
Ultimate Desire

"You've got everything you could possibly need and want, what more do you want?" The Goddess said. "I desire an actual adventurous life where I can get any woman I want. This life is great and all but all I am missing are the women." Lust and Greed rules this man's world and life. It isn't enough that he has money from his parent's will, he has all the fame in his college, he has good friends who are ride or die. He has it all, but he wants more. "Very well. If this is what you desire then I will grant it to you. All you have to do for me...is survive. I will give you one ability and with that ability, you can do whatever you want with it. That ability is called, Sex Empowerment." The Goddess said. Sex Empowerment, an ability only granted by the Lust Goddess has the ability to boost the powers of any person just by partaking in sexual activities. This ability also comes with a plethora of abilities one being Mesmerizing Presence. The protagonist accepts this power and wonder what this Goddess meant by "survive".

LowNoon · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Dreamy and Dreadful Saturday

I got ready for my date today and prepared to go pick up Nicole from Zachary's house. I grabbed my keys off my dresser and left my room. As I walked downstairs I noticed The Goddess sitting on my couch.

"Goddess?" I asked.

The Goddess looked at me and smiled. She waved. "Hope you enjoy my little gift, and be careful in the future~ Some women can get really dangerous and some guys will be ready to take you down."

I looked at my phone to check the time then decided to ask another time. I left the house and got in my car then drove off to Zachary's house. It was strange hearing what she said to me. I forgot all about her "survive" statement and seeing her again reminded me of it.

'What did I need to look out for?' I thought to myself.

I shook my head and rid that thought from my head and just focused on my date with Nicole. I made it to their house and honked the horn.

Nicole looked out the window and smiled then hurried out the house then hurried to my car. She got in then lean towards me. I lean to her and kissed her lips. She smiled then pulled back then put on her seatbelt. "Alright~ Where are we going?~"

"Well we have a few places we are going to so sit tight and enjoy the ride for now~" I smiled and gave a thumbs up to Zachary then he nodded and smiled, walking back into his house.

I drove off and gave Nicole the aux and she took it, playing music on her phone as we drove to our first destination. We began talking about all that happened. Nicole was officially mine and she was happy to be with me and not with Scott.

Nicole looked outside the window and noticed where we were then got excited. "You actually brought me here?!"

"Why wouldn't I? This is a very special date, I want this to be memorable." I smiled.

"God why did I never see the signs back then that you were the one." Nicole laughed and got out the car. I smiled and stopped my car then got out as well.

The place I took her was called Starlight Square. The new mall that opened up was called the Star Point Mall. It was bigger than the mall that was near our college and it supposedly has stores that could only be found in another part of the country of USA. Nicole has been talking nonstop about coming here, so I decided to go here first so she could spend as much time here while it was open.

We headed inside of the mall, holding hands. I let Nicole take the lead and go to whatever store she wanted since I told her I would buy everything she wanted. The first store we walked into was a lingerie shop.

"This was not what I had in mind for the first store." I said.

"Come on, are you getting embarrassed?~ You've seen me naked multiple times already..~ It's only right that you choose the best lingerie for me to wear." Nicole smiled and looked at me.

"Whoa...is that really Nicole Collins?" A woman asked.

"Oh crap! It is her from the Vexin Models, she's so beautiful!" Another woman said.

"And who is that she's with?" Another asked.

"That's Ace Hyde from the Saint Huston University's Basketball team..! Mr. Golden in the flesh!" A woman said and held her friend.

Nicole and I were like two big celebrities in the store. We both decided to interact with a few of our fans and even took some pictures with them. The women who had a boyfriend, looked at me with jealousy that I was touching their girl, but I wasn't on a mission to steal anyone at the moment. I just wanted to spend some time with Nicole.

I helped Nicole pick out different pairs of lingerie that I would love to rip off her body when we are preparing to have sex. She also picked out a few string lingerie and each pair of lingerie came with a garter belt and stockings for her. After I paid for the pairs she picked out, we left the store.

"Alright, I made sure to get a lot so we won't run out of options..~" Nicole smiled at me.

"Heh..~ Trust me when I say we won't run out of options..~" I said and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

She leaned against me and smiled. "I hope we don't..~ Oh yeah, I should inform you that my friends from the Vexin Models are coming to this mall so we can help our fashion designer with clothes for our next shoot."

"Gotcha. Let's make the most of today then. What time will you be meeting here?" I asked.

"Around 5:30 so we can have dinner with the designer and producer then go around to the different stores. Don't worry, our producer is a woman, no one's gonna steal me away from you and I'm sure you wouldn't allow it." Nicole giggled.

"Damn right I won't~" I said and chuckled softly.

Nicole smiled and held my hand. We continued down the mall and explored each store, buying things from there and planning for the next time her and I come here on a date. I made mental notes of the stores she wanted to go to when we come here together.

After walking around for a bit, we decided to go to the food court to get something to eat and sit down so Nicole could rest her feet. We got our food then sat down at a table.

"God my feet are killing me. I should've worn some more comfortable shoes huh?" Nicole smiled.

"I would've offered to message them when we got back to my place, but you got your plans at 5:30 so that'll have to wait till next time." I smiled.

"I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a few minutes late..~" Nicole said then gently pressed her foot against my crotch.

"I would agree if I had that mind set." I chuckled and ate a french fry. "Alright listen, I'll bring you to my house after we go to the movies and I'll message your feet then I'll have to drop you off here around 5:25."

"Alright sounds good~" Nicole said then began to eat.

We talked about the plans for next week and she told me about how she was going to be absent the whole week for the shoot, but she was going to be available Friday night to see my game with Zachary and Markus. She put it in her calendar and smiled at me.

After we ate, we got up and threw away our trash then left. We walked out of the mall and headed back to my car. I opened the car door for her then she got in. I got in through the driver's side then drove off. I drove to the movie theater.

"What movie are we going to see?" Nicole asked.

"The new movie with Jason in it called Ultimate World Order." I said. "I got free tickets last night for the movies to see his movie."

"Oh? I'd didn't know you and Jason were cool like that." Nicole said.

"Well, there's a lot of things that even Zachary and Markus don't know about me. But yeah, his dad and my late father were really cool with each other so we were cool." I said.

"Huh, that's pretty cool." Nicole smiled.

I continued to drive down to the cinema and in a few short minutes we made it then I parked the car then we got out. I walked over to Nicole and held her hand then we walked over to the Cinema together. We walked inside and she pointed to the concession stand. We walked over to the counter and I bought us a bucket of popcorn, candy, and drinks. As usual the snacks cost a bit more than it would at the store. Even though I have a lot of money, I felt these prices were always a tad bit ridiculous.

We walked over to the worker who asked for the tickets then I showed them my online tickets for the new movie and she scanned it then let us go into the theater. We made it and walked inside then took our seats.

"I'm actually pretty excited to see this movie..~ Apparently it's supposed to be a sequel to the other movie called Birth of Order." Nicole said and smiled.

"I'm actually excited as well, Jason said it was supposed to be the best movie he's been a part of in along time." I said.

"Hopefully it's good~ We gotta come here again sometime as well to see another movie that's coming out~" Nicole said then nudged me. "Maybe we can go on the back rows that are never used..~"

I chuckled and looked at Nicole. "Bet."

"Bet..~" Nicole smiled.

We smiled at each other then noticed the lights dimming and the movie started. The movies Birth of Order and Ultimate World Order are action movies with Jason Crest starring in both movies. They take place in the future when the World Order is created and Jason's character is the leader of a resistance that tries to break the World Order.

The movie ended and I have to say it was the best movie I've seen in a long time.

"It's so scary that the New World Order can actually happen. This movie actually gives me insight...said NO ONE EVER!" Nicole me laughed. "I loved the movie especially the fight scenes. Jason really knows his stuff."

"I hope he gets an Oscar for his performance, bro deserves it." I smiled.

"Yeah I'll be voting for him for sure. Now...let's go back to your place and spend our last three hours together..~" She said and held my arm.

I smiled at her then nodded. We walked back to my car then got in and I drove us back home.


We walked inside my house and sat on my couch then cuddled together. I put on some music and we sat there on the couch talking to each other. I messaged Nicole's feet and joked around with her, making her laugh and push my face away from her foot.

It was always wonderful when Nicole and I hung out. She was disappointed that we couldn't spend the entire night together, because she wanted to have sex again for the third night in a row. I promised her the next time we met up we could.

It was time to drop her off and we were surprised on how fast the time flew by. Nicole put her shoes back on and we left my house to get in my car then drove off. I drove back to the mall and dropped her off. I decided to explore the plaza so I could get used to the area.

As I walked down the plaza, I noticed a familiar face. As I walked closer, I noticed it was my friend from Cultural Studies Class. Her name was Desdemona Black. She was in the same year as me, Zachary, Markus, and Nicole. For some reason, no one but me ever talks to her. She's 19 years old as well...and that's literally all I know about her other than she lives with her sister and her sister's close friend and she loves mainly alternative rock and heavy metal music.

I decided to walk up to her and sit down beside her. She sat with one foot on the bench and the other on the ground. She was drawing and listening to music with her headphones at full blast. I could hear the song she was listening to It's Not Over by Daughtry. I tapped her shoulder and she looked at me with her cold and emotionless greenish, grayish eyes...or eye since her bangs covered her other eye. She turned down her music then pulled off her headphones.

"Hey...Ace." She said and looked back at her sketchbook then lowered her leg.

I looked at her and looked down at her sketchbook. "What are you drawing?"

"...You wanna see?" She asked and looked at me.

"Sure, I guess.." I said and scooted a bit closer to look at what she drew. It looked like a person in full black armor with a sword and horns on the shoulder guards of the armor.

"This is another one of my ocs." She said then looked back at her paper.

"Ahhh...huh." I nodded.

"His name is Draven Dark aka Black Destruction. He's a half demon half human hybrid who's mother is a demon and his father is the human. He has really dark powers and his backstory is like super tragic. His mom was shot 50 times in her head and torso then the same exorcists drowned his father. He soon becomes an avenger and everyone loves him because he's so strong and...and helpful and he's really hot and nice and brave. And then..."

I listened to Desdemona ramble about her character for five minutes. "That's...that's really nice."

She closed her sketchbook then stood up. "While you're here, can you come with me somewhere?"

"Where?" I asked then stood up.

"Hot Topic then maybe Blood Rose Boutique and finally I'll stop by Secret Oktober." She said.

I wasn't a massive fan of these three locations so the thought of going there kinda weirded me, but Desdemona is my friend. I decided to swallow my pride. "Yeah, I guess I'll go with you."

Desdemona smiled and walked ahead. "First let's go to Hot Topic."