
Application Accepted!

(A/N: I've realised that I haven't really described the MC's appearance, I will create a chapter for that in Volume 0 later!)

After submitting his application, he realised that it was already 7 PM, so he cooked himself some dinner. Dinner consisted of a vegetable and Black Bean pasta, it was pretty decent at least. If there was one thing that Dan had going for him, then it was using simple ingredients to create delicious meals. I wonder if my cooking skills are evolving too.

[You will always be adapting and evolving, no matter what you're doing, the Evolution Processes are simply prioritised over everything else! For clarification, priority tasks allow you to adapt and evolve 12x faster than the average human in those respective fields. Everything else will evolve at the default 8x speed.]

Ohhh, well that's just amazing! So what are the requirements for evolving Adaption & Evolution to E-Grade?

[The current requirements for your Adaption & Evolution main skill to evolve are:

Achieve 10x your current strength in the Superhuman Strength Process!

Achieve 2.5x your current speed in the Superhuman Speed Process!]

Those are some pretty high requirements, but I guess that's to be expected.

It was now 8:30 PM, and Dan was about to finish off his last bit of editing for the night, when his phone rang.

"Hello, is this Dan Montgomery?"

"Hello, yes this is Dan Montgomery speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hello Dan, my name is Alejandro Morales, the recruitment coordinator at The Front Line news agency! We have received your application, can you come in for your interview tomorrow morning?"

Dan was shocked, "Yes, I can definitely come in for my interview tomorrow morning, would 9 AM be alright with you?"

"9 AM tomorrow morning, that's perfect! That's when we usually commence work for the day anyways."

Dan was relieved, it seemed that no matter how high up someone was in the food chain, they still seemed to act like any other human being. He'd imagined a much more senior voice on the other end of the phone, and a serious one at that! But this Alejandro, he sounded as if he want relatively young. Dan was curious about one thing though.

"I'll be there! Just out of curiosity, how long does it usually take to process applications? I was honestly expecting to wait at least a week before anything happened, what with all the applications that must come in!"

Alejandro chuckled sadly on the other end, "You are the first person to apply in the last four days, our last applicant ended up being a nasty piece of work. We had to have our security team escort him out of the building!"

Dan whistled quietly to himself. "Seriously? You must have an amazing security team, it can be quite hard to handle people filled with that much hate!"

Alejandro laughed again, "Oh, don't worry about that, all of our security team members are either powered people or mutants themselves! They're a combination of strength, speed, and durability mainly."

Their security team is comprised only of powered people and mutants, that's fantastic! I've never had the chance to meet them, I'm so excited! "Wow, I can't wait to meet all of them, most of these people deserve way more credit than they get!"

Alejandro had sounded enthusiastic, and a little bit serious on the other end. Now he sounded excited, "That was going to be a part of your interview, the chances of you joining us just increased by a lot! We will have to confirm all of this in person however!"

Dan was bubbling over with excitement, but he managed to keep himself contained. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then, wait, what's the dress code for the interview? I didn't see anything about that in the job Ad."

Alejandro sounded relieved, but still excited. "For the interview, just wear formal clothes, or business attire if you have it! Don't worry if you don't have business attire, we know that most students can't really afford to buy an expensive suit! I don't want to generalise though! See you tomorrow Dan! I look forward to meeting you!"

Dan sighed with relief once more before answering. "See you tomorrow! Bye!"

Dan ended the call. From being a couch potato editor at home to maybe working at The Front LineI never would have dreamed of doing something like this before! It's only possible because of my ability to adapt and evolve to any situation. I want to thank whichever god decided to bless me with this System! I probably would have been editing or doing boring menial jobs for the best of my life! I hope I get to meet you some day!

Dan quickly finished off the editing process for the night, and sent an email to his client, letting him know that he was now done! They got back to him, thanking him profusely for a job well done. He checked his bank account, and saw that he'd already received the payment from his client! He read his balance:


He would soon be spending almost half of that if he got through the interview process! It would definitely be more than worth it in the long run though! He went to bed at 10 PM, and he quickly fell asleep.


He woke up to the sound of his alarm clock going off at 7:00 AM, he quickly turned it off, and immediately got out from under the covers. Normally, he'd be more relaxed, but he had an interview in just over 2 hours with one of the biggest news agencies in the world! He quickly showered, shaved, and got changed into some casual clothes. He took out his graduation suit and exited his apartment.

He walked into the communal area at the end of the hallway, and picked up the Ironing Board in the corner of the room. "Up and early, are we? Now that's something I never thought I'd see in my life!"

Dan turned around to see to see his friend and flatmate. Andrei Ivanov was 31 years old, he was taller than Dan, at 6 feet 4 inches, hailing from the country of Belarus. His lean and athletic frame contrasted sharply with Dan's morbid obesity. He had a well-groomed beard, dark hair, and deep brown eyes that exuded confidence and experience.

"Andrei, good to see you, I have an interview this morning, and you'll never believe who it is!"

Andrei smiled good-naturedly, "Let me guess, it's The Daily Globe?"

"Almost, it's The Front Line!"

Andrei's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his skull. They were very close friends and trusted each a lot. "Wait, SERIOUSLY? Our little Dan has an interview with The Front Line? You're not one to joke about something like this!"

Just then, Dan's phone rang, "That'll be them now!"

Dan answered his phone, it was Alejandro again, he discreetly turned the volume up so that Andrei could hear their conversation. "Good morning Dan! Is 9 AM still alright for you?"

Dan quickly answered, his friend covering his mouth in order to contain his excitement. "Of course, I'm getting ready now!"

"That's excellent, we'll be sending a taxi to pick you up! It will arrive at around 8:40 AM, is that alright?"

Dan was more than a little surprised but he quickly answered. "8:40 is perfect, thank you very much for sending a taxi! I honestly wasn't expecting that!"

Alejandro sounded amused, "Of course! And that's perfectly understandable too, I had the exact same response when they first called me for my interview!"

"Oh, really? Well, I look forward to meeting you in person!"

"Me too Dan! See you at 9! Goodbye for now!"


The line disconnected, and Dan turned to his friend. "Sooo, what do you think?"


Dan used some placating gestures to calm his friend down. "Shhh, not so loud! Do you want anymore noise complaints?"

Andrei took several deep breaths before talking again. "You're right, but seriously, that's some VIP treatment right there. Come on, I'll iron your suit, I'm much better at doing this than you are at this!"

Dan rolled his eyes, it was true though, Andrei was much more experienced when it came to this sort of thing. "I guess I'll have to start taking lessons from you then. Oh, there's a good chance that I'll be moving to a different apartment by the way. That's only if I pass though, they pay for all living expenses too!"

Andrei looked surprised for a moment, but he shrugged. "That makes sense, it's better to be nearer to your job after all. I'll make sure to visit you to help you improve your ironing skills! Let's all meet up to celebrate if you pass, how does that sound?"

Dan brightened up then, he'd started to feel nervous after all, he took a few deep breaths. "Let's do that, and I will get this apprenticeship, you can count on it!"

Andrei grinned before giving him a slap on the back. "You've got this Dan, you're right, you'll definitely get in! Especially with that level of confidence!"

They went back to Andrei's apartment and he made breakfast for them both. He made Draniki, Dan's favourite breakfast dish, since it only took a few minutes. They both enjoyed breakfast, and by the time they'd finished clearing up, it was already 8:35! "I have to go and wait for my taxi now Andrei, I'll see you later!"

"See you later old friend, I'll just 'break' the news to the others about this."

Dan shook his head at his friend's terrible pun, before quickly putting on the suit in Andrei's bathroom, being careful not to crumple it. He then rushed out of the apartment, and took the Elevator down. This was the single most important moment of his life so far, he wasn't going to miss it!

Second chapter done! It ended up being longer than I expected, I got very caught up in the process of writing, anyways, I hope that you all enjoy these two chapters!

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