
New Life

'I finally got my two weeks paid vacation' Cain said to himself. He was thirty-five years old this year, he's been working for one whole year now and finally got some time off for himself. The company where he's working is a multi-billion dollar company where he just got promoted. They gave really good benefits but they kill you with the hours, sometimes he wouldn't even get the weekends off.

Cain was an orphan in the slums and discovered at a young age the brutality of the world. He was born with that mentality that hard work will take you anywhere. Being stepped on and also stepping on other people, he struggle all his life, and finally got where he was.

In a sky high apartment building in New York city you could see a guy sitting next to a luggage and a lot of expensive clothes on the bed. In front of that man there was somebody else. The other persons was next to the door, he was completely bald and had a dark suit on, he was holding a gun pointing to the guy in the bed. They guy on the bed was Cain of course, he just look up straight with no emotion and no trace of fear could be seen in his eyes.

"Well can I at least know the name of the person that wants me dead?" asked Cain. The other person look at him and sigh. "Well I don't even know who ordered the hit on you, my organization just sent me the information about you" said the guy in the black suit. "And as for me, they call me Agent."

"Guess this is related to the letter I received after getting a promotion." Cain said while remembering the letter he got. The letter stated that he should leave the company lest anything bad happens. Cain didn't paid attention to the letter, thinking that it wouldn't escalate to the point where he found himself right now, and even if he knew that, he wouldn't leave the company, he would just prepare better to face this challenge.

Cain always took everything serious, even little threats since he in the slums. Apparently after getting the promotion he let himself go and wasn't as vigilant as before. He was thinking of his days back in the slums when suddenly he felt pain on his chest, looking down he saw a hole on his chest that wasn't there before.

Cain saw the agent put the gun with the silencer away and walk out of his apartment. "Hahahahha" Cain was laughing while tear streaks run down his face. 'Damn I shouldn't let my vigilance down, people are just like that. If they see you as a guy that they can get step on they won't just step on you, but even make sure you can't get back up.' He said to himself, 'If I get another chance at life, I would make sure people will tremble when they hear my name, make sure nobody steps on me without suffering some severe consequences.'

While thinking of that, all signs of life were gone on his body. After a long time Cain gained consciousness. Being aware of his surroundings Cain tried to look around himself to see where he was. He couldn't see anything, everything around him was just pitch dark, he just felt like he was floating in a lukewarm liquid. Feeling extremely weak and thinking that he survived the attack and was recuperating in a hospital he let his mind rest and slept.

And indefinite amount of time passed and Cain woke up, he felt like the walls surrounding him where contracting and all liquid was draining through a gap. Cain felt confused at what was going on around him when suddenly he felt a strong push, pushing him into the gap. He didn't know what was going but he felt four other things around him as well being pushed. Not having enough strength to fight against the strong force he let himself go.

Feeling the cold air around him, Cain was shuddering when suddenly he felt a something licking him. It wasn't comfortable because he felt that the tongue was bigger than himself. Not having strength to open his eyes or run he just froze in place. 'What the heck is going on!' Cain was yelling to himself. He just felt the tongue licking him over and over again removing all the fluids around him.

After a few second of being licked and waiting he felt himself being pushed around. He ended up being huddled up with what he presumed was the other four things that where with him when he was being pushed out of the liquid. He felt that the air around him was not that cold anymore and he felt his body was on something fluffy.

Thinking on what to do next he started feeling drowsy. Feeling how powerless he was he decided to wait and see what happens and what to do next. Being nudged he woke up, not knowing what was going on he followed the way he was being nudged. Cain felt something weird, he didn't know what to do until he felt a hunger pang in his stomach. Seeing that this was probably the way he was going to eat for the time being, opening his mouth and biting and sucking on the weird thing he felt milk coming out.

Not expecting milk to come out and to taste kind of bad he stopped sucking and started thinking for a while. Then that was when it hit him, he might not be alive, as such being the Cain he was but instead he was a newborn. He felt that his body was not in the shape of a human being but something like a dog or cat. Being surprised about his discovering he knew that he had to keep on drinking milk in order to survive for now.

During the time he was drinking milk he felt something click on his mind and suddenly he saw a type of screen. Not actually seeing it with his eyes but more as with his mind, (imagining it), he stopped drinking in surprise once again. After a moment of being stunned about the screen he started studying.

Name: Cain

Blood line: Canis lupus occidentalis (Northwestern wolf)

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0

Skills: <Cold Resistance> 1st level (10/50)

<Night Vision> 1st level (0/50)

<Keen Senses> 1st level (0/50)

'Well that confirms it, I'm not longer human'.

If anybody has any ideas, questions or feedback feel free to comment it and I'll check it out. Sorry for the bad grammar.

ImTerrible94creators' thoughts