
Ultimate Guiding System: Where It All Begins

Shu Feng is an orphan who ends up being a slave just because he tried to save a girl out of good will. He is force to do all kinds of ill jobs just to survive. When one day he save an old man out of goodwill AGAIN!! Then got rewarded with a strange necklace which lead to the end of his life. But just as he was about to die, the necklace save him, transmigating his body to another world. *Ding* "Welcome to Ultimate Guiding System" Will he become lucky this time? Will he save someone again out of goodwill? Let's embark on a journey where our MC will try to reach all his dreams and goals by using his system. NOTICE: This Novel would not only revolve to the Eastern Cultures and some contents belongs to the Western Culture

GreatHeavenRuler · Eastern
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98 Chs

Chapter 66: A Storm Is Coming


[Mission #04 - Killing Mission

Detail: Eliminate the Ten Members of the Blood Skull Society who killed thousands of Innocent lives during their time of existence.

Reward: Chaos Rebirth Technique

Penalty: Sealing the Host's Cultivation for Ten Years.

Time Limit: Three Days]


That is the detail of the mission that he received last night. But even though UG did not issued a mission, he would surely kill those Blood Skull Society members if they would meet.

Shu Feng knows that he didn't need to find them himself since they would be the one that would would knock on his door eventually.

Last night, he just used a sliver of his own consciousness to invade Fuyong's mind. With these process, he also temporarily erase some of his memories since that kind of trauma is not a mere ten year old kid like him could bear.

He then took that sliver of his soul back which enables him to get all the information that he needs in that nightmare.

He wanted to used Soul Search but UG warned him that it would damage the kid's mind if there is no consent from the boy himself. And since he is asleep at that time, how could he get a permission?

"Don't just stand there and come out already old man." Shu Feng said while glancing at the corner of the room. Right there, Zen Fu was leaning against the wall while staring at the kid who was trembling all over.

This time, he could faintly locate his presence with just his own senses. And if he used his Map, he could directly tell the location of Zen Fu unlike the last time that even his map is not effective in tracking his presence.

He concluded that his System Map would grow together with him! The stronger he is, the more effective his map would be in tracking anyone.

Currently, he could directly locate anyone as long as they are in the place that he had been to. His map would save any place that he had been to and he could just directly locate anyone that is within his map.

But the person that would appear in it wpuld depend on his own strength. If there was someone at the Emperor Realm that entered his map range, he won't be able to detect him as long as he didn't show any ill intent towards him since the disparity between their strength in too vast!

Zen Fu walk towards Fuyong and gently put his index finger in his forehead. He closed his eyes and directly injected a sliver of his soul inside Fuyong's head.

Shu Feng didn't stop him since he knows that it is not dangerous for the kid. Even of he tried to resist, Zen Fu could just gently subdue his mind without hurting his target.

Only those at the Soul Projection Realm and has a great Nascent Soul could perform such feat! Even those at the same realm as Zen Fu could not do it as good as him! This shows how much comprehension Zen Fu had about Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul of a Soul Projection Realm os considered as another soul of the cultivator. Although it is not as important as their true Soul, it was nonetheless a soul. So Zen Fu could used it to probe other's mind as long as they are weaker than him by a large realm.

But since Shu Feng didn't have a Nascent Soul yet, he just used a sliver of his Soul directly. This is also the reason why UG warned him not to used soul search without the consent of the kid since compared to a Nascent Soul, soul of a cultivator is several more sensitive and powerful at the same time that it could even directly kill the kid.

Luckily that night, he didn't directly invade his mind and just stayed to see his nightmare with just a tiny sliver of his soul.

Zen Fu could invade the kid's mind without him knowing or even control him just by possessing his soul! And much more worse, if he wanted to, he could directly end the boy's life in just a split second!

But Shu Feng knows that Zen Fu is not that kind of a person. He could not help but compare the kid's experience to that of Zen Fu. Both of them lost their parents but it was obvious that the kid encountered a much more terryfying ordeal.

Zen Fu opened his eyes and retrieve the sliver of his soul silently. He could not help but frown from everything that he had seen. The things that he saw is much more fresh and vivid than what Shu Feng saw last night.

But he didn't erase nor remove that part of his memory temporarily since the more it was suppress, the more impact it would cause to the kid which would cause a total breakdown.

Zen Fu knows that someone already invaded the boy's mind and who could it be other than Shu Feng? He saw those faint traces inside the kid's mind which led him to his conclusion.

He was impress by how Shu Feng pulled something like that using a sliver of his soul without killing the other party although it was easy to tell that he is still not that good.

Zen Fu could not help but felt satisfied when he thought this monster would also have something that he is not good at. But the old man seemed to be forgetting something, Shu Feng is not even at the Nascent Soul Realm yet!

Fuyong was still trembling and gripping his fist tightly. It was visible how much of a trauma that even had caused him. Zen Fu looked at the kid and felt pity since the boy faced something much more terrorizing than he had been to!

"Are you just gonna act like a scaredy cat! Your loved ones are killed by someone and you would just cower like that?!" Shu Feng said while staring at the kid with his eyes full of justice and righteousness.

Even Zen Fu was impressed by his action since it was his first time seeing him act like that!

Fuyong looked at the direction of where the voice came from. He could cleaely hear it with his ears but could not comprehend the words. He was just a stray cat that was like surrounded by ten fierce lions that was baring their teeth at him.

What could he do? He is too weak! He could not even deal with a single Night Wolf so how could he fight those ten monsters hiding behind their cloaks?!

"Revenge is a dish best served cold. You didn't need to have your vengeance now. Sometimes, when things turned out to be unexpected or long-feared is the best time to have your own vengeance." Shu Feng said slowly with his voice turning weaker. He is not acting up right now since that phrase just suddenly pop out of his head like it is a must.

"It's not wrong to sulk for your loss...

It's not wrong to feel fear to those sinners..

But it was not them that you feared.. It is yourself..

You are afraid to fight back since YOU are weak..

You are afraid to them since YOU are one...

You are afraid to die since YOU are terrified at the thought of dying..

It has never been fair in this cruel world..

No man had ever sailed an thousand miles without facing thousands of waves..

In this sail, others would eventually drown from those countless ripples..

You cannot do a single thing to save them since you know that you are too weak.." Shu Feng said while his head was lowered. No one in the room was making a sound and they juat stared at him.

'I never would have thought that this kid would have a back story.. Sigh, even monsters would also have something that would make them look vulnerable and weak.' Zen Fu thought while looking at Shu Feng.

Fuyong was looking at the person who said those words with great compassion and emotion that really hit him hard. He keep on thinking and he could not help but grit his teeth in anger. That's right, I am too weak to do anything and just watch everyone die before my own eyes... Maybe if I were stronger..

"Everything has it's own reason...

Maybe you survive that ordeal because you are meant to avenge your comrades, family and friends!

No matter how cruel the world is, there will always be something that would bring you comfort..

Make your desire for revenge as a driving force to become strong and avenge them yourself!

The thought of bringing justice to those ten men would be your comfort!"

Fuyong felt that a warm and liquid object was slowly dripping from his eyes. He looked at the person in front of him. His world who was covered with full darkness and horror was slowly breaking apart like a glass.


'Crack! Crack!'

Light illuminates his world as the warm ray entered his cold body which turned his emotionless and lifeless eyes back to it's own color luster.

He wanted to be strong! He would surely avenge them all!

"I-I want to be strong!" Fuyong shouted before bursting into tears. The dried river had once more experience a warm rain that immidiately brings back the green and luster of the leaves.


[+100 DP]

'Just cry and let it all out. Since your vengeance won't take that long.' Shu Feng thought while a flash of very suffocating killing intent emerge from his eyes but got immidiately disperse.

But how could Zen Fu not sense it. He looked at Shu Feng with a slightly terrified expression. Although Long Zao already told him how much of a monster this brat would turn into once his sore spot was touched, he was still not convinced.

But now, he was more than assured! That single flash of killing intent would bring anyone in an endless abyss that no one could escape no matter what!

'A storm was coming.' He thought while gulping a mouthful of saliva with a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead.

Inside Shu Feng's heart, or we could say inside his Serene Space, a black storm was slowly forming. Although it was only a thumb size storm, you could see that in the middle of this strom lies a pitch black abyss that could burst out at any time.

One looked and everyone could tell that everything that entered this abyss wouldn't be able to get out and just disappear from existence!

I am sorry again for not releasing new chapters since my mind could not work and needs a rest at night due to those modules. Please bear for Five more days....

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