
Uchiha through the multiverse

2 chapters per week === Sypnosis: Dying because on electrical shock, Shaun finds himself in a white plane of existence with only a table, a chessboard, and a white haired shota sitting across him. It turns out that the Lord of Reincarnation has taken an interest in Shaun and plans to give a second life with 5 wishes Shaun, an Uchiha Fanatic, decided to wish Uchiha Obito, Itachi, Shisui, Madara, and Sasuke's templates, freely switching Sharingans! "Train to gain power? Hah! Here, the more I kill, the stronger I get" "Conquer women and make a harem? F*ck that! I'll dominate this world with my power instead!" Join Shaun, an Uchiha fanatic, travel across the multi verse spreading the feared name of the Uchiha clan! But, what truly is the meaning behind the Lord of Reincarnation's whim? Are there more that meets the eye? Or is it really just that he is bored of his eternal life? === Notes - Expect that each world will be an Au (Alternate universe), the reason is because I don't have enough information about each of them as I don't re-read / Re-watch them === To be honest, this is just a wish-fulfillment, so if you don't like an mc that is overpowered from the start, then you are free to leave; no need to be salty in my book

Vennyon · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 3


Just wanna clear up some things in my Au

- In the anime, the One-eyed black dragon did not really die but instead went back inside the dungeon (As stated by Hermes in season 2). I just told in my Au that OEBD is dead so that the mc can take a part of it

- Bell's mother did not get pierced in the lower abdomen but disengaged because of an attack from the OEBD (I think)

- I know that Alfia isn't the captain of the Hera familia but instead an executive. I can't find the Hera Familia's real captain's image on Google, so you just have to stick to Alfia's image. I did some research and found out that the real captain is Level 9, and still alive, but the people from the FanWiki can't find any other info on her.

(Also I found out that Alfia is Bell's biological aunt, too bad she's dead in canon)

Reader: Looks like you read the novel, huh?

Author: Well... not really. I just found two 12-minute videos on YouTube recapping what had happened in both seasons 1 & 2 of Danmachi and checked the Wikis

Reader: Wait, what? Why would yo-


Alright, now that's out of the way, let's start the chapter, shall we?


Chapter 3: Fight

"My answer shall be..."

There was a long pause, what words that come out my mouth shall be the one that decides either me or zeus' fates.

"I agree to your proposal" I said, activating Madara's Mangekyō in case the fight starts at any moment.

Hearing my answer, Zeus nodded and assumed a battle position. To my surprise, Hera also started assuming a fighting stance

"Wait, she will fight too?" I asked while holding one palm high

"Hmm? Her? Well... you do possess unknown and strange methods to us gods. It wouldn't hurt to be careful now Is it?"

Wow. Just wow. Is this guy really the same God that killed three legendary monsters? THAT'S JUST TOO SHAMELESS!

I sighed and shook my head sideways, then remembered something and I started to curl up a smile

{Right... There was that time when Madara did 'that' right? Hahaha....}

I looked up at them and joined my hands together. The jutsu I want to use appeared in my mind. After receiving all the information about that technique, I made the necessary hand signs


White smoke appeared beside me and a clone that looks similar to me appeared.

I could have used the normal {SHADOW CLONE JUTSU}, but normal shadow clones are simple and need to take orders. In contrast to the clones from {MULTIPLE SHADOW CLONES JUTSU}, they have their own consciousness and make decisions independently.

If I and Zeus fought, then I would be too busy fighting him and not have time to command a normal clone, so this is the best way.

Seeing a clone of me, Zeus' face did not finch the slightest in contrast to Hera who had her eyes wide.

"Now with this... It should be a bit fairer, don't you think?"

"Haha, I guess so?" Zeus chuckled as he shook his head sideways

"Then, shall we commence?"

"Mm, I agree" Zeus said while widening the gap of his legs and assuming a fighting position, so did Hera

I and my clone stretched our arms and stared at them

"Please don't die." I said with a menacing voice as me and my clone disappear from our current location

(A/N: I know that's cringe, but it's also badass. Don't crit me *pout*)

I disappeared from my location

Zeus' blue eyes moved fast trying to track me down, but unbeknownst to him, I already hid under the ground and the one running around above is my clone.

I did this by using Black Zetsu's ability which is {HIDING IN SURFACE TECHNIQUE} that can allow its user to phase through any solid objects, similar to Obito's Kamui but much more focused on phasing through, but enough of that, I need to focus on the battle.

I appeared above ground poking out a small part of me, and to my surprise, Zeus senses me and found out that the one moving around was my clone.

He stopped looking at the clone and moved extremely fast from his position. And by extremely fast, I mean EXTREMELY. That guy disappeared from his place without any signs of him moving and appeared next to me in half a second.

{How is this guy even able to do that? His powers are sealed, isn't it?}

I ignored that thought and immediately switched to Obito's Mangekyō and activate Kamui to transport the part of my body Zeus is about to hit.


Zeus wasn't able to touch a single hair on my body thanks to the Kamui Ability

I quickly switched back to Madara and kicked him in the abdomen, sending him a few meters away from me.

Zeus got up and wiped the dirt off him and glared at me.

{I feel like... He isn't quite serious about this fight...} I thought

Then, Zeus curled a smirk as if he had already won.

Huh? Why would he do that? Wait a minute... WHERE'S HERA?!

I quickly checked my surroundings and found out that my clone is no longer there, and so is Hera.

I quickly got the situation and immediately turned on Kamui, but I was a bit late as Hera managed to punch my left shoulder covered with scales. But I entered the Kamui dimension thus saving it.

- Inside the Kamui Dimension -

"Damn it, she managed to blow off a big chunk of my left arm. Fucking hurts! ARGH!}

I was in deep pain. But what happened next shocked me to the point that I managed to ignore the pain

Black strings appeared and connected themselves to each other. I saw some muscle fibers being constructed, I guess that my arm is healing at a terrifying rate.

After four minutes of black strings continuously appearing and reconstructing the left arm, it finally healed itself. Then, black scales appeared and covered the once blown part

"Seriously... What a terrifying healing capability. Choosing that Black Dragon wasn't a mistake" I said while panting

"Those gods are too damn fast and strong, even if their powers are sealed they can still pack a punch. *sigh*"

"If I don't finish the battle now, I might really die by one of those punches. Alright... I guess I'll go all out now."

- Round 2 Start -

A black spiral appeared from where I previously vanished, and my silhouette appeared with a fully healed arm.

Zeus and Hera watched as I exit the black spiral with no injuries

"It seems like you have survived Hera's ambush" said Zeus

"Yeah, hurts like hell. I should return the favor, no?" I said glaring at them angrily

I mean, who wouldn't be angry towards the people who blew off a big chunk of you?

"Then shall we start once more?" Asks Zeus

"Yeah... I think 'we' should"

After I said that, I made hand seals again.


I wasn't holding back anymore. I summoned more than a hundred clones of me.

My clones surrounded both Zeus and Hera. I looked at them and smirked under my mask

"So... Would you like my clones to use Susano'o?" I asked Zeus who was currently dumbfounded at the situation.

{Time to recreate what Madara did...}

I did not give him any time to answer my questions as in the next moment, one by one, my clones started radiating a dark blue aura around their bodies.


Suddenly, dust and sand got carried in the winds, making my clones not visible.

Then, the dust cleared out and I could clearly see the face of Zeus and Hera. They were in shock and a bit of fear.

The reason is because all 100 of my clones used Susano'o. And it wasn't the incomplete Susano'o, no it was the complete body Susano'o with limbs. Though it doesn't have its wings, it has, however, have its armor and blade.

Seeing Zeus and Hera's faces turn pale, I asked them

"So... Do you still want to continue?"

Zeus and Hera snapped out of their frightened state and looked at me.

{They will surely fight. I need to command the clones to—}

But I was interrupted with a shout

"We surrender" shouted Zeus while raising both his arms

My face darkened in shock. What did he sayyyy?

{Wait what?! What the hell is wrong with you?! You injured me and now that I'm attacking, you'll back down?! THAT'S BEYOND SHAMELESS YOU OLD COOT!}

I was really damn furious. No other words can describe my anger.

I sighed and tried my best not to command the clones to stomp this God to pieces. I asked him in a stiff tone.

"Can you at least tell me the reason for you backing down?"

"Well, first of all, I still have a child to take care of. And second, your what I believe are clones," Zeus said while pointing at the towering dark blue giants, then continued "Just summoned something that has powers comparable to that of a mid-tier God. I'm not taking any chances here" said Zeus.

Hera however, was just standing beside him and nodded like she too understands the situation. I mean, she's not wrong...

{Are you fucking kidding me? And you call yourselves powerful Gods!?} I really want to stomp them.

But I did not pursue this matter anymore and asked them with a disappointed tone

"Alright, I'll accept your surrender. You'll keep your promise if I win right?"

"Of course. What is it that you want?"

I held my hand high

"First, I want none of the gods to know what had transpired here, not a single soul, got it?

Second, you shall not pursue after me after this battle. Third, even if we cross paths with each other again, we shall not enter any aggression. That is all."

"That's it? I thought you would ask for my right arm or something" said Zeus jokingly.

Hey, aren't you being a little too cozy right after the battle?

"Ask for your arm? What did you take me for? A collector?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

Although I did think of asking for a part of him to absorb, I thought that I should just do it to some low-tier god or a God that is a bit too arrogant.

Wait... Arrogant? That's it! Hehe, better watch your neck, Apollo.

"Seeing how you replaced your arm with the OEBD's scaly limb, I guessed that you would have asked for mine too" said Zeus

I did not answer him and ordered the clones to disappear. White smoke appeared, and the once towering dark blue giants disappeared along with the clones, returning their chakras back to my body— more precisely, the Juubi

I did not want to stay here anymore, I still need to cut a certain sun god's neck and collect his divinity.

But before I could disappear using {HIDING IN SURFACE TECHNIQUE}, Zeus spoke to me

"Before you leave, may I ask you to not harm Orario?" He said with determined eyes

I looked back at him and waved my hand while disappearing under the ground

"Okay... I'll try" I said keeping the last one unable for him to hear

And just like that, our 'battle' ended with the other side surrendering to the might of the Uchiha.

I switched to Obito's mangekyō and used Kamui

- Inside the Kamui dimension -

Currently, I'm lying on my back, currently resting.

"Now that my fight with Zeus and Hera ended, my priority right now is to kill Apollo and replace a part of me with him and obtain what the gods call 'divinity'."

"But I'll put out that aside for now. I need to test out my new dragonic arm. First of all, it looks really cool, with obsidian-colored scales surrounding my whole left arm, giving it insane cool vibes. Now that I think about it, monsters from this world fear the OEBD's scales, don't they? So I should be able to drive off monster now, right?"

"Second, it's healing capabilities. It can fully heal a large chunk of my body within 5 minutes, I wonder if it affects not only my one arm?"

I then sat up and took the blade behind me and did the most insane thing I would do. I pierced my leg with it.


Of course, it would hurt. But my expectations did not disappoint me. As in the next second, the black strings appeared and started reconstructing the wound my blade pierced.

"It does affect other parts of my body!" I shouted happily

With this, I can have advantages if I were to enter another battle.

But wait... Didn't I wish for a body that can heal faster than light? Why didn't it heal my body earlier? Did ROB make a mistake regarding my body wish? Wait, there's no problem for me using an Elemental jutsu or any jutsu that is. So what's the problem? Did I really just get the adaptable body? If I did, that sucks. Like, really sucks.

I did not pursue this matter anymore as I feel like I can get a headache from it.

"Now... What else can I do?"

Getting my head off my body problem, I focused once more on my arm

After that, I don't know how long I stayed inside the Kamui dimension. I just tested a lot of things on my arm.

Feeling satisfied with the tests, I exited the Kamui dimension with a smile on my face.

- Outside the Kamui Dimension -

I stretched up both my arms and looked at the distant forest nearby.

"Now then, I should probably go to Orario now, right?"

And with that, I left to go to Orario.


Chapter ends! :D

Btw if you're wondering how the mc was able to supply his clones with Chakra, he just borrowed some from the Juubi and distributed them to his clones :D

Moreover, Madara also used Susano'o on his clones during his fight with the Kages.

Did you spot anything wrong with this chapter? Comment down so I can fix it either here or in the next chapter!

This chapter was supposed to be uploaded 1 hour ago, but WebNovel signed me out of my account :(

I got back in :)