
Making commotion into auction house

Fatty takes yan chan into a room and tell him to sit here as he has some business and he has to first complete this task. Yan chan sits there with xiobei . After sometime a middle age man comes with fatty . Fatty tell :" bro it's my uncle, he is in charge of this auction today. "

Yan chan also greets him.

That man pleased witb yan chan's attitude and tell :" welcome ,i am zhou zhang from zhang family , i hope you will enjoy here. "

Yan chan :" thank you uncle "

Zhou zhang :" i heard you have come to pick something from this auction."

Yan chan :" yes "

Zhou zhang :" ok, but be careful as this time some big folks comes here in the auction so here you have to pay some extra charge. "

Yan chan :" i understand. "

Now zhou zhang goodbyes them and tell :" now i must go to start for the auction and as for rules our little boy tell you."

Yan chan looks at fatty and nooded.

Now only fatty and yan chan sits in the room and a waiter comes and provide them tea to drink.

Fatty :" bro this time some amaxing itrm comes here to auction. You must carefully listen before biding on them."

Yan chan :" how much i can expand on this auction ?"

Fatty:" it's not limited, whoever bids highest he will get that thing and fir that you have to be reach as this auction will be on the base of spirit stone."

Yan chan nooded.

When both of them talking , they hear someone shouting :" silent everyone. "

Yan chan sees it's zhou zhang. He stands on a perfectly decorate stage. In front of him there is a table and before him many sitting arrangements has done and there are also some rooms like they are sitting on one. Fatty remind him it's vip room for special guest. Yan chan doesn't talk much and looks at zhou zhang. He then tells :" i welcome everyone to our zhang family auction house. Well lets start the auction and the first item is spirit marrow pill . As everyone knows this pill can help you to recover from one's broken physical condition and it's a high grade pill. Now start the auction."

Yan chan sees a beautiful woman comes and place a fully decorate and yellow colour pill on the table of the stage. Now zhou zhang start the auction and ask :" ladies and gentlemen please start your bet . Starting from 40 spirit stones ."

Then someone bet 45. Another one shout 50 and these go on and the bet end of 300 spirit stones. Fatty tell:" it's shadow sect they had bought this. "

Next item comes a long sword . Zhou zhang announce :" it's an unknown high grade amber which is used for making top tier weapon and a top master can fuse it with his soul snd make it a great weapon."

Again bid start and this time it's starting from 500 spirit stones . Yan chan sees from every corner of the buildings everyone try to bet on this and it's price now comes up to 2000 spirit stones. It's a huge amount and the betting still going on.

Now it's comes upto 4500 spirit stones. Suddenly a man stand up and shout you dare to challenge our young prince xin xiao.

Yan chan hear the name. He heard that name in sect's entry test but never show him in tournament . He looks at that side and sees xin xiao.

That time from another side yell :" you dare to go against our ye family. You must know the consequences for that."

Hearing the name of ye family yan chan now glare at that side . This is family that ruined his life in this world he must take revenge. Fatty also looks at yan chan and he tells :" bro is something happen ? "

Yan chan :" nothing but can i make bet with for it? "

Fatty :" sure but they are big boss you must be carefull against them."

Yan chan nooded and hear the ye family bet 5000 spirit stones and from xin xiao's there is no bet.

So this time yan chan vomes front and yell :" i bet 6000 spirit stones."

Everyone look at the box where yan chan yell and thinking some hidden boss is there and comes for the auction.

But from ye family side an old man this time stand up and bet 6500 , yan chan also bet 7000 spirit stones. This continues from some time and yan chan lastly yell :" i bet 15000 spirit stones."

After hearing the bet everyone look at the box. This time the old man look at box and tell :" i think the honourable guest interest in this but we from ye family also interest in this if this guest can give us some face then it will be better for both of us."

Everyone fell the hidden threat from this tone. Yan chan not showing any mercy tell:" if you don't have money then you don't need to come in auction here money is matter . "

Everyone now shock this is clear slap on ye family this time fatty also hold yan chan's hand but yan chan ignor it he is not short of any money.

The old man's face become gloomy and tell :" since this is the case then you better know well and i now leave from the betting. "

Zhou zhang this time shout again if anyone bet but no one bet again.

So zhou zhang shout :" this item now belong to this guest please pay and take your item after auction. "

He then goes to next item and there are some pills, weapon, some cultivation fruit . Yan chan doesn't bet on them but whenever ye family bet yan chan also bet on that item to increase it's price.

Fatty:" bro do you have any gravience with them."

Yan chan look at him and just laughed.

This time zhou zhang shout :" this time it's an orange fruit it can increase cultivation power and bet starts with 300 spirit stones.

Seeing this fruit this time xiobei jump from yan chan's lap and telling yan chan ti take it for him.

Yan chan look at xiobei and laughs.

He then proceed to bet but hear the ye family again bet 1000 spirit stones.

Yan chan think it's going to be interesting. He now directly bet 2000 spirit stones. The old man from ye family tell :" looks like this guest has some fued against us. "

Yan chan doesn't tell anything.

Getting no answer from yan chan the old man now become furious .

Zhou zhang now declare the end of this bet.

Yan chan now also gets this fruit.

Now he makes another announce :" it's a xelet palet by which one xan break through spirit realm and the bet start from 2000 spirit stones as everyone knows how rare this item ."

When everyone hear this many of them starts to bet but as the betting going forward less are betting on it.

At a time betting comes to 40000 spirit stones and it's from the ye family again. Yan chan understand ye family's main motive is to get this item so they go forward this time all out. He laughs and decide to join there for fun as he actually doesn't need this item.