
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Second Subordinate

 "Yo," Enkai greeted casually, raising his hand in a nonchalant manner before descending down like a rogue comet streaking across the night sky.

Ao, curious yet unsettled, questioned the shadowy newcomer, "How long have you been there?" Wondering why Enkai's presence missed his senses earlier.

"Not for long. You should have been able to see me if you had looked through your Byakugan half an hour ago," Enkai replied, his tone akin to a breeze carrying secrets.

Casting a steely gaze, he extended his finger, pointing it directly at Yagura. "You," he declared, his voice laced with authority, "are going to be my new subordinate, and no, you don't have a say in that," His words hung in the air, heavy with dominance and control.

Yagura, bewildered, inquired, "Who are you, kid?"

"I am Enkai, your boss and also the person who beat you into submission earlier." Enkai declared, his words flowing like a river, calm yet forceful.

"But you're a child," Yagura marveled, his confusion mingling with a flicker of amusement.

"As if you're not." Enkai retorted, his nostril flaring in silent rage.

"I have a child who is almost as old as you." Yagura snorted, a smug smile forming in his face.


"What!?" Enkai almost choked on his own breath at this revelation. He turned his head towards Ao in a frenzy, only to find him nodding with an embarrassed expression.

Yagura reveled in Enkai's reactions; even behind his mask, Enkai's astonishment was obvious. However, Yagura was left utterly speechless when Enkai uttered his next words,

"Is this what happens when horny teenagers get a lot of power?" Enkai asked, genuine curiosity seeping out of his eyes, leaving Yagura with a pulsating rush of blood to his forehead. He glared at Enkai, his eyebrows twitching in disbelief.

"Wha-" "A-Ahem!"

 "I think you should rest now, Mizukage-sama," Ao interjected, his tone respectful yet authoritative, effectively halting Yagura's words.

Before Yagura could respond, Ao turned his attention to Enkai, his eyes serious. "Enkai, let us talk outside," he stated firmly, his gaze unwavering, compelling the young Uchiha to follow him.

Enkai met Ao's gaze for a moment before silently walking outside. But not before one final gesture; he turned, pointing two fingers at his own eyes before directing them at Yagura, leaving behind a silent promise and a lingering air of mystery.


In the serene hills overlooking their village, Ao's eyes scanned the horizon, his question hanging in the crisp air. "So, this is what you meant when you said Mei-sama would be the next Mizukage?" he inquired, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern.

Enkai, standing beside him, seemed momentarily exasperated, as if his words hadn't quite hit their mark. "Was it not obvious?" he replied, a note of frustration tinging his tone, suggesting he might have underestimated Ao's grasp of the situation.

"I was under the impression that Mei-sama would become the Mizukage 'in case' Lord Fourth couldn't make it," Ao said, voicing his thoughts aloud, attempting to make sense of the shifting political landscape.

"...Are you backing out of our agreement?" Enkai's voice sliced through the air, cold and calculated as a glacier, his piercing gaze fixed on Ao.

"No, I would never do that," Ao responded, his voice steady, showing resolve even in the face of Enkai's icy demeanor.

"Even if you did, it would only bring you more harm," Enkai continued, his words sharp and precise. He looked directly into Ao's eyes, unflinching. "I don't think Yagura will be able to reform this bloody village, especially as the one responsible for it. No one will forgive him for all the bloodshed he has caused, and if you let him live and stay in kiri then you will be against the whole village."

Ao clenched his fists, frustration and helplessness etched on his face. "I hate to admit it, but you're right. I'm glad you're taking him with you, or else I wouldn't know what to say to that man, whose life was ruined by fate," he confessed, his voice laced with regret for being powerless.

In that moment, Ao's gaze met Enkai's, a shinobi of unparalleled strength stood in front of him. 

Then a realisation made itself apparent in his eyes; this was perhaps the only time he will meet someone as strong as him, and if it's him then perhaps he has a solution for Ao's lack of strength.

Ao didn't even hesitate to set aside his pride as a Kirigakure shinobi as he bowed humbly. "Enkai, no, Phantom Shinobi Enkai, please tell me how I can become stronger."

Enkai, taken aback by the gesture, hesitated for a moment. He weighed the possibilities of aiding a potential future adversary but ultimately decided to share his knowledge. "Do you know what meditation is?" he asked, seeking to gauge Ao's understanding.

"No," Ao replied, unfamiliar with the term.

"Of course, you don't know. Do you understand how chakra is formed in your body?" Enkai questioned, his patience tested but not waning.

"It is the culmination of physical strength and spiritual energy," Ao replied, his chest swelling with pride, displaying his foundational knowledge.

"Yes, and over the years, I have noticed that most people focus solely on physical training to increase their chakra reserves, which, you know, works because physical training enhances physical strength. However, another way to boost your chakra reserves is by enhancing your spiritual energy. How do you do that? Through meditation, studying, and experience," Enkai explained, his words slipping out with a yawn, his boredom evident even in this crucial moment.

"I see, then how do you meditate?" Ao asked, making an expression that resembled someone who had met their ideal—A look filled with admiration not knowing that Enkai was just giving him basic knowledge.

"You sit in a quiet room, legs crossed, eyes closed, and try to think nothing while taking deep breaths. That's all." Enkai said, a kunai twirling in between his fingers.

Ao's expression shifted from admiration to uncertainty as he absorbed Enkai's words. "I see, but will having more chakra really make me stronger?" he asked, his doubt evident.

Enkai, caught off guard by Ao's skepticism, couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Pfft-Buahahaha!!" he chuckled, looking at Ao as if he had just cracked the most amusing joke. 

"You know Hashirama, right? Let me tell you a little secret," he continued, his tone conspiratorial. "Everybody has a common misconception that Hashirama was strong because of his wood release, but the truth is; it's because of his god-like chakra reserves that he was that strong.''

Enkai's revelation hung in the air, a profound truth that had eluded many. From the moment he had reincarnated into the Naruto world, he had pondered this question, aiming to understand the core of Hashirama's unparalleled strength in hopes of reaching it.

'At first, like many, I thought it was because of wood release,' Enkai thought, his eyes gleaming with insight. 'But then, how come Madara was better at using wood release than Danzo, and Hashirama was better at using it than Madara? There is only possible explanation: Chakra Reserves.'

Enkai's voice resonated with certainty as he informed, "In this world, as long as you have monstrous amounts of chakra, you can pretty much do anything."

As Enkai turned to leave, Ao, his curiosity piqued, dared to question further. "Is that why you release so much chakra around you? To show your monstrous chakra reserves?" Ao asked, his Byakugan activated, keenly observing Enkai's aura.

Enkai paused, a look of realization dawning on his face. "...What do you mean by that?" he asked, genuinely perplexed.

"I'm talking about the waves of chakra you're constantly releasing, even now," Ao clarified, his finger pointing towards Enkai.

Enkai suddenly understood something. He had overlooked his constant chakra emission caused by his external senses. "Tell me, can you see those waves of chakra even now?" he inquired, turning off his external senses.

"No, although there are still traces of it," Ao confirmed, his Byakugan detecting the lingering chakra in the air.

Enkai let out a relieved sigh, having narrowly avoided a possible means of detection that might have jeopardized his future plans. Changing the topic, he declared, "Well, if you have nothing else to say, then I am off to meet Yagura."

"N-No, I mean, please let me talk to him about it. I believe I have much to discuss with Lord Fourth, before we officially declare him deceased," Ao said, his calm eyes contrasted his inner emotions.

Enkai, realizing that Yagura might hold a grudge against him later if he didn't oblige, agreed.

"Okay," he conceded, nodding. "Tell Yagura that we will depart tomorrow morning. Finish up whatever he needs to before then." With that, Enkai left, his mind already strategizing the encounters that lay ahead in the village hidden in the leaves.


Under the veil of the yet unbroken dawn, a mysterious mist cloaked Kirigakure's tranquil mountains. At the base of one such misty giant stood five figures: Enkai, Yagura, Ao, Mei, and Chojuro.

Chojuro, his demeanor once wavering, now emanated a quiet determination, though he masked it behind an act of feigned indifference. In stark contrast, Mei and Ao stood solemnly beside Yagura, the fourth Mizukage, bidding him farewell. The unspoken truth hung heavy in the mist—the imminent declaration of Yagura's death, a necessary ruse to pacify the members of Kirigakure.

Enkai, always one to keep a distance, had already begun to walk away, his steps purposeful and resolute. As Yagura finished his farewells, Enkai's figure melted into the shadows, and with swift strides, Yagura followed suit, catching up with him.

Compared to the weariness that burdened him yesterday, Yagura's complexion now bore a healthier hue. His eyes, once clouded with the weight of leadership, sparkled with a newfound light. Today, an air of cheerful relief enveloped him, as if he bore no sorrow for relinquishing his Kage title. 

"Alright, Enkai, so where are we going now?" Yagura asked, his smile radiant, as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

Enkai glanced at him once before replying, "That's Boss for you," his voice resonating with a depth that demanded respect. He knew the importance of establishing a clear hierarchy from the very inception of his organization.

"And why is that?" Yagura inquired, his expression amused.

"To maintain the hierarchy," Enkai stated with purpose.

"And the hierarchy is based on what exactly?" Yagura probed, his smile taking on a slightly condescending edge.

"Based on strength," Enkai responded, his answer succinct and unwavering.

"Then aren't we equals?" Yagura retorted, his smug smile growing. "Ao mentioned you struggled during our fight. Plus, I was weakened when I fell into that genjutsu, so technically, I might be stronger than you."

Enkai stared at him for a moment before letting out a suppressed chuckle. "You're misunderstanding something," he said. "I wasn't struggling because I lacked the power to defeat you. I was struggling because I wanted to defeat you while keeping you alive. As an assassin and a killer, if my intent had been different, I could have ended you twenty times over."

"Oh, really?" Yagura challenged, his skepticism evident.

"Yeah," Enkai affirmed, his confidence unshaken.

"Do you want to test that theory?" Yagura challenged, his tone daring.

"We'll have plenty of time for that once we reach Konoha," Enkai replied, coming to a stop and looking around. Once he ensured they were alone, he summoned Garuda.

Yagura observed Enkai's summoning with intrigue before questioning, "Why are we going to Konoha?"

"Because I want to recruit a certain power-hungry, crazy, snake-like scientist for our team, among other things," Enkai explained before continuing. "Also, we'll probably have to wait there for a month. During that time, you'll teach me how to become a perfect jinchuriki as well as water release—the strong kind, like the one you used to reflect my attack. We'll also have plenty of sparring sessions."

Initially resistant, Yagura nodded with a quiet smile at the prospect of sparring. He climbed onto Garuda's back following Enkai's lead, and together, they soared off into the horizon.

The mountainous mist whispered secrets, but their tales remained shrouded, known only to those who ventured into the shadows of Kirigakure.