
chapter one (introduction)

I'm the school duff Valeria serano by name I'm probably the weirdest freak you can ever know and stupidest one to believe me ,I'm just an unwanted guest on earth I think and you get to know why I said all these about myself and know me well then .

I was born on 14 February ,the day where everyone expressed love but I never got any love except from my father who shows me some love squeezing out of his tight schedule just to put a smile on my face hhmmnh .

well today I'll be resuming school by tomorrow and I'll be a senior and in a few years I'll graduate and maybe try to fix myself and life so I don't continue being a duff or weirdo and I hope to get married someday like the Disney fairytale The beauty and the beast pfft who am I kidding that's the movie a fairytale so it obviously supposed to have a happy ending so I'm in reality the real world who is going to want me even if I paid for it well its time I stop watching those movies and be real with myself ,checking the time and I realise its past time I apply my facial cream and go to sleep


I woke up at exactly 6:22am bubbling my mouthwash in my mouth while ironing my school uniform and spitting the liquid out the I brush my tongue ,teeth and lips

entering the bathtub running the water and pouring a bath liquid into the water till it foams then I shampoo my hair then I get into the tub and soak my self adding more bath liquid then drying myself with the towel .

I apply my body cream wearing my underwear and my uniform and putting a spare uniform and underwear in case I get bullied and ruin my dress I can wear something else instead of going around looking like a hooligan I drive to school if you are wondering why I don't use the bus is because I don't want to get to school in tears or worse so I got my driver's license so I can save myself the trouble .


I arrive in school parking lot my car beside the bicycle park so it doesn't disturb anyone parking space I walk to the genitor locker which is now mine since he felt I should have it after I've been thrown out of mine at least he's been good to me all the time I've known him he has coaxed me several time whenever he saw me crying after I've been bullied telling me to ignore those bullies for they were attention seekers who could find attention and pleasure by bullying the weak or I've got something that they don't so since they can't get it they take out their envy and anger by bullying ,he tells me to ignore them and just focus on graduating and finishing college and get a good job and maybe in the future I can get my payback revenge on the bullies ,I'm so pathetic that my only friend and companion the school genitor because I'm so pathetic just too stupid why can't I just fit in like that last puzzle piece I thought crying like my couldn't get any worse I said making my way to my class