

  "You go to the basement, just double check. After I finish everything here, I'll go to the basement."

  Jason killed the Goblins, he got the key to the room, and opened the door.

"Come out Ling, I'm coming to save you."

Ling and Luca came out. Jason asked in surprise

  "Why is there another person, who are you?"

  "My name is Luca, thank you, bro, how did you get here, I thought I must die!"