
Ultimate Cliché System

What would happen if you want to return back home, but each time you encounter something cliché, your time in another world will be extended by a day? Watch as our MC struggled through every cliché ordeals in order to survive and return to Earth safely..... or will he? ---------------------------- English is not my first language so please bear with my grammar. Also, I plan to write this at my own pace so the update might be slow (I have too many novels to read and games to play!) DISCLAIMER: The cover does not belong to me, all credit go to its creator.

Solterage · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Will of the Weak

Waking up early in the morning, he did his usual morning routine, washing his face, brushing his teeth, taking a quick bath, and greeting Big Sis.

Right after receiving his breakfast from the maid at the door, he was now eating it in a good mood as today's meal was quite delicious compare to monster meat he had once before.

After eating his fill, he pulled out his Loadout and glanced at it to determine which skill he should discard.

He already discarded Epilogue which emptied his slot by one so he currently has 3 empties slots. He needs to delete another skill to free another slot before he could use the skill Draw, or else one one-time-uses skill will be randomly erased from his Loadout.

After contemplating it for a while, he decided to abandon Bonus Wage as it provides no benefit for him who was planning to live a peaceful life, waiting for the time limit to end and return. To use it to its fullest potential, he has to accept a harder and riskier job or request which contradicts his goal.

Wasting no more time after making sure that he now has 4 empty slots left, he immediately activated Draw.


[4 random cards have been randomized.]


Will of the Weak (Lvl.1) (Passive)

Description: Getting tired of being called 'Weak' and have no hope of fighting for your own right against someone stronger than you? 'The strong rule the weak' is the absolute law of the jungle since time immemorial but not anymore! With this skill, you can announce to the whole world that from now on, 'The weak shall rule the strong!'

Affect: If your levels are lower than your enemy by every 5 levels, all of your stats will be increased by 5% each time (stackable). For example, if your levels are lower than your enemy(s) by 50 levels, all of your stats will be increase by a total of 50%

Duration: 30 minutes

Cooldowns: 24 hours.


Teleport Mastery (Lvl.1) (Passive)

Description: What's the shortcoming of most teleportation skills or abilities? That's right! The long and eternal casting time! However, with this skill, you can shorten the casting time by a large amount!

Affect: Lower the casting time of any type of teleportation by 20%

Duration: 12 hours

Cooldowns: 24 hours


Quick Draw – Sword (Lvl.1) (Active)

Description: Want to look cool by beheading your enemy with one slash after unsheathing your sword? Then this skill is your best friend!

Affect: After unsheathing your sword, your next attack will be guaranteed a Critical Hit with an addition of 100% Critical Damage. Affect lasts until the duration ends or once you fail to land an attack.

Note: You have to sheath your sword to be able to activate this skill.

Duration: 1 second

Cooldowns: 10 minutes


Epilogue (Lvl.1) (Active)

Description: What kind of ending do you wish for?

Affect: When using this skill, your next attack deal True damage to the target depending on their trust. The more trust they have in you, the more damage you will be able to inflict onto them. If they have complete trust in you, they will face 'Execution'. If the target with at least 50% trust dies from Epilogue, you will permanently gain all of their Stats. Bonus stats gained available up to 1 person (Increases by 1 per skill level).

Note: The target that's marked with 'Execution' will get erased from existence, both body and soul.

Note: If the target has 0 trusts in you, this skill will fail and deal 0 damage.

Cooldowns: 10 months.


Cane's face twitched after reading all of the skills he randomized.

"Why do I get Epilogue again? Does the world want me to walk the path of a backstabber villain than much?" he complained but has no hesitation to immediately toss this skill away into the trash bin.

He has no idea how many skills there are in the entire world but the chance of getting the same skill twice in a row should be much lower than 0.01%

How lucky was he to achieve such a feat?

Even Big Sis was surprised, [Wow, with such luck, you truly deserve the Ultimate Cliché System as your cheat!]

"Yeah, yeah, I'm really happy," he said with a sarcastic tone.

He decided to pay it no mind anymore as he has already deleted it. His eyes were refocused on the other 3 skills.

Teleport Mastery and Quick Draw were quite useless for him.

There's nothing to be said about Teleport Mastery because he has no skill related to Teleportation.

Even if he does have one, it should be an instantaneous type to be useful in combat so this skill is of no use at all. After all, what's there to increase when the teleportation is already instantaneous?

More importantly, using this skill means that he has to waste two Loadout slot for it! One for the Teleportation skill and one for this Teleportation Mystery, it's simply not worth it!

With such a limited slot to store his skills, it's a lot better to use it to store other skills.

As for Quick Draw, he's a bit tempted at first but in the end, it's still useless.

First of all, he has already decided to use Chakram and Aria already promised to make one for him. Second of all, it might be useful for a one on one situation, but what would happen if he's surrounded by multiple enemies? Surely, one slash was not enough to eliminate them all, immediately putting him in a tight spot. And third and most important of all, he has Advanced Chakram Mastery which helps cover him better in any kind of situation because it directly increases his proficiency in wielding the weapon.

Now for the last skill, Will of the Weak.

He suppressed the urge to shout 'Oh my god!' out loud.

This skill is too overpowered! He would be an idiot if he doesn't use this as one of his main skills!

For the current him who's as weak as a normal adult in this world, he couldn't ask for a more perfect skill to abuse.

It also aligned with his goal, spending less time in this world as much as possible!

He would be leaving this world soon after all, so there's no way his level would increase enough to become one of the stronger individuals walking this land.

Another useful thing about this skill was that he could use it to estimate the levels of the enemies by reading the increased stats provided by the skill!

Previously, he has tried to cast Basic Appraisal on Irin and Aria, but he only saw their names. He also saw Irin's class but not Aria's. The reason was that Irin already told him about her class.

Trying to verify this, he experimented it on those fishermen and all he saw was '???'. To further test it, he asked Aria to tell him a fake class, and voila, her class was then registered as a Farmer which is obviously false!

Right, if people can freely use this skill to see through other people's true class or their disguise then instead of gaining a lot of believers, Vionis would probably get a ton of protesters instead.

No one wanted their private information to be laid bare to the public's eyes. This held true whether it's this world or the modern world.

After pondering for a bit, he has decided on what should be on the permanent-use card slots.

The three of them are Mana Bolt (Lvl2), Will of the Weak (Lvl1), and Quick Draw – Sword (Lvl1).

Of course, he did say that Quick Draw was useless, but right now he's still using a sword as his main weapon, so there was no harm in using it for now until he gets Chakrams from Aria.

As for Fishing Mastery, he will swap it with one of the permanent skills later when he goes fishing.

Although, there's one thing that pains him as he glared at his Loadout.

With a sigh, he grumbled, "Having only 3 permanent slots is a pain, please give me more slots soon…"

He could only complain as there's nothing he can do about it.

Cane assumed that he has to advance his Deck Master class first before getting Loadout II. How long would that take him? Maybe not in this lifetime because he didn't plan to grind his levels.

Closing the Loadout, he stretched his arms and simply waited.

Today, he promised Irin that he would be there when she tests his theory on her skill.

After he waited for a bit, he changed his mind and stood up.

He still has some time left so instead of lazing around, he went to the training area to train his Mana Bolt in hope that its level would increase to three.