
Ultimate Cypher (Marvel)

I always dreamed of battle and adventure for my life to be full of magic, science, and the mysteries of the universe. Finally, I get the chance to achieve this in the body of one of the most underrated and thought to be useless Superhero. Follow me as I take Marvel by storm and become a Supreme being using magic, science, and a whole lot of Marvel bullshit. . . I Will become Ultimate Cypher. Marvel SI as one of the least powerful Superheroes. #wish fulfillment #Marvel #Spider #Magic #Bullshit Science Check out my Pat-reon on Pat-reon.com/AnubisCreationz If you want to read ahead +10 chapters. P. S:- Updates rate is twice a week or more on Saturdays and Sundays. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe all rights reserved to creators and writers, except for my original ideas.

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Earth... a place filled with super-powered individuals. A planet that has been home to the Kree-created Inhumans, mutants, and enhanced individuals like Captain America, the Hulk, Spider-Man and Daredevil.

And, as I peered with my genetic sight.

My brain which was akin to a super computer, could hardly keep up with the complexity of what I was seeing.

The Celestials, a race of humanoid aliens that came into being around the same time as the origin of the universe itself.

The events of Guardians of the galaxy, were centered around Peter Quill's discovery of his Celestial heritage and the consequences of having a primordial entity who happened to be a megalomaniac set on ruling the universe as a biological father.

Nothing new really, it was the classic Darth Vader senario, the hero discovers his father is ultimate evil followed by his attempts at trying to stop him.

Over the millenia Ego planted seedlings of his own design on planets all throughout the universe, intending them to eventually terraform their worlds into new extensions of himself in an event he called the 'Expansion'.

However one Celestial was not enough to activate his seedlings.

Consequently, Ego began a new campaign, siring children with thousands of female humanoid aliens.

He fathered numerous children in the hopes of creating another Celestial.

He then hired Yondu Udonta to track and deliver these children to him once born, though none of them proved to have inherited Celestial DNA at which point Ego killed them, hiding their remains beneath the surface of his planet.

With Peter being the only successful attempt, it goes to show how flexible human DNA is, and how prone to changes and mutations it can truly be.

In the comics, the Celestials were deeply involved in humanity's early development, and were responsible for the creation of the Eternals, and Mutant X-gene.

I had no idea, if that was the case in this universe. But, I did find some records speaking of their existence in Kamar-taj as well as Belasco's collection.

A race that had the ability to manipulate matter and energy on a molecular scale.

Well, if that wasn't overpowered, I didn't know what was.

The fact that Peter managed to beat him, with the powers of 'feelings' and granted a nuclear bomb, was... kind of ridiculous.

Couldn't Ego have just transmuted the bomb into something else? Turned the atmosphere toxic, and immediately disable them?

Nonetheless, after a few hours of studying the Ego seed, it was clear, the seed could only be activated by the power of a Celestial, or at least of something equal power.

I already proved, I could influence DNA to some degree, Castiel and his sibilings being a prime example of my attempts.

I didn't plan on creating a celestial race, but with the tools I had on hand. It wouldn't hurt to perform some experiments.

I had samples of Frigga's, Loki's, Thor's, and even Dark Elf DNA on hand. All belonging to powerful and long lived races.

I don't reckon Ego had the opportunity to try and have children with an Asgardian, Odin certainly wouldn't have allowed it.

Dark Elves on the other hand were thought to be long gone.

I would have to to try different combinations though, and see which could successfully bond with Celestial DNA. If any for that matter.

Channeling two infinity stones, albeit using a conduit was more than I could ask of my mortal body.

The physical constitution of the Celestials were so immeasurably strong that they could wield the Infinity Stones.

I wasn't satisfied with my current limits. So, it was time to break them.


When I reach the Airport as I came here legally, there was a Limo waiting for me.

I silently entered the limo and let the driver take me to my destination.

Soon, I reached the office of Dr. Helen Cho and the door opened from the outside. I walked out of the car and started following the lab assistant Dr. Cho sent to bring me to her.

I knocked on Dr. Cho's door and she let me in. I bowed to her in greeting. She bowed back and invited me to sit.

"Please sit down, Mr. Ramsey. What can I do for you?" Dr Cho asked, once I was seated.

I smiled at her and took the offered coffee. "Call me Doug, please. I actually had an offer for you... It involves the cradle." I said, after a beat of silence.

Dr Cho raised an eyebrow and asked, "The healing cradle? What do you need it for?"

Instead of answering I slid my tablet to her. "I wanted you to build me a new body, using materials I'll provide you with." I said.

Dr Cho looked at the designs and the different blueprints that I had made and looked at me.

" I'm sorry, but the Regeneration Cradle prints tissue; it can't build a living body."

I smiled at her and shook my head. " Well, I'll have to disagree with you Dr. Cho. You simply lacked the materials. " I said.

I then took out something from my breast pocket and showed it to her.

Dr Cho widened her eyes in shock," Is that what I think it is? How did you get this? "

Everyone knew about Vibranium. Cap's shield was famous for it. But no one knows that there's even more Vibranium in the world, thinking it was all used up.

I merely raised an eyebrow, and said," I like to think of myself as resourceful man, Dr. Cho. This is nothing. "

She slowly reached her hand out, and said.

" Can I touch it?"

"Sure you can. In fact, it could be yours, if you want." I said.

She shot me a look, " Do you realise how rare this is? I thought all of it was used up when they made Captain America's shield."

" Although, Vibranium is rare, it isn't impossible for me to accquire. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I can guarantee you'll get to work with much rarer resources, should you accept my proposition. " I said.

She shook her head and asked" Rarer than Vibranium? I find that hard to believe. What materials are you going to use for the body? And how will you power it?"

" Among other things. Asgardian DNA." I said, failing to mention a few of the other components I planned to build this body from.

Cho dropped the tablet in shock, thankfully it landed only on the table.

" Asgardian!" She yelled.

" Yes. I managed to accquire a sample of their DNA, back at the battle of New York. So, are you in or are you out?" I said.

(Salem, New York)

We arrived at our destination, but Jean seemed nervous. She was fidgeting, and her eyebrows were scrunched up.

< Come on, you don't have to be so nervous. They're not going to bite.> I said, using my telepathy.

< What if they don't like me?> She asked.

< They' ll be crazy not to. You're... >

Our telepathic conversation, was interrupted. When the front door suddenly opened.

Jean and I appeared hand in hand from behind the door as the maid closed it quietly behind us as we came into view of my parents.

"Doug!! You're here!" My mom said.

"Hey Mom!" I greeted, as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Look at you!! When did you become so tall?" My Dad said, jokingly comparing my height from what he used to remember when he last saw me.

"Now, now, you lot. Stop standing in the hall and get inside." My mom said.

"Hi, Mrs. Ramsey I..." Jean started.

" Oh, and you must be Jean. You're so gorgeous." She greeted her, simply ignoring her hand and hugging her.

As we walked into the living room, nostalgia filled my senses.

It had barely changed at all. The house was not grand by any means, it was much more humble and smaller than any of the accommodations I offered my parents.

They decided to move back to Salem, a few years back after making sure I was alright.

The scent of burning kindling combined with spices of homely cooking from the kitchen in the next room filled me with warmth almost immediately.

Jean must have sensed my mood improving or something, because I could feel her relax almost immediately.

I stared at her, the way she was dressed she wore a simple one piece dress and some heels.

She was stunning of course I had insisted on her wearing something casual, since this was more of a family dinner.

Once the 'welcome home's were over, we finally settled down by the couch.

My mom took Jean to the side, asking her about this and that, While I chatted with my dad.

" I'm going back to London in a few weeks, after wrapping up the mess back in New York." I sighed.

" You shouldn't push yourself too much, always remember to take a break." He said.

" I know. I know."

" How are you and mom doing anyways? I heard she planned on opening up her own clinic. " I said.

"Honestly, I've been trying to talk her out of it, but you know your mother. Once she is set on something, it's hard to change her mind." He said.

" I don't get it. Isn't that a good thing, why would you...?" I asked in confusion.

" Your mom is pregnant. " He blurted out.

" What?! "

" Keep your voice down. She didn't want me to tell you yet. " He said, trying to shush me.

" What? Why? " I asked, in confusion.

" She wanted to make it a surprise, but honestly I think she wanted to make sure the pregnancy was further along, before she said anything. We're not exactly as young as we used to. " He said.

I was silent for a bit, then said, " I understand. But, I would appreciate it, if you let me know these things early on. Not to brag, but I have the greatest minds of the 21st century working for me. With the stuff I have back at the lab. She won't have to worry about a miscarriage, or any sort of complications. "

He sighed," You're right. Then there's that other 'issue'."

The issue my father was talking about, was as you would have guessed. Meta-humans.

I ended up telling them about my powers a few years back. I didn't see the use in hiding it anymore, since constantly lying to them would ruin our relationship sooner rather than later.

They weren't thrilled about it, especially the lying part. But they eventually came around, and declared that they still loved me.

Of course I didn't tell them 'everything', but just enough to give them some piece of mind.

We had dinner that night, and as we were getting ready to leave, and started saying our goodbyes, my mom hugged me, and whispered something into my ear.

" If you don't marry that girl, I'm going to disown you and adopt her instead. Capeesh?" She said.

' Uh... When did my mother turn into an Italian Mobster?' I couldn't help but think.

She was staring at me, waiting for my response, so deciding not to antagonize a pregnant woman I merely nodded in agreement.

I then opened a portal back to New York, and Jean and I were back home, before we knew it.

I turned to Jean, and asked, " What did you guys talk about?"

" A bunch of stuff. Why is something wrong?" She asked.

" No. Nothing is wrong. But, I think my mom likes you more than me." I said, with a strange tone.

" Oh, that. She already told me." She said.

(Chapter End)


For 11+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

" And 3+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

Check out my pat-reon/AnubisCreationz