
Ultimate Cypher (Marvel)

I always dreamed of battle and adventure for my life to be full of magic, science, and the mysteries of the universe. Finally, I get the chance to achieve this in the body of one of the most underrated and thought to be useless Superhero. Follow me as I take Marvel by storm and become a Supreme being using magic, science, and a whole lot of Marvel bullshit. . . I Will become Ultimate Cypher. Marvel SI as one of the least powerful Superheroes. #wish fulfillment #Marvel #Spider #Magic #Bullshit Science Check out my Pat-reon on Pat-reon.com/AnubisCreationz If you want to read ahead +10 chapters. P. S:- Updates rate is twice a week or more on Saturdays and Sundays. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe all rights reserved to creators and writers, except for my original ideas.

Anubis_Creationz · Anime & Comics
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The Mirror Dimension

A year has passed since I have arrived here in Kamar-taj. Things had progressed nicely.

I was able to not only surpass my peers, but also grow in my knowledge by leaps and bounds, quickly leaping in the ranks of sorcerers to the point of Master.

My Energy constructs got way better. As have my combat abilities. There is nothing like being wailed on for a year straight to get you in tip top shape.

My abs have abs now. I can even be mistaken for a professional athlete. It turns out Chi makes you buff. Who knew ? I was considered fit before, but now I can say I am in peak physical condition.

My Chi training has come along nicely as well I can now hold my Chi in any body part I want and boost it.

I am still working on learning how to heal using Chi, but my reserves are still a hurdle.

I mean they have definitely grown, but not as much as I would like them.

When I focus my Chi on a specific body part it doesn't glow bright yellow like I thought it would it merely shimmers a bit. Also the color is light orange and not yellow.

I also finally learned how to access the mirror dimension and let me tell you it's broken as hell.

(Flash back)

2 months ago

I was training with the Ancient One, but then our spar was getting a little destructive, she suddenly stops and says"I think it's time you learned how to enter the Mirror dimension. "

With an excited look on my face I run up to her and say" I have been waiting for this " she chuckles a bit at the twinkle in my eyes that come out every time the mirror dimension is mentioned.

The Ancient One" You really are excited about it. Tell me why do you want to learn it so bad? "

Doug" Why wouldn't I it's the perfect place to secertly train and nobody but a few can truly access it. "

The Ancient One" Is that the Only reason ? " she says with a teasing tone.

I nod my head like a chicken while trying to hide my true reasons I think she wouldn't like what I plan to do with it.

The Ancient One " Alright, listen carefully before you learn how to access the mirror dimension there are a few things that you have to know."

She starts explaining and says "The mirror dimension allows an advanced sorcerer to train more advanced and dangerous spells without adversely affecting the real world, keep an eye on threats without being noticed, and a prison for those without a sling ring.

The final usage is paramount that a prisoner is locked without a sling ring as it is the only means to escape.

However, the realm can be accessible without the use of the Sling Ring, though a sling ring is ultimately required to leave it.

The mirror dimension can be used in combat by a sorcerer with the knowledge and skill needed to perform it liberally by manifesting a gateway to it to absorb attacks and then sending the manifestation at the enemy to trap them at the mirror dimension, but these mirror dimension gateways can be destroyed when enough power is directed at them.

So although you can make portals without sling rings if you go in without one on you will be trapped in there forever. " she finishes in a grave tone.

I gulp nervously at the warning. We then spend the rest of the day with The Ancient One teaching me how to access the mirror dimension.

By the end of the lesson I have got the basics down. She then informs me that from now on we will have our spars inside the mirror dimension and we can be as destructive as we can .

I don't know why, but that sentence made me really nervous for some reason.

(End Flashback)

My telekinesis got way better too. I can now boost my jumps or fall really slowly or even make psychic shields or blasts.

Flying using telekinesis turned out to be mentally exhausting. I can levitate just fine, but true flight still eludes me. I discovered a nifty trick though to increase my body's defense.By imagining I am surrounded by a psychic cocoon on the surface of my skin.

I also tried some tricks I saw in various movies or media. I tried telekinetic boxing like I saw in the movie Push.

I still had no progress on opening the red door, which I suspect contain Doug's original memories, but I have made progress and atleast managed to find a way to conceal my surface thoughts.

I worked tirelessly on building mental defenses, the only issue was I wouldn't have a chance to test their potency until someone tried to forcefully read my mind.

I first managed to turn my previously disorganized memories from it's previous shape of a cluttered house into the mental equivalent of a computer.

Which had memories on it stored as files. They were all coded with different levels of encryption. I also designed a psychic program which acts as a sort of antivirus.

It alerts me if someone is trying to read my mind and if someone tries to delve in too deeply in my mind.

I made it so that It projects a mental image of a monkey smoking a cigarette or funny cat videos . My version of spam or adverts really.

If someone tries to go too deep or get aggressive and try read my mind while I am knocked out or something. They'll find more than they bargained for.

I made three levels of mental defenses with different designations the first level is a code yellow.

In which my mind starts projecting an uncomfortable high pitched sound which increasingly unnerves the intruder and horror movie characters such as Freddy Kruger from Elm Street, Jason, predator and the clown from IT start popping up.

Pretty light weight stuff really . More of a slap on the wrist.

The second level of defense which is a code red is total sensory deprivation. Sight, smell, sound, taste and touch are taken away. Which is way more scary and cruel than you might think.

As extended or forced sensory deprivation can result in extreme anxiety, hallucinations or even madness .

Basically It can either drive you crazy if exposed to it for long periods of time or make you hallucinate and show you your greatest fears.

I have designed it in a way that if you are already this deep it's hard to get out or go back to your mind and moments in real life will feel like days to the intruder if the second level activates.

And If by any chance you manage to get out Sentries, monstrous abominations and beasts will try to attack you and shatter your mind.

The third and final line of defense code Black

is more of a self destruct sequence. A last resort kind of deal.

Memories which are deemed too important to reveal like those relevant to my orgins or the future. Are immediately encrypted, fragmented and then scattered to all corners of my mind.

The only way to regain those memories is by using a codex. Which has the location of the scattered fragments inside my mind and the sequence and decryption method.

I created this codex and then hid it in a secret location inside the mirror dimension. It's the most complex and advanced encryption I could come up with and coming from someone like me who solves military grade cyphers and encryptions for fun. It means a lot.

After I created the codex I erased my mind of its contents and only kept the memory of its location hidden in another insignificant memory inside my mind.

I left myself basic mental instructions that will activate a few days later. After an intruder reaches level 3 and my meta knowledge and true origins are forgotten due to the protocol I made.

This way I can regain my knowledge back and make sure the chances of it being discovered is minimal.

Doing all this took a lot of time. It required many months of designing, numerous books on the Mind Arts and a lot of help from the Ancient One.

I didn't give her access to my mind. I just asked for advice on certain spells and mental mechanisms and psychic constructs that were too complex for me to design by myself.

I supplemented with the use of magic in a lot of the defenses as my telepathy wasn't as advanced as some of the more powerful telepaths.

My defenses should at least be able to protect me from someone of atleast Xavier's caliber . I don't know about the more powerful beings though.

It's hard to design countermeasures against Gods or entities that have a domain or control certain aspects of the universe.

Doing all this took alot of time. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the Ancient One's help, the amounts of books I read on the Mind Arts and finally the way my mind actually works.

Along the way I discovered that my mind operates differently I found out I can input code or commands and it would get translated to whatever I needed to be.

It turns out due to my mutation my mind is more powerful than your average mutant or sorcerer others with the same resources wouldn't have necessarily been able to achieve what I did.

It was finally time that I chose a relic as my own.

There is no specific way to choose a relic I've been told, often time the magic of the relic will reach out to you as you look at it. An example of this can be seen when Dr. Strange didn't sense the Cloak of levitation until it was on him.

Currently I was walking through the Room of Ancient Relic 's in Kamar Taj, we had already gone through the three Sanctums and nothing really clicked .

There was the Axe of Angarruumus, which literally hummed with power. The Ancient One, who was actually helping me by guiding me through the Sanctums, claimed that the Axe was completely indestructible and was capable of killing all forms of mythical creatures.

It also had the ability to return to the wielders hand when thrown or dropped. Next was the Dragonfang Sword.

Supposedly it was carved from the tusk of an extradimensional dragon by a powerful wizard named Kahji-Da, before being passed into the care of the Ancient One for safekeeping. It was completely indestructible, could absorb magic, and could shatter any barrier, magical or otherwise.

Next was the Wand of Watoomb. The same weapon Wong chooses at the end of Dr. Strange. It has the power to absorb magic and redirect it much more powerful than it was originally.

There were also a few others like the Golden Mace of Hercules, The Amulet of Abbadon, The Wand of Xyggondo.

"Master…" I ask uncertainly. "Are you sure it's here ? Nothing that has called to me yet ."

"Stop thinking about it too much. Focus. Feel their magic intertwining with yours and find your relic."

She had said this already, several times and I was getting a tad bit frustrated with her. That didn't stop me from doing what she said though.

Closing my eyes, I try to focus on the various relics around the room. Sighing in frustration after about a minute, I look back at the Ancient One.

"I can feel it. It's close, but I can't find out what!" I groan in frustration.

She just smiles.

Sometimes she can be rather annoying.

Walking around the room one more time, I sigh again, but suddenly I feel something calling to me it's almost magnetic in the way it feels as I gravitate towards it and come closer and closer.

I reach out a hand and grab it and it feels right like it has always belonged to me and it has finally returned.

The Ancient One smiles.

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.