
Chapter 168: I Miss You

Zhao Chi took several deep breaths, trying to calm his restless emotions, and then determinedly refrained from looking at the scene inside the room as he silently slipped out.

No sooner had Zhao Chi stepped out of the room than he restored the door to its previously ajar state. Then, suddenly, he knocked forcefully on the door and shouted loudly, "Manager Yao! Are you in there? Manager Yao?"

This burst of frantic knocking and shouting abruptly roused Yao Yu and Song Lisha from the bedroom. They hurriedly picked up their clothes from the side and put them on.

Yao Yu, her pretty face blushing, asked, "Who... who is it?"

Song Lisha, while pulling on her clothes, was fuming with frustration, wishing she could give the person outside a good thrashing! Just when they were about to make tofu, so to speak, her sexual desire was also peaking, and who knew when she might have reached the peak. But she never expected to be interrupted at that moment! It almost made Song Lisha livid.