
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Thank God You Said Might

"You are kind of good at this planning and leading stuff.," Jack said

Gabe just smiled and nodded.

In the two weeks of waiting for Cole's return, there were a few things that went on, off-screen or in this case, off ink, or is it off paper? Pick your poison.

During that period, the ex-specimen, Gabe, Rose, Abel, and Jack all attempted to transform into demon beasts, and it worked out. Well, one would say Gabe had already turned into one, the Phoenix when he was fighting Stella, but he didn't turn into a Phoenix fully and still retained a humanoid form.

One integral part of Gabe's plan involved transforming to high grade demon beasts.

Since the Green Casino was strictly a no-magic zone, it had to use air ducts and vents connected to an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) unit, for heating and ventilation, drainage and sewage pipes, trash ducts, etc, as magical arrays like teleportation arrays for trash management and ventilation arrays could not function there.

The Green Casino was also powered by AC generators.

It was some of these loopholes in the casino's security that Gabe and the others planned to exploit.

"I can't believe they have such a huge hole in their security. Didn't they think of beings that could use their sizes, if very small, to infiltrate?" Jack asked.

"What are you saying?" Gabe asked.

"The security of this casino is top-notch. For one not all beings can change their sizes, among those that can, some magic power is involved. Remember, not even saint-level beings can produce any magic power in the casino as the formations and arrays employed there are late-stage saint realm grade. Again, there are security personnel all over the place, watching everyone in and outside the casino like hawks. Let us say you wanted to steal something in there, if somehow you managed to get in, evade the security, and finally get to what you wanted to steal, where would you store it? As you know, no magic equals no storage rings or bracelets," Gabe said.

"Then isn't this mission, impossible to pull off? Is that why you chose not to go into details and told us that you would tell us on the mission site? You gave a stupid excuse of wanting the plan to be fresh in our heads but you also don't want to tell us then, and still tell us now as repeating yourself would be a bore," Rose said.

Abel and Jack waited to hear what Gabe would say, as for Rose, she was visibly pissed and looked like she would jump Gabe at any second.

"Nope the mission isn't impossible, and I truly felt that repeating the plan details would be a bore." 

"What else did you want us to be talking about during the time before the window of opportunity opened and we engaged?" Gabe asked.

"Well, it would have been nice if you told us so that we would have made our decisions properly," Abel said.

"Nah! You guys would have gone with the plan anyway as it's too notch. You know, a top-notch plan to break into a place with top-notch security," Gabe said.

"I haven't even gone into the details of the plan and someone named Rose is already breathing down my neck. Are you really unhappy at my casual conduct or it's something else?" Gabe asked.

On hearing this Rose hissed and looked elsewhere.

"Now, why I said the mission is not impossible is that we are not here to steal valuables. What we are really here for is extraction. You know we're transforming to high-grade demon beasts right, as they can willingly change sizes. After transforming into demon beasts, the size where reducing ourselves to would only be able to carry a max of six Geno serum vials. Thank God the vials are super small. After we get in the rest is easy. It's either we all go back out through the route we came in, or we walk out through the front doors of the casino," Gabe said.

"How so?" Jack asked.

"You guys aren't thinking today, what's happening?" Gabe asked.

"It's not like that, we just want to hear what you have to say without jumping to conclusions," Abel said.

"Ok. It's simple really, repeat the same process we used to get in, to go out. Remember, Cole is like us, a former specimen. Oh, I see you are getting it now, do you guys think I would endanger you? I hope you know that compromising you means compromising myself, so apart from the friendship we have forged, our interests are also aligned," Gabe said.

"I'm not apologizing as I wasn't in the wrong. It doesn't hurt to be cautious," Rose said.

"I know," Gabe replied.

"Alright it's time, we have a five-minute window to get in and then 30 minutes before the next window to get out opens. If we miss the time window to get out, then it's either we wait for another 30 minutes, or we walk out through the front door. It seems they are really treating Cole badly in there as the device that I gave to him is sending out life readings now that I'm in proximity to it. His heartbeat and breathing patterns are irregular. It's a good thing I fitted the device I gave Cole with an alternative power source," Gabe said.

They started moving to position and Abel couldn't help but ask a question.

"How do you know it's really Cole there, and what is this walking out the front door stuff you keep blabbing about?"

"I know it's Cole in there because my device has scanned him and confirmed it's him. To walk out the front doors, we, including Cole, will transform into beast men, the perfect disguise if you ask me, and just flow with confidence," Gabe said.

"I pray it doesn't come to that," Abel said.

Rose, having come to terms with the way they were going to carry out the mission, spoke.

"It might be easier to walk out the front doors."

"Thank God you said might," Abel retorted.

Immediately everybody injected themselves with a vial of Geno serum and began transforming. They transformed into demon beasts as they planned, the best suited for this kind of operation.