
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


"Ugh! I don't want to run anymore!!"

Yagura's frustrated scream reverberated through the air, carrying the weight of his exhaustion and irritation. His voice cracked with desperation as he pleaded, his eyes almost teary, "Can't we just fly there?" His gaze bore into Enkai, searching for a glimmer of mercy.

Enkai, seemingly unmoved by Yagura's plea, turned his gaze toward him. "Garuda can't carry more than two people at once," he stated flatly, his voice laced with finality. The disappointment etched on Yagura's face deepened, his hopes dashed against the harsh reality.

"But YOU can fly!" Yagura retorted, his voice edged with desperation, "Why not just soar through the skies yourself while your summon gives us a ride, right Gaara?"

Enkai, with an air of finality, halted abruptly, his foot meeting the ground with a firm thud. Gaara and Yagura mirrored his halt, eyes wide with anticipation. "That brings me to my next point," Enkai said, his tone steady, his eyes fixed on Yagura. "From here on out, you two will be travelling alone."

"What?! Why?" Yagura's protest hung in the air, his shock visible. Yet, in the depths of his confusion, a spark of contemplation flickered in his eyes. 

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, a glimmer of hope kindling within him. "Maybe this is a good thing," he ventured, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "because now Garuda can give us a ride!"

"Nope," he declared firmly, his eyes locking onto Yagura's, unyielding in his decision. Enkai's response was swift, his tone flat, snuffing out Yagura's fragile hope like a candle extinguished by a gust of wind. 

"...W-Why do you do this to me?" Yagura's voice quivered with dejection, his shoulders slumping under the weight of disappointment. Gaara, ever the silent supporter, offered a comforting pat on Yagura's shoulders.

"I'm not subjecting you to this out of cruelty, or because of the fact that you wasted my money in Konoha," Enkai explained, his voice cutting through Yagura's despair and filling his heart with silent arrows instead, 

"I need to take a small detour, and I want you two to travel slowly so I can catch up in time." His words hung in the air, said as he handed over a map to Gaara.

"Liar!" Yagura exclaimed, his expression a mix of disbelief and playful accusation, punctuating his words with a theatrical 'boo'.

Meanwhile, Gaara's curiosity got the better of him. "Does that mean we'll be travelling slowly starting from now on?" he inquired, his voice steady, seeking clarity amidst the confusion.

Enkai chose to address Gaara, disregarding the emotionally compromised Yagura. "No, you guys will maintain your usual pace," he clarified, his gaze focused and resolute. "But, after my detour mission is completed, I'll travel through the air so catching up to you will be easy."

Gaara, still puzzled, voiced his confusion. "But wouldn't it be more efficient to reach the Land of Sky quickly? Speeding up our progress for the mission seems like the logical choice," he suggested, his eyes searching for understanding, trying to grasp the intricacies of Enkai's decision.

Enkai acknowledged Gaara's concern with a nod, his expression serious. "While in most cases that may be true," he began, his voice measured, "but in this particular situation, I don't believe you two are strong enough to take down an entire village by yourselves yet."

Gaara's brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait, what do you mean? What exactly are we going to do in the Land of Sky?" he asked, his tone tinged with uncertainty at the mention of destroying an entire village.

Enkai let out a dry chuckle, a hint of irony in his voice, as he scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, right. I never really told you, did I?" he admitted, his tone casual despite the gravity of his words. "We're going there to take over the hidden sky village. And how will we do it? The shinobi way, of course." His words hung in the air, laden with a chilling determination.

"The shinobi way?" Gaara echoed, his confusion deepening, unsure of the implications behind those words.

"Hatred and violence," Enkai replied, his face devoid of emotion, his eyes glinting with a cold, calculated resolve. "The shinobi way is the path of death, fueled by hatred and leading to more death," he explained, his words cutting through the air like a blade. Gaara's eyes widened in response, struck by the raw intensity of Enkai's conviction, a force that churned violently beneath the surface of his emotionless facade.

However, The abrupt tap on Enkai's shoulder startled him, drawing his attention to Yagura, who had been silently observing their conversation. 

"Hey, aren't you underestimating me?" Yagura's words cut through the tense air, his voice laced with determination. He continued, his tone unwavering, "You know, destroying some small war-torn village won't be hard for me at all. So don't worry about us and summon Garuda!" Yagura's desperation to avoid running any further was palpable, his eyes pleading for respite.

Enkai, however, remained firm, his eyes locking onto Yagura with a piercing intensity. "It's not that I doubt your abilities to handle a regular village or two," he explained, his voice steady, "but this isn't an ordinary village. It's a place where hundreds of skilled shinobi can fly. Even in your Sanbi state, I doubt you can take them on. Besides, the more damage you cause, the harder it will be for us when we take over."

With a swift motion, Enkai activated his Sharingan, his eyes locking onto Yagura and Gaara. "Well then, sayonara~" he said, his tone oddly cheerful, before vanishing at a speed too rapid for either Gaara or Yagura to follow.

Left in the wake of Enkai's departure, Yagura whined in frustration, his plea for an easier path echoing in the empty space. Beside him, Gaara stood in contemplative silence, his mind racing with thoughts about the challenges that lay ahead.


Woosh Woosh, Woosh Woosh...

The wind howled around Enkai as he streaked through the sky, a blur of motion and determination. With each woosh, he propelled himself towards the Land of Rivers, his destination fixed on a mining town named Katabami Gold Mines.

His mission was clear: to locate one of the rogue shinobi from the hidden mist village, Raiga, a formidable member of the seven mist swordsmen. 

In the original timeline, Naruto and some of his classmates will come here to stop Raiga's reign who was terrorising this town.

However, Enkai's interest lay not in Raiga himself, but in a specific individual he carried on his back—Ranmaru. This young boy possessed an extraordinary Dōjutsu, a genetic mutation of unparalleled power, surpassing even the abilities of the regular Byakugan or Sharingan.

This unnamed Dōjutsu held incredible potential. It could shatter illusions, cast genjutsu potent enough to ensnare even the likes of prodigies such as Neji, heighten sensory perception to unparalleled levels, and delve into the very essence of people, predicting their actions by understanding their life force and innermost thoughts.

Enkai's coveted Ranmaru's Dōjutsu, envisioning the impact they could have, especially in aiding Yagura, whose expertise in genjutsu was lacking.

The gold mines of Katabami were nestled amidst rugged hills, their structures carved into the earth like scars from a time long past. Enkai descended with the grace of a predator, his eyes scanning the surroundings with acute precision. 

Dust kicked up from the miners' activities hung in the air, the metallic tang of gold mingling with the scent of sweat and labor.

In the heart of this bustling town, Enkai found himself surrounded by the rhythmic clang of pickaxes against rock, a symphony of industry that contrasted sharply with the stealthy purpose of his mission. 

His Sharingan, sharp and perceptive, cut through the mundane facade of the town, peeling back layers of illusion to reveal the truth hidden beneath.

As he delved deeper into the town's secrets, Enkai's steps were guided by whispers of gossip and rumours that slithered through the alleys like shadows. The tale of Raiga and his tyranny echoed through the narrow streets, a legend tainted with fear and awe. 

As the moon hung low in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow upon the town, Enkai closed in on the precise location where Raiga and Ranmaru were hiding. Then the hunt for Raiga and Ranmaru begun.

The dim flicker of lanterns revealed their silhouettes, their voices carrying through the still night air. Enkai, a phantom in the shadows, observed their conversation with keen eyes, his Sharingan activated to its fullest potential, analyzing their every move and the subtle fluctuations in their chakra signatures.

With a swiftness born of years of training and honed instincts, Enkai emerged from the darkness, his presence materializing like a spectre. The moment he stepped into the light, a chill settled over the scene, freezing the very air around them. 

"You've been hiding quite well, Raiga," Enkai's voice cut through the air like a blade, it's dangerous calmness sending ripples of unease through the night. His eyes, crimson red, bore into Raiga, a silent promise of impending confrontation. 

Raiga's eyes narrowed as he observed Enkai's attire, his suspicion growing with each passing moment. "Who are you, and why are you after us?" he demanded, his grip tightening on his sword, ready for the looming confrontation.

"I'm Enkai. You might have heard of me," Enkai replied casually, his tone belying the intensity of the situation.

"The Kage hunter... I've heard of you," Raiga muttered, his lips forming a thin line of apprehension.

Without a moment's hesitation, Enkai blurred into motion, his movements a dance of deadly precision. In an instant, he closed the distance between them, his foot lashing out with incredible force. 

Raiga attempted to block the kick with his swords, but the power behind Enkai's strike was overwhelming. Flinging one of Raiga's swords into the air, lost to the night.

Enkai, swift and calculated, pulled back, his leg tingling with the remnants of Raiga's lightning-infused sword. Ignoring the temporary paralysis, he channeled his own wind chakra, swiftly dispelling the numbness that threatened to slow him down.

Raiga, undeterred, swung his remaining sword with a ferocity born of desperation. Yet, Enkai's movements were a testament to his mastery. He effortlessly dodged the attack, his body flowing like water in response to the threat. 

In a lightning-fast counter, Enkai delivered a devastating punch to Raiga's gut, the impact sending him hurtling into a nearby wall.

Ranmaru's eyes widened in fear as he recognized the overwhelming power that Enkai possessed. 

In a desperate bid to defend himself, he attempted to activate his unique Dōjutsu, hoping it could provide some semblance of protection. However, before Ranmaru could fully harness his abilities, Enkai's speed proved to be insurmountable.

With a lightning-quick palm strike to Ranmaru's head, Enkai effortlessly disarmed him. The force of the blow sent Ranmaru sprawling to the ground, his consciousness slipping away as darkness claimed him. 

The once-hopeful glimmer in Ranmaru's eyes faded, replaced by the harsh reality of defeat, leaving him unconscious and vulnerable on the cold, unforgiving ground.

Enkai's voice cut through the night like a dagger, cold and remorseless. "I will use your eyes better than you," he declared, his words devoid of mercy. 

With a swift, decisive motion, he seized a kunai, its glinting blade reflecting the moonlight, and lunged it into Ranmaru's throat. The young boy's life was extinguished in an instant, his form growing still as death claimed him.

Enkai wasted no time. Methodically, he collected Ranmaru's lifeless body, its weight inconsequential in his strong grip. With practised ease, he stored the corpse within his storage glove.

Raiga, fueled by the last embers of his rage, attempted to rise, his eyes ablaze with desperation. He charged at Enkai with reckless abandon, but the Jinchuriki moved with effortless grace. 

Sidestepping Raiga's assault, Enkai's movements were a symphony of precision. With a single, devastating Rasengan to Raiga's chest, Enkai ended his life in a manner that spoke of the pain he had caused.

Having dispatched Raiga, Enkai swiftly collected the Mist Swords, once symbols of Raiga's power, now mere remnants of his existence. With a flick of his wrist, the swords disappeared into a storage scroll, destined to be returned to the Mist Village, for they were useless to Enkai.

Under the eerie glow of the moon, Enkai scrutinized his palm, his eyes glinting with a mix of determination and calculation. "The pieces are coming together," he muttered, his voice carrying the weight of his ambition. He clenched his fists, his resolve solidifying like iron forged in the heat of his purpose. "With this, as long as I recruit Orochimaru, everything will work out."

Summoning Garuda, the colossal giant eagle, Enkai mounted his loyal summon, their forms silhouetted against the moonlit sky. As they ascended into the night, Enkai's journey continued, propelled by his unwavering determination and the shadows of his dark plans. 

The wind whispered secrets as they journeyed towards the Land of Sky, his next destination looming on the horizon like an enigma waiting to be unravelled.