
Chapter 7: Hikari's Growth

Yami woke up early in the morning, feeling the refreshing breeze blowing through the trees. He got ready and left for his secluded spot in the forest where he could train undisturbed. Hikari, his psychic phoenix, followed him, flying around and occasionally swooping down to perch on a branch.

Yami started his training, focusing on his perception jutsu. He closed his eyes, centering himself, and then tried to feel the presence of everything around him. As he did so, he felt the trees, the insects, and even Hikari. He smiled, satisfied with his progress, and then opened his eyes. Hikari flew down to him, and Yami explained the plan for the day.

"Hikari, today we will work on your physical fitness," he said. "We need to make sure that you are strong enough to learn how to heal. I want you to fly around and exert yourself. Do some laps around the forest, swoop down and then fly back up. Push yourself, but don't overdo it."

Hikari nodded, her eyes shining with determination. She flew up into the air, beating her wings with a steady rhythm. Yami watched her go, and then continued with his own training.

As the morning wore on, Yami and Hikari continued to train. Hikari flew around tirelessly, testing her limits, while Yami honed his perception jutsu, gradually increasing his range and sensitivity. At noon, Yami called Hikari down to rest, and the two of them sat on a nearby log.

"Alright, Hikari," said Yami. "Let's talk about the plan for your training. We'll start with healing, as we discussed yesterday. You need to focus on using your natural energy to soothe and repair. It won't be easy, and it'll take time, but I have faith in you."

Hikari looked at Yami with a determined expression. "I'll do my best, Yami. But how do I use my natural energy to heal?"

Yami smiled. "That's where I come in. I've been doing some research on how to train a psychic beast, and I've found some techniques that might help you. But we'll start with the basics. I want you to focus on feeling the natural energy around you. Focus on its flow and rhythm. You need to be able to sense it before you can use it."

Yami took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the task at hand. He reached out with his senses, feeling the energy of the forest around him. He felt the sun on his skin, the wind in his hair, and the soft rustling of leaves as animals moved around in the underbrush. He let the natural energy flow into his body, filling him with a sense of calm and strength.

With each breath, he drew more of the energy into himself, feeling it course through his veins and fill every corner of his being. He opened his eyes and looked at Hikari, who was watching him intently.

"Watch closely, Hikari," he said. "This is how you draw natural energy into your body."

He closed his eyes again and continued to breathe deeply, focusing his mind on the energy around him. Slowly, he raised his hands and began to move them in a series of intricate gestures, like a dancer performing a complex routine. As he did so, he felt the energy flowing more strongly, responding to his movements like a river flowing over rocks.

Hikari watched him in awe, her eyes wide with wonder. She had never seen anything like it before. She could feel the energy in the air around her, but she didn't know how to draw it into herself. She tried to mimic Yami's movements, but she couldn't seem to get it right.

Yami sensed her frustration and moved closer to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. He closed his eyes and focused his mind on hers, letting his natural energy flow into her body. She gasped as she felt the energy fill her, giving her a sense of strength and vitality.

"Feel it, Hikari," he said. "Let it flow through you."

She closed her eyes and focused her mind, feeling the energy flowing into her body like a warm current. She moved her hands in time with Yami's, feeling the energy responding to her movements. Slowly, she began to draw the natural energy into herself, feeling it fill her with a sense of calm and power.

Yami smiled as he watched her, proud of her progress. He could feel the connection between them growing stronger with each passing moment, as they worked together to master this ancient art.

As Hikari continued to draw in the natural energy, Yami could sense subtle changes within her. The energy that was previously scattered started to flow smoothly within her body. It was as if Hikari's body was slowly adapting to the energy, and Yami could feel her gradually becoming more proficient at it.

Yami watched as Hikari's wings trembled, and the feathers around them began to glow with a faint blue light. The energy she was drawing in was spreading throughout her body, and he could feel her muscles start to relax and her breathing become deeper and more controlled.

As Hikari continued to draw in the natural energy, Yami could sense a shift in the energy flow. It was no longer just flowing within her, but he could feel it starting to radiate outwards from her body as well. It was like a soft, warm light emanating from her, and he could sense a calming effect spreading throughout the area.

Yami smiled, realizing that Hikari was making great progress. He continued to guide her, his own natural energy blending with hers to help her stay focused and maintain the flow. He could sense a growing confidence in her movements and a newfound ease in the way she drew in the energy.

As the sun started to set, Hikari finally stopped drawing in the natural energy. She was visibly exhausted, but there was a glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes. Yami congratulated her on her progress and reminded her that this was only the beginning. There was still much more to learn and accomplish.

With that, they started to make their way back to Yami's home. Hikari's movements were still a bit shaky, but Yami could feel a newfound strength and confidence in her. He was excited to continue her training and see just how far she could go.

Over the next year, Hikari's training with Yami continued daily. At first, she struggled with sensing the natural energy and drawing it into her body. However, as time passed, she became more proficient at manipulating the energy, gradually reaching a point where she could do it almost as if it was second nature.

Yami continued to guide her through the process, explaining the finer points of controlling and directing the energy. Hikari started to become more in tune with the natural world around her, able to sense the energy around her and draw it in with ease. She would fly through the forest, focusing on the flow of energy around her, as Yami observed her progress.

As Hikari's proficiency grew, Yami began to introduce more advanced techniques. They started practicing more complex movements and focusing on different ways to channel the natural energy. Hikari started to sense the energy in her surroundings, becoming more aware of the intricate details of the world around her.

Over time, Hikari's control over the natural energy became more refined. She could channel the energy to heal herself or others, and even enhance her physical abilities. Yami was impressed with her progress and pushed her to keep improving.

Yami was pleased with Hikari's progress in controlling the natural energy. She had grown in size and strength, and her wingspan had increased. Now, it was time for her to learn how to heal herself using the natural energy. Yami explained that this would require her to draw in the energy and focus it on the area that needed to be healed.

At first, Hikari struggled with this new technique. She found it difficult to focus on both the injury and the natural energy at the same time. However, with Yami's patient guidance, she gradually became more proficient. She started by healing small cuts and bruises, and eventually worked her way up to more serious injuries.

After several months of practice, Hikari had become so proficient at healing herself that it became second nature to her. Yami was pleased with her progress and decided it was time to move on to the next stage: learning to heal others.

To do this, Yami taught Hikari how to send her natural energy out of her body and into the body of another being. This required a great deal of control and focus, as Hikari had to make sure she didn't use too much or too little energy. Yami demonstrated the technique by sending his own natural energy into Hikari's body, allowing her to feel the process from the inside.

Hikari practiced this technique for several months, gradually becoming more proficient. She started by healing small injuries on animals and eventually worked her way up to more serious injuries on people. Yami was pleased with her progress and could see that she was becoming a skilled healer.

Yami had been diligently practicing his perception jutsu, and over the past two years, he had expanded his range and sensitivity to a significant degree. He could now sense even the smallest movements and sounds around him, detecting the slightest shifts in the natural energy that surrounded them.

As he continued to train in the secluded spot in the forest, he suddenly noticed something different. Hikari had stopped her healing practice and was hovering in the air, her body glowing with a faint white light. He immediately focused his perception on her and noticed a subtle shift in the natural energy around her.

He could see the energy flowing out of Hikari's body in a steady stream, extending beyond her and spreading out into the surrounding area. He could sense the energy moving through the trees and the ground, causing the leaves to rustle and the earth to vibrate slightly.

Yami was amazed at the progress Hikari had made. Her control over the natural energy had improved significantly, allowing her to channel it outside of her own body. He could feel the potential power that Hikari now possessed and knew that she was on her way to becoming an incredible healer.

As Hikari finished her exercise, Yami approached her with a proud smile on his face. "You're doing great, Hikari," he said. "I can sense the improvements you've made over the past two years. You're becoming a true master of the natural energy."

Yami's focus was interrupted by a sudden shift in his perception. His senses sharpened and he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. As he scanned his surroundings, his eyes fell on a child at the bottom of a nearby ravine. The child was injured, their arm bent at an unnatural angle, and they were struggling to move.

Yami turned to Hikari and said, "I sense someone at the bottom of the ravine. Can you fly down and check it out?"

Hikari nodded and flew off towards the ravine. As she got closer, she could see a child lying at the bottom, injured and in pain. She quickly flew back up to Yami and reported what she saw.

Yami listened carefully and then said, "We need to help this child."