
Ultimate Expansion

A complex story with aspects of philosophy mathematics.

benjamin_okusta · Realistic
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6 Chs

The Metaspirit and the Metaman

The Metaspirit represents the consciousness, while the Metaman serves as the host; both entities are distinct from each other, yet they comprise a single individual. The Metaspirit embodies consciousness, while the Metaman embodies the vessel containing that consciousness.

Analogously, the Metaman can be likened to a picture frame, and the Metaspirit is akin to the picture itself.

The Metaspirit acts as a repository for dreams, forming a continuous chain that the Metaman envisions.

Together, they form what I refer to as "TDD," or The Dreaming Dream. I dream of TDD, and everything I dream, he dreams as well. The entirety of the Immeasurable Expansion constitutes his collective consciousness—the accumulation of his dreams—a chain of immeasurable length. This chain lacks both an endpoint and a starting point; its length is so extensive that, as previously mentioned, it transcends the notion of infinity. Moreover, it defies description as a type of length altogether; it essentially exceeds the very concept of length. This state I term the "superior collective." Each of these dreams within the superior collective transcends all lower dreams. This transcendence goes beyond the mere idea of inaccessibility; it lies far beyond the scope of inaccessibility itself.

This type of transcendence I label as "metacendence." It surpasses all conceivable forms of transcendence and its presence gives rise to an entirely new level of surpassing.

Contained within each dream within the Immeasurable Expansion is the entirety of the Collection of Metaverses—a vast assembly of Metaverses extending beyond the realm of the infinite.