
Ugly duckling bride

Perhaps it was good luck that fell from the sky, Mo Rourou, the ugly duckling in the eyes of a man, accidentally married the handsome CEO Zhao Junlie because of his sister's escape from marriage, and became his bride. Zhao Junlie always wanted the best, no matter in business or in love, when he was a child, his parents adopted a professor's wife with very low money to a friend as an adopted son, but later his biological mother's youngest son died in a car accident, and he lacked a family heir, so Zhao Junlie read at the age of 20 University, returned to the home of his biological parents, accepted the rigorous training of the family business, and finally became the domineering and handsome president of Zhao's enterprise company. Mo Rourou has a deep love for Junlie. Although it is a commercial marriage, she is happy to complete her love fairy tale marriage and marry Prince Charming, who she secretly loves in her heart. However, it seems impossible for the fairy tale between the prince and the princess to be staged in reality. The lover returned from Harvard University in the United States, and he sent a divorce agreement to Mo Rourou? Faced with the ultimate disillusionment of her love, what should Mo Rourou do?

ppop9000 · Urban
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115 Chs

Chapter 29

At 12:30 noon, Zhao Junlie was in a happy and contented mood while eating the braised chicken leg bento. Rourou's cooking skills were getting better and better, and he prepared his love bento with great care.

It was drizzling outside, and today Mo Rourou was going to attend Zhao Yunlei's friend's banquet, socializing as the president's wife.

"Rourou... how do I feel about you?" He became sentimental and persistent, and began to care about Mo Rourou, an ugly duckling girl.

Since he grew up in domestic violence in his childhood, although he returned to the Zhao family to become the president of the Zhao family, he couldn't forgive his father and mother for what they did back then, and he was even more angry with them for insisting that he marry Mo Rourou, an ugly duckling bride, to become the Zhao family's president. The laughing stock of the social circle, how unlucky he can't hold his head up in front of his good buddies!

He was sitting in the president's office, flipping through the boys' manga "One Piece" he had borrowed a while ago, and suddenly remembered that Rou Rou also borrowed girls' manga to read.

He remembered that his good buddies mentioned that the high society circles will hold an anime cosplay mask dance party recently.

Rourou is an ugly duckling girl. Seeing that she takes care of his meals and is filial to his parents, he should give her some rewarding gifts!

He knows that Rourou likes the two comic characters of the Kamikaze Thief Joan of Arc comics, the heroine Kusakabe Li and the hero Nagoya Wakora.

"Rourou, seeing how devoted you are to being filial to your parents, I will let you get your wish and dress up in a character costume from a shoujo manga to appear at the mask ball." Zhao Junlie was drinking a latte while watching One Piece's manga for boys.

Originally a workaholic, under the influence of Rourou, he also came into contact with anime games and became an anime fan.

Although he and Rourou were married by contract, he gradually felt the feeling and sweetness of being in love, but his tangled heart kept telling himself not to care about Mo Rourou. He has feelings for Mo Rourou, which is tantamount to betraying Senior Sister Xiaorou.

Rourou, what should I do with you?


"Delicious chamomile tea." Mo Rourou tied her ponytails and sat down to rest.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Yunlei has a lot of friends, and she can't remember all the names. Zhao Yunlei's attitude is much more polite. Recently, she is busy finding a kindergarten for her son Xiaojie, and has no time to show up in front of her to make things difficult for her.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that you opened a private kindergarten, and you also have a license from the child care department. Is it true?" Zhao Yunlei heard the gossip and wanted to confirm whether it was true.

In the end, Mo Rourou smiled and nodded: "It's true! Jun Lie also knows about this!"

"Can I let my Xiaojie go to school? Is it possible to pay the kindergarten tuition in installments? I just returned to Taipei, and I haven't had an order for fashion design clothes. Can you accommodate me? I'm sorry for offending my sister-in-law too much earlier."

Mo Rourou's heart changes at will, maybe Aunt Yunlei knows about the past when Jun Lie grew up suffering from domestic violence.

"I want to go to Ximending alone for a while, can my sister-in-law go with me?"

"Yes!" Zhao Yunlei said briskly. It seems that Xiaojie's kindergarten is settled.


"Jun Lie, are you sure the mask dance will send me an invitation letter?" Mo Rourou, who considers herself an ugly duckling girl, rarely becomes the center of attention.

She felt that there must be a mystery in it.

Once upon a time, she, the ugly duckling girl of the Mo family, became very popular in the upper class social circle, and she could receive respectful invitations from others!

"Rou Rou, wait a minute and put on the anime cosplay costumes in the dressing room." The corners of Jun Lie's mouth rose, revealing a confident smile. "You are going to play Joan of Arc, and then wear a mask on your face, I hope you have a good time at the mask dance!"

"Jun Lie, as for you..." Mo Rourou took a deep breath, "Would you like to role-play Sinbad the Phantom Thief?" she speculated with some anxiety.

"That's right!" Zhao Junlie showed a harmless smile and nodded.

"Huh?..." For an instant, Mo Rourou was stunned, and was speechless at the same time.

What play are you playing now! Jun Lie was too sudden!