
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Beyond The Battlefields

Haah, Haah...

Amidst the dense foliage, the panting breaths of Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari, the sand siblings, echoed through the border of Konohagakure. They had been relentlessly on the run for more than an hour, and their exhaustion was beginning to catch up with them.

"Let's take a break here, I think we are far away," Kankuro gasped, his breaths heavy and laboured.

Temari assessed her siblings' condition. They weren't out of danger yet, but pushing themselves too hard could hamper their ability to react in case of an emergency.

"Then, let's catch our breaths here for a while," she said decisively. The trio landed on the ground, their tired bodies finding momentary relief from the continuous chase.

Temari's eyes scanned the surroundings, her sharp gaze assessing the situation. "Everybody gather around," she commanded.

In response to her call, multiple Suna ANBU members swiftly materialised in front of her. These were the Kazekage's personal guards, each one a skilled ninja chosen for their loyalty and expertise. All of them were here except one member who accompanied the Kazekage closely to assist him if necessary.

Temari addressed the mini platoon of ninjas with authority, "Thank you for accompanying us. We will be taking a short break here. Please secure the perimeters."

The ANBU members nodded in unison, their masks concealing their expressions as they dispersed to fulfil their duties, ensuring the sand siblings' safety in the midst of their precarious situation.

Under the golden afternoon sun, the sand siblings and their vigilant guards found a brief moment of respite in the forest. Slowly time started passing, the day grew warmer, until Kankuro, worn out from their earlier escape, succumbed to exhaustion. He nestled under the shade of his puppet, seeking a brief rest.

The peaceful atmosphere was shattered when, with a sudden crash, an ANBU member came hurtling down from above, landing on his neck before the sand siblings. Their eyes widened with alarm, realizing that the tranquillity of the afternoon had been disrupted, that someone undesired was here.

Before they could react, however, two ominous figures emerged from the shadows, their presence sending chills down the sand siblings' spines. It was Hidan and Kakuzu, members of the Akatsuki.

"You Suna folks really should learn to keep your voices down, was that the last one, Kakuzu?" Hidan sneered, his scythe glinting in the sunlight.

"Yeah," Beside him, Kakuzu was methodically collecting the heads of his fallen foes, each one a step closer to a hefty bounty.

Temari, Gaara, and Kankuro exchanged astonished glances. All thinking the same thing—how had these Akatsuki members managed to catch up with them so quickly? Their shock was palpable as they struggled to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

"What kind of jutsu did you use to find us?" Temari demanded, her voice laced with a mix of anger and disbelief.

Kakuzu merely smirked, his threads of black stitches quivering with anticipation. "We have our methods. Let's just say we're very good at tracking our targets."

The sand siblings exchanged another glance, their expressions a mix of determination and fear. They were now faced with a formidable adversary, and their escape had been abruptly cut short. With a silent understanding, they steeled themselves for the battle that loomed ahead, ready to defend themselves against the relentless pursuit of Hidan and Kakuzu under the blazing afternoon sun. 

In the oppressive afternoon heat, the sand siblings and the menacing duo from Akatsuki stood facing each other in the heart of the forest. The air crackled with tension as both parties prepared for the imminent clash. Temari's fan was tightly gripped in her hand, Gaara's sand stirred restlessly around him, and Kankuro emerged from his puppet, battle-ready.

Hidan, his maniacal grin never faltering, twirled his scythe with a practised ease, while Kakuzu's eyes glinted with the greed for profit. The wind whispered through the leaves, carrying the weight of the confrontation about to unfold.

Without warning, Hidan lunged forward, his scythe slicing through the air. Temari swiftly raised her fan, deflecting his attack with precision. Meanwhile Gaara manipulated the sand beneath their feet, creating a protective barrier that shielded them from Kakuzu's initial assaults.

Kankuro, quick on his finger, launched his puppet into action. Strings whirred as the puppet deftly dodged Kakuzu's attacks while countering with swift, calculated strikes. The battle raged on, the combatants moving with a grace born from years of training and experience.

"You're more skilled than I thought," Temari called out, her voice cutting through the sounds of battle. "But you won't catch us so easily!"

Hidan cackled, his eyes shining with fanaticism. "You sand rats are fun, but you won't keep lord jashin waiting for too long!"

In the midst of the skirmish, Gaara's eyes narrowed with focus. He summoned his sand, shaping it into a powerful vortex that swept toward Hidan and Kakuzu. The Akatsuki members, recognizing the threat, countered with swift manoeuvres, narrowly avoiding Gaara's sand onslaught.

Kakuzu, undeterred, unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks, each element dancing at his command. Temari and Kankuro skillfully defended against the onslaught, their teamwork evident as they covered each other's vulnerabilities.

The battle raged on, the combatants locked in a dance of deadly techniques and strategic manoeuvres. The forest echoed with the clash of weapons and the elemental fury of the shinobis. Under the harsh afternoon sun, the sand siblings faced off against their relentless adversaries, their determination shining bright amidst the chaos.

In the dying light of the afternoon, the battle between the Sand siblings and the Akatsuki duo intensified. 

Dust and debris filled the air as clashing jutsus and weapons reverberated through the forest. However, despite their determination, the sand siblings found themselves struggling against the relentless onslaught of Hidan and Kakuzu.

Temari's wind jutsus clashed against Hidan's scythe, the force of their attacks sending shockwaves through the surrounding trees. Kankuro's puppets moved in a complex dance, attempting to confound Kakuzu, but the older ninja proved skilled at countering almost every move. However, they were getting pushed back.

Gaara, feeling the pressure of the battle, could sense the Shukaku's chakra stirring within him, eager to be unleashed. His eyes narrowed with determination, considering the drastic step of releasing the tailed beast to turn the tide in their favour.

Just as hope seemed to waver in their eyes, a sudden unrest spread through the forest. Leaves rustled, branches quievered as if welcoming the arrival of the newcomers that arrived at the battlefield.

In a whirlwind of speed and precision, multiple Konoha ANBU ninjas flickered from the depths of the forest, encircling the sand siblings in a protective ring. Each ninja clad in the battle gears of the ANBU, their identities concealed behind masks, all except for one. 

A lone man stood at the forefront, his face weathered by experience, a scruffy beard framing his determined expression. An air of annoyance clung to him, perhaps exacerbated by the fact that his cigarette had just burnt out, a minor inconvenience amidst the unfolding chaos.

With a commanding presence, he barked a challenge to their adversaries, his words laced with a mix of bravado and readiness. "Alright, jokers and freakshows, let's have a go!" His voice cut through the tense silence, resonating with unwavering determination.

Asuma, the source of this bold declaration, weaved intricate hand signs to perform 'Fire Style: Ash Pile Burning'; channelling his chakra with practiced precision. As he did, a potent mixture of black smoke infused with chakra-laced gunpowder began to swirl around the Akatsuki members. The thick smoke enveloped them, obscuring their vision and plunging them into a world of obsidian haze.

Then, with a swift movement, Asuma ignited the concoction with the flink in his teeth. 

A spark of flint met the volatile mix, setting the air ablaze. The once-quiet forest erupted into a cacophony of flames, illuminating the dimming afternoon with a fierce brilliance. The explosion, a testament to the volatile power of Asuma's jutsu, shattered the tranquility of the forest, sending shockwaves through the trees and scattering embers like fiery stars against the canvas of the night sky.

Amidst the chaos, the air crackled with the intensity of the moment, as the ANBU and the sand siblings stood protected within the fiery barrier, while the Akatsuki members found themselves ensnared within the relentless grasp of the flames.

Soon however, the flames crackled and a silhouette formed in their vision, then slowly it became more distinct, until finally a blazing Hidan burst past the fiery wall.

The next moment, a blood-curdling scream resounded as Hidan swung his scythe in a maniacal frenzy, the weapon slashing through the air like a vengeful spectre on fire. 

Asuma, startled by Hidan's incoming onslaught, leaped back with lightning speed, narrowly evading the deadly arc of the scythe. He quickly assessed the situation, his eyes flicking towards the protective circle of ANBU surrounding the sand siblings. 

"You three, retreat to a safe distance!" Asuma's gaze locked onto the sand siblings, urging them to move away from the immediate danger. Then, he turned to his subordinates, his orders concise and firm. "Everyone else, split into two groups; one fights with me, and the other protects the children!"

As his subordinates swiftly organised themselves, Asuma returned his focus to the battlefield, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. "At least with one of them down, I don't need to-" he began to say, however, his words cut short as Kakuzu, seemingly unscathed, stepped out of the fire as if it were a mere inconvenience. His skin had darkened slightly, a visible testament to his resilience.

Asuma's eyes narrowed as he assessed the changed opponent before him. "You think your party tricks can get through my Iron skin?" Kakuzu's voice dripped with confidence, his demeanour unyielding.

Asuma's expression tightened, his mind racing to strategize against this seemingly invulnerable foe. "This is going to be tough," he muttered under his breath, steeling himself for the imminent clash with the indomitable Kakuzu. The battle raged on, a symphony of elemental jutsu and taijutsu, each move calculated, each strike met with unwavering determination. 

The forest bore witness to their clash, the flames casting eerie shadows upon the trees as the two formidable forces collided.