
Ugly duckling bride

Perhaps it was good luck that fell from the sky, Mo Rourou, the ugly duckling in the eyes of a man, accidentally married the handsome CEO Zhao Junlie because of his sister's escape from marriage, and became his bride. Zhao Junlie always wanted the best, no matter in business or in love, when he was a child, his parents adopted a professor's wife with very low money to a friend as an adopted son, but later his biological mother's youngest son died in a car accident, and he lacked a family heir, so Zhao Junlie read at the age of 20 University, returned to the home of his biological parents, accepted the rigorous training of the family business, and finally became the domineering and handsome president of Zhao's enterprise company. Mo Rourou has a deep love for Junlie. Although it is a commercial marriage, she is happy to complete her love fairy tale marriage and marry Prince Charming, who she secretly loves in her heart. However, it seems impossible for the fairy tale between the prince and the princess to be staged in reality. The lover returned from Harvard University in the United States, and he sent a divorce agreement to Mo Rourou? Faced with the ultimate disillusionment of her love, what should Mo Rourou do?

ppop9000 · Urban
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115 Chs

Chapter 32

Zhao Yunlei was carrying a Chanel bag, wearing a pretty rose-patterned knit top, paired with sky blue jeans, and riding boots, walking slowly.

Compared with Zhao Yunlei's extravagant clothes, Mo Rourou was wearing a blue and white plaid suit, with her hair tied behind her ponytail hanging down, and she was holding a large backpack.

Mo Rourou walked in front of Yunlei first, and smiled softly: "Sister Yunlei, you are Jun Lie's younger sister. I think Jun Lie will tell you what he thinks if he wants to make a decision."

"Sister-in-law Rourou, you are right." Zhao Yunlei replied simply.

"Why did Jun Lie grow up with the pain of domestic violence? Can you let me know about Jun Lie's childhood?" Mo Rourou chose to ask directly, sitting in a chair in the beef hot pot restaurant.

"Sister-in-law Rourou, when did you become a spy to inquire about other people's privacy?" Zhao Yunlei smiled coldly, and she also sat down. "Are you sure Xiaojie can attend the happy kindergarten you opened?"

"Of course. Xiaojie is a smart kid." Mo Rourou nodded.

Then, when the ingredients came to the table, Mo Rourou first put the beef slices in the soup base of the hot pot, followed by cabbage and boiled egg drop soup.

"The part about domestic violence is the Zhao family's secret, and it is also the biggest pain in Jun Lie's heart. It is better for him to tell you personally." Zhao Yunlei pondered for a while, and finally said calmly. "As for love, there are three women who have entangled relationships with brother Junlie."

"Jun Lie is so destined for the opposite sex!" Mo Rourou sighed helplessly, she didn't believe that Jun Lie only loved Senior Sister Xiao Rou.

Sure enough... the reality is cruel and ridiculous. In Zhao Junlie's heart, she is just an ugly duckling girl.

"Senior Xiaorou is Jun Lie's bitter secret love. Mo Ruyi is Jun Lie's girlfriend. She is in love, but only polite. There is no relationship beyond friendship. Tang Yanyan is Jun Lie's subordinate, but also the devil's. first love."

Hearing Tang Yanyan, Mo Rourou was confused and asked in a strange way. "Is Tang Yanyan the daughter of that family? I don't think I've heard of this name before?"

"Tang Yanyan is the only woman Jun Lie knows, the only first love who brings love feelings and tangled heartbeats. However, that woman is worse than Xiao Rou's senior sister and shameless." Zhao Yunlei's tone became very angry, and his words were not fair. He said, of course his hands were not idle, and he picked up the pork slices with chopsticks.

"What did she do? Could it be that she hurt Jun Lie's heart and trust in love?" Mo Rourou was afraid. She knew that Jun Lie had always been devoted to Xiao Rou's senior sister, so she could let Jun Lie talk about the first love. A woman who has been in love for a lifetime is by no means an ordinary woman.

"Bingo. Rourou's sister-in-law is very smart, you guessed it right." Zhao Yunlei found that Rourou's appearance was ordinary, but her observation ability was not ordinary at all.

"On Jun Lie's birthday, she kissed and had fun with other men in a nightclub in Taichung. Brother Jun Lie used to be an adopted son in someone else's house, and his adoptive mother didn't love him, so Jun Lie has always longed to be loved. If Senior Sister Xiaorou didn't Losing the news, brother Jun Lie will definitely become the happiest man." Zhao Yunlei continued, looking at Rourou with special eyes.

"What can I do for Jun Lie?" Mo Rourou's heart moved slightly, and she spoke softly.

"Let brother Junlie feel what it feels like to be loved!"

Seeing that Mo Rourou was stunned, Zhao Yunlei decided to speak clearly, "Let Brother Junlie fall in love with you."

"..." Mo Rourou was speechless for a moment.

Aunt Yunlei's request was too sudden!


Mo Rourou felt a slight pain in her heart, and then hurriedly bid farewell to Aunt Yunlei, returned to Zhao's villa, waited for her to enter the bedroom, took a deep breath, and murmured.

"Let Jun Lie fall in love with me, I have already tried, and my heart is full of scars."

"Besides, I am no longer the senior sister Xiao Rou, but I still have a deep love for Jun Lie."

"Rourou, why are you sitting up and sleeping instead of going to bed?" When Zhao Junlie finished the entertainment with the client ahead of time, he walked into the couple's bedroom and saw Rourou sleeping in tears.

"Rourou, it's not that I don't want to love you, it's just that I have my favorite Xiaorou in my heart." Zhao Junlie smiled, making the lines of his resolute face much softer.

"I'm sorry, Rou Rou." He stroked Rou Rou's tears with his fingers.