
Uchiha In Jujutsu Kaisan

Taiko Uchiha was killed by uchiha and reincarnated in the body of the young master of the fallen Ono clan in jujitsu kaisan world There is no harem and non system in this fanfic also I prefer to use a lot of time skips to increase the pace of the novel but not very much also, the MC is going to use a lot of techniques from Naruto world Also, the story is going to start about 6 to 5 years before the start of the main plot

The_Immortal159 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


"Uff that was pretty dangerous young master... Please don't take such a risk next time " (Nishi)

that was fuckin painful...

Trying to recreate chidori, or at least a variant of it, wasn't a failure for a first try to be honest, But its impact on my body and my CE is pretty dangerous at the moment... Unless I got a solid control over my CE, I can perform it without injuring my self like now.

Firstly, My hand is already hurting cause of the chaotic nature of the technique, and it wasn't able to adapt to the sudden change of my CE

Plus its effect directly on my CE is Huge, More dangerous than the first one

to make it simple, cause of my lake to control, if I wanted to change the intensity of my CE, I have to increase its concentration first, unleashed in a way that keeps it under control, So to do that, I got to keep on focus, If I lost focus for a moment, then my Whole CE is going to get out of control 

Hopefully, Nishi dodged my strike, and I decharged my Whole reserve in a tree which turned into ashes now

Well, I would be better If I was able to kill Nishi as the was presented in the ceremony that day, Even as I doubt that will be enough to kill her, maybe a little damage

Also ...

"Who's there ?"

Nishi is probably in my Father room, reporting the incident, and other servants are prohibited from visiting this part of the castle 

Then the door of the Room appeared, and a black cat got into it...

I am pretty shocked at the moment to be honest, For my nearly 11 years in this house, T haven't seen any creature step in here, Ever birds cant fly above it

Well the reason of it is obvious now, because of Sharingan, I can see a barrier surrounding the hole castle and make any creature change direction the moment he step into domain 

even in The peak of Shinobi, this kind of techniques was never heard of...

"Something is off..."

Then the cat turned her head and before starting a staring contest with me...

Then out of Nowhere...

A third eye popped in her forehead...

" I know this Aura... A cursed spirit..."

Suddenly, The cat opened her mouth and a Ball of cursed energy started to get bigger 




If I was on my full power, dodging this bullet wouldn't be this hard...

Half of the room is destroyed now, and My body is more tired than ever...

The Best time for an assassin and The worst for the target...

Next thing, The cat walked from the smog and opened her mouth another time...


Now, the other half of the room is destroyed...

In a flash I appeared behind the cat and I throw a punch toward where it was standing

and after that, a catching contest started...

Like any cat, her agility was pretty efficacy against my strikes, plus her bullets were hard to dodge, Getting hit by one would be dangerous specially when I don't have any cursed energy like now


" Catch u..."

Suddenly, As I thought, I hit her, She appeared behind my back and opened her mouth...

The distance between us makes it impossible to dodge

A strike from this distance is already vital...

" Damn...!"

Rising my hand to block it... It was a desperate move to be honest, it will be a miracle If leave today alive...



Before Even realizing, The cursed spirit has already been turned into a ball of weird black and white fire...

Another presence have been added to the room...obviously, it was Ono Murai, The Head of the clan...

I have already guessed he has awakened his mageyko Sharingan but seeing it for the first time is making me fascinating already by it...

The peak of the Uchiha clan and its pride...seeing her already made me forgot about the monster that was trying to kill me 

" It's earlier than what was predicted...Suguru Geto is already near her, and he send his Cursed Spirit to scoot."

The flames started to collect and came back to Murai Left eye...

"Senzo, Many things have changed, Don't lower your guard from now on...

Wait for my order and don't act stupid..."

I was already shocked by the sudden change and the Tone he was speaking with, like he was surprised from something coming...

What is more questionable is...

"Ur eyes... They are bleeding..." ( Senzo)

Murai raised his hand touching his eyes then smiled...

"Maybe we are not that young anymore hehe"*

Then Nishi appeared with a scared look in her face then make a bow toward Murai...

"Clan head, Ur servant missed her work , I will accept any punishment from you ..."

"Be ready you and I are going to leave, Senzo, I have arranged a hotel room for you, one week from now someone is going to meet you, Listen to him"

What a turnover...


"What do You think..."

Two figures were sitting in the back of a car, one was a human and the other was an alien figure...

"That Boy from the Ono clan, Have nothing special, maybe all the news we got about his talent are fake"

"Really, Then what's your plan Geto..."

The two figures were Geto and Jogo 

" We are going to Follow Murai... His technique is already interesting..." ( making an evil smile)


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