
Uchiha: Destroy Konoha at the Start!

Reborn in Naruto World and become a ninja of the Uchiha clan. But right now is the night of genocide, and Uchiha Chenhui’s heart is full of MMP! How to do? Wait to die! ! Ughhh! At the critical moment, the system finally awakens! “Detected that Host’s blood succession limit Sharingan has reached a bottleneck and has been advanced to Mangekyō Sharingan!” “It was detected that the quality of Host’s Chakra has reached a bottleneck and it has been upgraded to kage level!” “Detected that Host’s Fire Style·Holding Flame (B) has reached a bottleneck and has been upgraded to Fire Style·Holding Flame (A)! … “Trigger plot: Uchiha Annihilation Night! Choose mission:” “1. Don’t care, leave it alone! Reward: Elementary Sage Body (advanced); S-rank Ninjutsu Scroll X1” “2. Take refuge in Konoha and cooperate with Konoha to destroy the Uchiha clan! Reward: Common Wood Style Bloodline; Wind Style Ninjutsu Encyclopedia” “3. Lead the tribe to resist and show…… ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of Uchiha: Destroy Konoha at the Start!, I am just translating the story you can read the original work here : https://wap.faloo.com/777608.html --------------------------------------- Translations in the starting chapters are not good. It got better after some 20 chapters. I'll re-edit those 20 chapters with better translations in the future

blankish_myth · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

An awkward meeting!

Looking at the demoralized crowd, Chenhui nodded in satisfaction.

However, at this moment, Uchiha's complexion changed suddenly!

Then, he looked at Chenhui seriously and said, "There is news from Konoha!"

"Just last night, the group of people who chose to stay in Konoha have been slaughtered by Itachi..."

Mt Uchiha quickly told the news he had received.

Before leaving Konoha, Mt. Uchiha had left several of his Shadow Clone in Konoha, so that he could pass news to them as soon as possible.

Just now, Konoha's Shadow Clone automatically disbanded, and what happened to Konoha during this period was passed on!

Among them are the dirty water splashed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the news that the group of Uchiha left in Konoha was slaughtered!


After listening to Uchiha's report, everyone in the house looked different.

After a long silence, Chenhui's chuckle broke the silence.

"It doesn't seem to be what I expected, and staying with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo made Konoha even more decay!"

"It has only been so long since Sarutobi Hiruzen started to turn his face and refuse to recognize people!"

A member of the tribe sighed, "It's just that I have pity the group of people who stayed in Konoha and fed the dog faithfully!"

When Uchiha heard the words, he sneered and said: "A group of guys who know the truth, they are not worth our pity!"

"Chenhui said before, they will pay for their choice!"

"No, the price is coming!"

Chenhui waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's not talk about these unhappy things."

"Go down and prepare. In one month, I think you can all make progress a little bit."

A group of people nodded their heads, and then turned and walked outside the house. They had to quickly inform the whole group of the results of this discussion.

At this moment, Uchiha Peak walked up to Chenhui.

He frowned and asked, "Sarutobi Hiruzen splashed all the dirty water on you. Konoha is so angry now!"

"Don't we need to frighten them?"

Chenhui waved his hand and said, "Sooner or later, it will be the people who are going to enter the soil, so let's be arrogant first!"

"And those families in Konoha should already know the secrets of last night, I think they will make the right choice!"

"As for the civilians, I never cared about their opinions!"

"Okay, after a tiring night, go and rest!"

Uchiha nodded, then turned and walked out of the house.

Soon there were only Chenhui and Uchiha springs left in the house.

"You have to practice hard too, but you can't be as lazy as you used to be!"

Chenhui rubbed Uchiha Izumi's little head.

Uchiha Izumi smiled and said: "For the sake of Brother Chenhui, I must practice hard!"

"By the way, Brother Chenhui, I saw that the swordsmanship you used before was so powerful and very handsome!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"I want to learn!"

"Well, you have a good rest today, and I will teach you tomorrow!"

One month's time was fleeting, and Chenhui also began to lead his tribe to march towards the Water Country...

In this month, Chenhui's cultivation method has spread to the whole family.

Everyone from the elders to the five-year-old children began to practice this secret method specially created for Uchiha!

However, Chenhui did not expect these people to help him in a short time. After all, even the tribe of Sangouyu wanted to use this to open Mangekyō, it would take 6 years!

Even if it is a genius, it is impossible to open it without three or four years.

And after three or four years, Chenhui expected the most suitable time for action!

So at that time, Chenhui will depend more on Chenhui alone!

And these tribesmen have to wait for the Ninja world to be settled before they can be effective!

Chenhui knows the plot well, so his goal is also very ambitious!

Since the Ōtsutsuki clan can feed on the entire universe, why can't he Uchiha? !


In the evening, Terumi Mei returned home after a tiring day.

In recent years, Fourth Mizukage Yakura has gone crazy, and has been madly targeting the Bloodline family and Bloodline ninjas!

In just a few years, the families that have existed since the establishment of Hidden Mist Village: the ghost lamp clan, the Kei Yoruichi clan, the Mizuki clan... and so on!

These great clans in the Ninja Realm have just become history!

In order to eliminate these Bloodline families, the ordinary ninjas in Hidden Mist Village also suffered countless deaths and injuries!

In the current fog of Ninja Village, even three thousand ninjas are hard to get together!

And not only that, there was even a weird ethos of 'resolutely not being a ninja' in the village!

So at this time, almost no one signed up for the Ninja School, and it was useless!

Terumi Mei naturally doesn't want to see Hidden Mist Village die slowly, but she is weak and unable to stop Yakura's tyranny!

But even so, Terumi Mei is secretly gathering a group of like-minded Kiri Shinobu.

Not only for self-protection, but also for seeking opportunities to change Hidden Mist Village!

But Yakura is strong, and it has captured everyone's hatred of war.

So now, there are only one or two hundred people willing to follow Terumi Mei!

This is because she was recognized by Yuanshi! (Master Yuan: The elder of Hidden Mist Village, has the same status as Mizukage)

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei couldn't help sighing deeply.

She is now no match for Yakura in terms of strength or influence.

Therefore, she can only hide behind the scenes aggrieved, watching the decline of Tenten in Hidden Mist Village but can't do anything!

Terumi Mei shook her head and stopped thinking about these ruining things.

Then, humming a relaxed tone, she walked slowly to the bathroom.


The brisk whistle, accompanied by the sound of water, soon filled the room.

Nearly half an hour later, Terumi Mei opened the bathroom door and walked out.

But at this time, her whole body is not wispy!

But this is my home, and Terumi Mei didn't care.

She walked slowly to the big mirror in the living room and looked at the graceful figure in the mirror with admiration.

After a while, she bit her lower lip slightly, Wumei looked at herself in the mirror.

"With such a perfect body, I don't know which kid will be cheaper!"

After admiring herself for a while, Terumi Mei sighed heavily.

Then, she said bitterly: "Twenty years, when will I meet my Prince Charming..."

But at this moment, Terumi Mei suddenly felt a breeze passing by!

Her complexion changed suddenly, knowing that she closed the doors and windows on purpose, how could wind come in? !

Then, Terumi Mei quickly turned around, but found a strange figure standing in the middle of the living room at some point!


Chenhui stared at the incomparably graceful figure with no wisps in front of him in amazement, and there was an imperceptible movement in his throat.

He murmured: "It seems that I am here...ah no, it's not the time."

However, Terumi Mei was not as stunned as he was.

Terumi Mei, who was originally very embarrassed and angry, looked at Chenhui with murderous expression on her face after hearing Chenhui's whisper to herself!

She roared: "Hentaiiii! Give me your death!"

"Boil Style·Qiaowu Technique!"

In the next moment, a daunting white mist swiftly struck Chenhui!



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