
Ultimate Guiding System: Where It All Begins

Shu Feng is an orphan who ends up being a slave just because he tried to save a girl out of good will. He is force to do all kinds of ill jobs just to survive. When one day he save an old man out of goodwill AGAIN!! Then got rewarded with a strange necklace which lead to the end of his life. But just as he was about to die, the necklace save him, transmigating his body to another world. *Ding* "Welcome to Ultimate Guiding System" Will he become lucky this time? Will he save someone again out of goodwill? Let's embark on a journey where our MC will try to reach all his dreams and goals by using his system. NOTICE: This Novel would not only revolve to the Eastern Cultures and some contents belongs to the Western Culture

GreatHeavenRuler · Eastern
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98 Chs

Chapter 8: Young Master Bai Shi

Shu Feng was watching from the sidelines and when he heard Su Cheng talk rubbish, he already got a clearer view on what is happening.

It seems like this pursuers wants to kill the Young Master of the Bai Family. And the most ironic thing is that the one who wants to kill him is the very own brother of the most trustworthy General of the Bai Family.

'Betrayal, huh..' Shu Feng thought when he concluded the roots of the situation. When he think of his own family back on his home world, he suddenly felt sad for no reason.


"It is not good to betray you're own family just because of your own selfish desires." A voice suddenly came out of nowhere that startled the group of two. They raised their weapons and keep their guard up.

"Who are you?!" General Su was the first to react, he look at the direction of the voice and saw a young man standing behind them. He has long black hair that keeps on dancing under the melody of the winds. He was wearing a simple black colored robe with three parallel golden lines around the waist line.

"Excuse my rudeness, I am Shu Feng." The young man answered him while cupping his fist and slight bending his body forward.

Maybe you are wondering as to why Shu Feng suddenly appeared with a decent clothes. That's because he didn't want to appear in front of his very first meeting with his past torned cloths. He also ask UG on how to properly greet someone in this world.

Even though Shu Feng live cruelly in his past world, he still knows how to judge a person.

"So it is Young Master Shu Feng, may I know what business do you have here?" General Su ask while looking at him. Even though Shu Feng was polite, he still never let his guard down because he didn't even manage to sense his presence. He was already at First Stage Core Formation even though he was still in his Thirties, and because cultivators have a higher lifespan, they also aged much more slower. Making General Su looked like around Twenty Eight. His looks doesn't fit his title as a General at all, but what can you do? He was talented and has a high cultivation base.

"Hmmm... I was walking out of this forest when I suddenly heard some kind of movements thousand of kilometers away from me so I came to stop and see what is going on, then I bump with all of you."

Shu Feng said innocently without any trace of a lie on his face. He was after all telling the truth.

But for the people who are listening, it seems impossible. How can someone achieve that kind of sensing ability? Maybe if he was an old demon then they can believe it. But base on his bone age, he is not even on his twenties!

If they know that he was only at the Third Stage of Foundation Realm, everyone of them would surely puke blood. Because you cannot hide your presence under someone with a higher cultivation. But since Shu Feng was using his Chaos Energy, he can still hide his presence as long as it is not someone in the Emperor Realm.

But Shu Feng manage to advanced to Core Formarion Realm, hiding his presence from an Emeperor Realm cultivator would be a piece of cake.

"Can Senior please help us, this guys had been chasing us and wants to kill us all. Please have mercy, Senior!" The Young Master suddenly shouted at Shu Feng's direction.


General Su suddenly smack his face and forcefully push him down in kneeling position together with him. This made Shu Feng twitch slightly.

Misunderstanding Shu Feng's reaction as a discomport, he immidiately brings out a knife and pointed it directly on his neck.

"Please apease your anger Senior and let Young master off the hook. I would claim my life this instant in exchange of my Young Master's life!"

General Su said with pure determination in his eyes. But as soon as the blade would pierce his neck, a great pressure suddenly landed on them, rendering them to move.

Due to the sudden development, he cannot help but release his aura unconsciously. Due to his Chaos Energy, it was like a terryfying existence that frightens all myriad of life in his surrounding. His aura has even a tiny hint of Ancient mixed, making it more frightening.

Shu Feng was startled inwardly when he saw General Su wanting to commit suicide just because of being misunderstood causing him to release his aura that even him is not aware.

He walk slowly trying to not terrify them but life is cruel, because of the sudden release of pressure and him walking slowly the two group started to sweat and tremble like suddenly facing their doom.

'We're done.' General Su thought to himself.

Shu Feng was in front of him making him close his eyes on despair and wanted to stab himself to death hoping it could save his Young Master but because of the pressure, he cannot even breath properly so it is given that he cannot move a single muscle.

Shu Feng reached out his hands in his neck.

'Looks like this is the end. I only hope that Young Master would be fine and–

Just as he was starting his dying wish, a warm current entered his body directly healing all of his wounds and injuries. Even the poison that was inside him totally disappeared without a trace. That is not all, his cultivation which already became stagtant for many years showed signs of improving. He cannot believe what was happening to him right now.

"It is done, you are healed now so I think there is no problem anymore." Shu Feng said while putting his hands away from the General's wrist.

When General Su looked at Shu Feng's direction, he cannot help but tremble not because he was happy but due to the pressure that is pinning him down.

"Ah, Senior c-could you please re-tract y-your aura." With that said, General Su felt like he just used all of his recovered strength.

"Huh?"Just then that Shu Feng realize that he was unconciously leaking his own aura. As everyone should expect, if someone release his own aura their cultivation base should be felt but Shu Feng was different, because he is using Chaos Energy, his own aura was affected resulting in those cultivator using inferior form of Energy unable to detect it. But if someone was two whole different realm higher than Shu Feng, his concealment would not take effect.

So he just retracted his aura back making the group of two sigh in relief.

"Sor–"Just as Shu Feng wanted to apologise, UG reminded him inside his head.

"You must not apologise, if you show that you are sorry, they might doubt your identity as someone powerful and a bloodshed may happen. Even though you are more than enough to deal with the pursuing group, it is better to stay out of someone's business that is totally related to you."

'Doesn't that mean that I am an evil person to let the kid die just because he was a member of the what so called Bai Family?' Shu Feng thought and ask UG.

"The world you are in right now, death of innocent lives are common, if you decided to save them all the time, they won't learn the rule of the jungle. Even if you really save him now, then what will happen to him when you are gone.

A chicken that knows how to fly is better than a phoenix that relies on other's wings to soar."

Shu Feng think that it made sense, because he witness it himself from his previous world. He suddenly realize something and smiled at himself.


Shu Feng condensed his Basic Chaos Blast and aimed at the pursuing group that immidiately cause a tremor in the surroundings.

Dust flew everywhere after the explosion. Although it is his first time performing Basic Chaos Blast, it still cause a tremendous explosion.

When the dust settled down, a large crater could be seen. Blood was scattered everywhere, limbs of who knows who was torn. Seeing this scene, Shu Feng cannot help himself and tremble slightly, he can feel his insides run amok. He wants to vommit, he wants to leave immidiately and find a free place to refresh himself.

But due to constant reminding of UG inside his head, he forcefully suppress it.

"Senior this... " General Su cannot help but mutter.

Shu Feng raised his hand indicating for him to stop talking. He instead turn his attention to the kid that they are protecting.

"Greetings Senior, I am Bai Shi from the Bai Family. And I want to thank you for saving us." Feeling his gaze, he immidiately introduced himself.

"I hope that Young Master Bai would take this event as a lesson for a lifetime. I indeed save you this time, but in the future you can solely rely on yourself." Shu Feng said while turning his back in front of them.

"This junior will heed Senior's advice." Shu Feng nodded in response and immidiately vanish without a trace.

"Senior please wai–" But before Young Master Bai could finish his sentence, a hand suddenly grabbed him from behind. He looked back and saw General Su shooking his head.

"Senior is right Young Master, in the future we could only rely on ourselves. We are already grateful that he saved us."

"Will we meet again?" Young Master Bai asked weakly.

"If you are fated to meet, your path would surely cross and at that time, make sure to repay his kindness."

Young Master Bai nodded his head while a glimpse of excitement flash in his eyes. He decided to become strong so that one day, he could find the senior that helped him.

General Su saw his excitement but didn't comment further, because he knows himself that it is impossible for them to cross. They belong to different worlds. But he can make used of that excuse so he can stimulate Young Master to work harder in cultivating.

He slowly landed his gaze at the hole and gently sigh. He knows that if they are captured, they would die so he didn't feel any sympathy for his brother's death.

After their brief rest, the group of Young Master Bai launched toward the south.


Somewhere inside the forest, a young man was struggling to walk properly while holding onto a tree that barely supports him.


"The Host killed a Second Stage Core Formation Human"

"+110 SP"


"The Host killed a Nineth Stage Foundation Building Human"

"+60 SP"


A total of six notification rang inside Shu Feng's head. UG purposely send the notifications when he was already alone. And just as he heared the word 'killed' 'Human'. He immidiately puke.

He cannot help but think of the gory scene that he made. Although he was prepared for the result of his decision, it was still different when he saw it with his own eyes. Blood everywhere, body pieces scattered, headless bodies. All of the scenes made him crazy.

His hands were trembling out of fright. He was afraid. His heart was beating like a galloping of millions of horses. He keeps on thinking that he was not a human anymore, he killed his own.

He looked onto his trembling hands and his memory of creating the Basic Chaos Blast and killing humans flash inside his head.

Shu Feng just sit down while his back kissing the tree.

'Sigh, I guess this will not be the end for me to kill, huh' He thought while his head was looking up to the bright moon hanging in the sky. He just slowly closed his eyes and let himself be devoured by the embrace of deep slumber.


Somewhere in the Eastern part of the Mosha Kingdom's territory, turmoil was everywhere.

"Damn that Bai Family Head bastard, he can still injure and force me to retreat even though I already poisoned him!

But I will let you off this time, because sooner or later you would still die from the poison, Hahaha!"

A hysterical laughter resounded throughout the mainhall that can immediately frighten those who heard it.