
Ultimate Alien System

Thousands of years from now on... The two neighbouring galaxies have collapsed. All life on Earth has come to an end, or so 'they' thought... "...looks like I'm the last one standing... It was tough... Seeing the entire humanity wipe before my eyes..." "We have to finish that bastard! Otherwise our ancient race has no future!" "Kill him before he wields the Alien System!" "Everything was peaceful... Until he appeared!" "So my entire life is dedicated to runaway from the entire universe? Well... Sounds thrilling!" Will the wielder of the 'Ultimate Alien System' be able to protect his life, the life of the last human, in a vast universe, where he is being hunted by countless monsters and aliens?

Zoro_The_Dark · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


Aerith was surrounded by a bunch of spaceships that he had driven in the past. He had seen a few scenes of him and his life but he was not able to clearly memorize it.

However, he had a keen sense and decided that if these spaceships are surrounding him, at such a large scale, it has to be something gravely serious.

Despite knowing the fact that he was in the middle of a circle of his enemies, he literally had no choice. He thought to himself,

"Ugh... These a$$holes... Aliens! I knew that they existed... These spaceships... And this weak and unknown body of mine..."

While he was still deep in thought, he heard a female's voice from one of the spaceships in his front,

"Aerith Darkinson. We know that it's you. We warn you to surrender peacefully. Resistance is futile. Any type of toxic behaviour won't be tolerated. I've already given the order of 'shoot at sight' to my comrades. Be prepared for it."

This voice was filled with a coldness Aerith hadn't experienced before. Cursing his fate, Aethir thought,

"F*#k! What should I do now?! They have complete advantage here... The only thing that I can do right now is... Play along!"

Aerith stepped slowly towards the ship in front of him and raised both of his hands. While putting them behind his head, he performed some kind of suspicious action with his gas mask. He slid his finger through a small gap at the hinge of the mask.

The ships that surrounded him were of crimson colour. It's design was like a regular "Z-19 Tycoon" but, the only difference was that it had no wings. It's design resembled a fruit called 'banana'.

There was a centre of gravity defiance between the ship. This ship's height was 60 ft and it's length was approximately 20 ft. The top of it was built by some kind of unknown alien material. This material was sturdy as well as transparent like a glass. However, Aerith was not able to see anything from the outside. It was a one sided glass.


Soon, a blue coloured translucent beam landed on Aerith. This beam, by no doubt, was generated from the other-worldly aircraft before him. By the abilities of this beam, Aerith was teleported into the aircraft. Without showing any signs of nervousness, he gazed at the woman before him.

She was 5.10 ft tall, had long green hairs and a beautiful face with naturally green lips. Her eyes were also of dark green colour. She wore a yellow coloured soft-armour-like suit, which was quite a tight fit at her.

As Aerith saw her, he thought,

"She is almost human... Except that!"

Staring at her long tail which had a metal tip, Aerith felt quite unusual. Her large breasts and huge hips were also some drastically important feature which distinguished her from the normal crowd. Because, they were big and lustful, not overgrown. From her body proportions and skin's built, she looked like 20 years old at best.

There was also an army of women soldiers who wore the same yellow coloured suit as the lady in front of her. However, the faces of these female soldiers were covered with some sort of helmet like masks. These masks were also yellow in colour.

There were many things common between these girls. Like, their clothes, their masks and most importantly, the weapon each on of them was holding in their hand. They were a basic "Zx*2 rifles".

These rifles were small like a submachine gun yet the mouth of their barrel was huge and looked like a shotgun. There was no trigger. Only a fingerprint scanner behind the lower receiver. One could easily tell just by looking at the design of the gun that how alienated it was.

A few moments later, the lady who captured Aerith, made him sit near a neon coloured table. After he seated, she began the conversation,

"Mister Aerith Darkinson... Is that your name?"

He replied,

"Yes. That's correct."

After frowning on his words, she started discussing about the so called group of 'RAIDERS'.

"Our planet is situated far away in the Andromeda galaxy. We used to live on a habitually cold planet, however, the great collision destroyed it into bits...

Since then, we have become 'the raiders'. I was the last princess of my planet... That day, my mother and father, who were crushed by the rubble, asked me to take care of my people... And survive!

I tried to find as much survivors as possible and then... I encountered this band of eleven ZORIANS!

Since the collision, only a few planets at the far back of the galaxy have been living successful. Those who were involved with the collision, most of their lives got ruined as all of their planets got blown away to smithereens.

So, I decided to raid them. I became the leader of the raiders, the universal organization. And... You are the biggest mystery we've ever found."

By hearing her story, Aerith literally got teared up. Small drops of tears started rolling down on his cheeks as he said with a sore throat,

"How... How ruthless! How awful! This is too sad for me! Your life is really inspiring... Your life! I want to do something for you! I can't live by seeing such a miserable group in front of me! Please I beg you! Make me a part of it! Please!"

It was for the first time in her entire life that she had ever witnessed such a scene. Her hope in all the living species had already been vanished. However, Aerith brought a new light to her life. She blushed as she tried to utter out some words. Amidst this, Aerith thought to himself,

"He... Hehehehehe! What a dumb b1t*h! Uttering all that nonsense! I don't clearly know what the f*#k is going on! She didn't even provided me with any information... There's only one way to survive... Befriend this b1t*h!"


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.