
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Enkai Is On Edge

  Tap, Tap, Tap…

"Hey, you sun of a beach!"

"What did you say, you motherlover!"

Sneaking past the entrance of Kirigakure, the first thing he heard were profanities from the other side of the road.

'Off to a great start in Kirigakure!' Enkai rolled his eyes in sarcasm, as the two men started fighting for literally stumbling into each other.

At first, Enkai thought that they were just drunkards but the more he travelled inside of the village the more he realised that they weren't.

The entire Kirigakure was dark and gloomy and everybody was on edge. 

In this atmosphere, if someone even sneezed loudly everybody would probably attack him with bloodlust.

"Damn it, Obito. Isn't revenge going a bit too far?" Enkai muttered with a click of his tongue.

"Young man, do you have some change to spare this old man...?" He was surprised when he heard an old man who was sitting on one side of the road.

Enkai had a genjutsu constantly running around him that made it harder for regular people to notice him; yet somehow this beggar, who was indistinguishable from the many other beggars on the streets, managed to find him.

He stopped beside the beggar and took a good look at him, then he reached inside his poncho, took out a few hundred ryō and gave it to him before silently walking off.

"Young man, just one thing..." Enkai turned around and looked at the old man, his blue eyes glimmering in the darkness, "I wonder how much more you might have on you."


The moment the old man's words faded, his external reflex activated and he felt himself floating around in many directions; dodging the shurikens that were thrown at him.

Activating his sharingan he checked his surroundings again, only to see that all the beggars on the street had genin-level chakra reserves.

"Oh, here we go again," Enkai muttered in frustration, as he wrapped his arm around one of the ninjas trying to punch him and broke his elbow joint.

He fought- annihilated team Gatō and team Zabuza not long ago, does he need to kill these people as well? How will he remain a modern member of society if he keeps killing people like this?

Enkai sighed as he broke one of the poor genin's neck.

"S-Stop..! Please don't hurt us! Don't kill me-Ack!" One ninja who was begging him to stop felt a kunai hitting his right eye as he lost his consciousness.

"Please, it was by a jōnin's orders! I swear he would have killed us otherwise!" Enkai stopped strangling one of the genins when he heard something unexpected.

"Explain, and the four guys sneaking behind me; stop or you die." He, who was sitting on top of the lying genin, stood up.

He thought all the atrocities and corruption were caused by the fourth mizukage who was further manipulated by Obito. Was there something else as well?

This came as a surprise to him. It seemed like others were involved in this plot as well.

"It's a jonin hunter-nin called Shiantsu (Pronounced as Shi-at-su). One day he said, we need to acquire more funds if we want to see better days coming for the Kirigakure. Then he said to just loot every civilian who looks rich. I swear we have never killed anybody, we would just rob them and move on." The genin said with tears in his eyes.

Enkai cringed at the last part, "Those shurikens from before say otherwise."


The genin immediately had a panicked face when his lie was caught, he thought he was dead but Enkai just shook his head and asked, "Say, where can I find this Shiantsu guy?"

The genin, who thought he was saved, excitedly said, "T-The North District! There is an abandoned building right between a brothel and a hotel. He is always there waiting for us genins to give him money and also get rid of the corpses."

"Mhhhh..." Enkai looked up for a bit and then he placed his hand on the genin's neck and stroked it gently, "You are not lying, are you~?"

When he heard it, he just gulped and shook his head with all the strength he had. This caused Enkai to smile as he said, "Thanks for the info, you may die painlessly now."

"Wha-" Snap.

When the snap sound resounded in the vicinity, the other genins who thought they would live flinched.

"I'll be fine." One of the genins muttered as he looked at the black shadow who was looking at them, and then he shook his head, "No, I'm losing it."


"Hmm, Right between a brothel and an inn. Seems like that guy didn't lie. May he rest in peace." Enkai said as he looked at the abandoned building.


When he pushed the door, it creaked. He was expecting an attack the moment he headed into the establishment, but nothing came.

Then he calmly walked inside only to see a single masked man sitting on a chair; in front of him another chair and a table.

Seeing that he wasn't being attacked, Enkai decided to sit on the chair. He didn't have his sharingan active, but his external senses were telling him that nobody except them was in this house.

"Welcome, Phantom Shinobi Enkai."

"Bro, I am alive. I am no ghost." Enkai's original accent slipped in when he heard himself being called 'Phantom', after all, he found it very edgy.



When he saw the masked man had no plan of answering he clicked his tongue and opened his mouth, "Say, who are you working for?"

Enkai was eagerly waiting for him to say no as he rubbed his hands in anticipation of beating the living hell out of this guy.

Enkai had a moral code, and that is – he wouldn't resort to violence unless his victims were also resorting to violence. 

The reason he didn't immediately thrash this demon-masked guy was because he hadn't resorted to violence yet. 

But if he refuses to co-operate then Enkai will have no choice but to make him co-operate.

After all, he was a purpose-driven person and even though he valued his morals and ethics his purpose took the priority here. 

It was definitely not because this man annoyed him. Yup, it had most definitely nothing to do with that.


"I work directly under lord fourth, the mizukage-sama." Enkai, who was thinking some pretty nasty things, heard the masked ninja's voice.

"W-What?" He almost stuttered when he heard the masked ninja. 

"I said, I directly work under lord fourth, the mizukage-sama."

"Y-Yeah, I heard that but don't you..not want to, maybe, say that..?" 


"Aren't you supposed to keep that a secret?" Enkai, who finally got used to the surprise attacks, asked with a twitching eyebrows.

"Yes, but I know you are strong and will inflict pain upon me if I don't reveal it."

"How did you know that?"

"Your feat and your face."

"I am wearing a mask though."

"I know."

"Ugh..." Somehow Enkai wanted to strangle this guy, maybe torturing him would be better...

"Please put down that serrated kunai. I don't feel very comfortable."

"You think I care? Also, who knows you might be hiding something from me."

"Alright, fine. I also secretly work for Mei-sama and give her a part of the money I get from the genins. So she can fund her operations to secretly assassinate the mizukage and make the village rid of its bloody reputation."



"UGHH!!!" Enkai slammed his hands on the table in frustration.


Enkai was cringing, and he was cringing hard. Seriously, what had gotten into him, he acted so immaturely back there.

He was really ashamed about his recent behaviour. He will reflect on that later though.

For now, he must focus on the matter at hand; he looked at the huge abandoned building in front of him.

This was the Yuki clan building and this is where Mei, Ao and their group of rebels were hiding. He got to know this from the overly cooperating hunter-nin from back then.

Activating his sharingan, he looked inside the building and lo and behold. He saw multiple people moving around there.

He also noticed that one of them, in particular, was looking in his direction, no-he was looking straight at him.


Creak, Crash!