
[45]The Family Tree 2

Even a prestigious family like the Pendragons have had a few new blood coming into the family causing the creation of a new family branch, two of them being the Apocalypse and the Kaslana house's

Throughout the years these two houses have loyaly served the Pendragon. though through all those years of servitude the Pendragons forgot their manners as human beings and began treating the two branch houses as mere slaves.

Kind of like a Hyuga situation from Naruto where they had the main house which runs everything while the branch houses protect.

Throughout time the branch houses got tired from the centuries of mistreatment so they decided to pull a coup d'etat against the Pendragon family. The Kaslana and Apocalypse even reached out to even lower status houses like the Schariac for help but none of them helped as they lived in fear of the Pendragon.

Sadly enough the Pendragon had been prepared for them and completely annihilated them, destroying and killing every person from the Kaslana and Apocalypse branch.

Well...not all of them actually.

The coup d'etat happened not so long ago, infact it was a bit around the time before Otto, Kevin, and Theresa were born.

In other words, the reason they are orphans is because of the Kaslana and Apocalypse family branch extermination.

The only survivors of the two families that Otto is aware of is Kevin, Otto himself, Theresa, and the sister that lives in the same orphange as Kevin who thinks she's good at hiding.

Kinda cliche right?

Kevin, even Theresa looked shocked as they heard Otto explain their origins. The one that took the most damaged was Kevin, infact, even Mei was sitting right next to him while giving him a hug as she could notice how shaken up he was.

"So...is that everything?" Kevin asked tough this time it sounded colder than usual.

"Yes don't worry, that's all the info I have" Answered Otto truthfully.

Kevin sighed as he felt conflicted as to what to do, should he take revenge?, should he just let it go and live his life?.

"No don't so that" suddenly said Otto as of reading his mind.

"What do you mean by that, do you expect me not to do anything. I may not have known my parents but I'm sure as hell that they put me in that Orphanage for my safetey!" Kevin shouted as he didn't know how Otto could be so casual about this, after all Otto himself should be his cousin. The Apocalypse were also one of the families that were terminated.

"I didn't mean it that way, my bad. What I was trying to say was that iv already prepared some 'measures' for theme the time comes to deal with them" An icy cold glint appeared on Otto's eyes sending shivers down everyone's spines. Neither a single bit of empathy or a shred of emotion showed in his eyes.

"Hehe anyways, I hope you can wait a bit until the time comes, Ok Kev?" Otto quickly changed out of his cold persona and into his happy one in a matter of seconds.

Kevin looked at him weird, wondering which one was the real Otto but decided to push that tought to the back of his brain as he knew he could never fully understand Otto.

"Yes...I'll wait" answered Kevin with a bit of hesitation, he wanted to take action now but knowing that it's Otto's plan. Kevin knew that the Pendragons would face something scarier, something worse than death.


Ahh well that went great, I've been wanting to tell Kevin about his origins for a while after I met him. Tought that Info would be some good leverage for getting him into shicksal but he joined either way, that's why I gave it to him for free~.

After that little talk Kevin looked a like he needed some time to think so I finished training early. Had Asia heal their wounds and stuf, it's great to have a designated healer in the team now.

I also had some stuff to do so it worked out in the end.

It's time for some daughter and Father time!.

With Rita's teleportation we traveled straight to America and entered Disneyland. This was the first time I've gone to it on this life also so I was exited about gogin to it again!.

"Dad taste it!" Exclaimed Theresa as she handed out her cotton candy close to me so that I could get a bite. She was currently wearing her previous clothes tough she now wore a pair of Mickey mouse ears, Enhancing her cuteness a million fold.

I couldn't help but let a goofy smile replace my mouth as I was a sucker for my daughter.

"Thanks Sweetie" I said as I gave her pink cotton candy a huge bite.


My phone that was in my pocket suddenly rang as someone sent me a message. I have ringing on my phone for important people and vibrations for non-important so I immediately grabbed my phone to see who it was.

[Lee Yerin💕: Guess what Otto? I just became the professor of the department of Theatre and Film of Hankang College!. I'll be soon starting my first semester as a teacher, and I've been so busy that I haven't sent you aa message this week. You should come over so you can give me a 'visit'.]

[Lee Yerin has sent a Photo]


Looking at the photo I immediately shoved my phone back into my pocket, no horny in Disneyland.

It seems like...my girlfriend that no one knows about is missing me after leaving England.