
Uchiha With Glasses

Reborn in Naruto and become Uchiha Shisui brother, the descendant of Uchiha Kagami. You can read 20+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 天榜女装 (for the fanfic), Tite Kubo (for Bleach), and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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233 Chs

144.No Strenght to Escape

Thank you to kiddeath1998, J, Jal, Miguel razo, Chamar Ellis, Isk0, WhiteBeard for their support and becoming a patron on p@treon.

You can read 20+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

Check Out My Other works: Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

ps: Please support me on P@treon. I can really use your help!


Thank you to Viswa Venkat Mounish Vadlapudi, kiddeath1998, J, Jal, Miguel razo, Chamar Ellis for their support and becoming a patron on p@treon.

You can read 20+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

Check Out My Other MTL: Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

ps: Please support me on P@treon. I can really use your help!


"All of you, stop!!"

Both Konoha and the Alliance turned their eyes to the past one after another.

"Are you the Akatsuki organization?!'

Darui widened his eyes in astonishment.

In the information network of Cloud Shinobi Village.

He also knew the existence of Akatsuki organization.

It is said to be a peace-loving organization.

"Yahiko? Ah, you are here right! Come and help the old man"

Hanzō yelled with a hoarse voice as if he had seen a savior.

"Hanzo-sama, are you okay?"

Yahiko ran over first and helped the latter.

After all, in name, the Akatsuki organization belongs to Rain village.

"Akatsuki? Are you going to intervene in Konoha's fight with the alliance?

Kurenai frowned.

"You go to other people's country to make trouble, you Konoha are too overbearing!"

Nagato rarely spoke, and shouted in a bad tone.

His parents were killed by Konoha Shinobi.

Now when I see the enemy, I feel angry!

"You can't say that. You formed an alliance against 380 Konoha. Of course we have reasons to stop it!"

Kakashi said righteously.

"Humph! This is all because Konoha, forcing our four countries to form an alliance.

Karura said coldly.

"The tail beast that robbed us of Cloud Shinobi Village, damn Konoha Shinobi!

Darui also berated.

"Pay attention to your words! Matatabi is not yours!"

With a flick of his eyelids, Yugito retorted strongly.

"But Three Tails is Kirigakure's, right?

Mei gritted her teeth and said, "Bring back our Three Tails!

"What are you talking about?!"

Izumi interrupted her.

Jinchūriki of Three Tails is Rin Nohara, now a member of the roots.

When Izumi just joined Root, she received a lot of care from each other.

Naturally, she stands firmly on her own position.

How could it be possible to agree to let Three Tails go back!

"The Akatsuki organization is also a have the same goal as the Alliance, so let's help us defeat Konoha!

Ishikawa cried out and said.

In terms of the number of people, Akatsuki has brought nearly a thousand ninjas.

Although the personal combat effectiveness may not be high.

"Then you guys just give it a try!

Samui held Zanpakutō in her hand and pointed at the opponent angrily.

In a short time, the atmosphere on both sides was tense!

But at this moment.

Yahiko shouted again.

"Stop everyone!"



Everyone looked dumbfounded.

Yahiko furrowed his brows and looked sad and compassionate.

"Could it be that you only fight with your fists?

"Why can't everyone sit down and discuss it?"

Yahiko said loudly.

The audience fell into a weird silence.

This word

It makes a lot of sense.

In theory, it can be said to be impeccable!

But the problem is.

Are ninjas a group of reasonable people?

Besides, Konoha and the people in the alliance just had a hard time fighting.

Both sides have accumulated a huge amount of hatred.

How can you allow you to make peace in a few words?


Who do you think you are!

"Yahiko, are you crazy? You still say such naive things to this day!"

Hanzō was so angry that he vomited blood.

"If there can be peace talks, of course we want to make peace talks. But you formed an alliance to target us Konoha!"

Kakashi said that he spiritually agrees with Yahiko's statement, but the actual operation is not feasible at all!

"Akatsuki Organization, I thought it was a new force recently, but I didn't expect it to be a group of stupid hats."

Ishikawa cast a weird look.


Konan showed a very disappointed expression, "Why do you have to hurt each other?"

"Konan, don't talk about Konoha, these people are domineering and accustomed, it is impossible to reflect!

Nagato gritted his teeth.

"Endless war will not solve any problems!"

Even being ridiculed.

Even if it is underestimated.

Yahiko still sticks to his beliefs.

Shouted to everyone.

"As long as everyone is willing to connect heart to heart and communicate sincerely. Real peace will surely be achieved!

"Sorry, we Cloud Shinobi can't trust a traitor!"

Darui looked at Yugito with a point.

However, Yugito is not to be outdone.

"I won't believe the barbarians of Cloud Shinobi either!"

The two sides disagreeed and quarreled again.


Yahiko backhanded the Shinobi in his hand and thrust it heavily into the ground.

Shouted with a hysterical voice.

"In short, with our Akatsuki organization today, you will definitely not be allowed to fight again!

The voice is still sonorous and powerful.

It's a pity that his own deterrent is insufficient.

"Hey! The people of the Akatsuki organization, do you really think you are a green onion?"

Ishikawa said in a bad tone.

"I admire your willingness for peace, but I regret that you don't seem to have the strength to mediate the war."

Shisui sighed.

To put it bluntly, it is just one sentence.

Only those with big fists will be willing to listen.

Otherwise, no matter how much truth, no one will pay attention to it!

This is the most realistic ninja world!

Konoha and others looked at each other.

Ready to shoot at any time.

"Everybody listens to me! We will stop whoever takes the take the first shot!

Yahiko said

"Follow the leader's will!"

Everyone in Akatsuki's organization was enthusiastic.

They are all sincere followers who are attracted by Yahiko's personal charm.

"Hey~ If you have to fight, then pass our level first!

Konan cast out origami.

Nagato remained silent and secretly assembled a large amount of Chakra.

In the Akatsuki organization, he is the strongest one!

Neither party is willing to make concessions.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out.

At this moment, somewhere in a dark corner.

A distorted Space appeared again.

"Spish~ He really is a messenger of justice, Yahiko!"

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