
Ubran cultivator: unleashing professions

In the bustling cityscape, Ethan, a diligent agriculture student, stumbles upon a clandestine system of cultivation that grants him access to multiple professions as his mastery deepens. In a world where the existence of cultivators remains concealed from the ordinary populace, Ethan's journey unfolds against a backdrop of secrecy and intrigue. As Ethan ascends through the ranks of cultivation, he forms alliances, navigates rivalries, and discovers unexpected romances, building a harem of individuals with unique talents and desires. Yet, lurking in the shadows are governmental agencies and ancient adversaries, both eager to exploit or eliminate those with cultivation abilities. Faced with mounting dangers and moral dilemmas, Ethan must wield his newfound powers responsibly while uncovering the truth behind the urban cultivator's existence. His choices will not only shape his own fate but also determine the future of cultivators in the modern world. "Urban Cultivator: Unleashing Professions" is a gripping tale of discovery, ambition, and romance, inviting readers into a world where ordinary students wield extraordinary powers, and where every decision carries weight in the balance between secrecy and revelation. Join Ethan as he embarks on a quest to master his abilities and redefine the destiny of urban cultivation.

WorldWanderer · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 7: Ethan's distraction disaster

Oppressive heat smothered the combustion casting hall, droplets of sweat dripping down each strained novice's face as they attempted the intricate Inferno Weave sigils. The summer months burdened even the sanctuary's potent climate wards, magic fizzling weakly against Z City's unrelenting solar barrage.

Ethan squinted against glaring sunlight filtering through stained glass windows as his fingertips traced fiery runes for the twentieth exhausting time. Each glyph shimmered briefly before the spell matrix collapsed yet again into wisps of useless steam.

"Blast this insufferable swelter!" Ethan dragged an arm across his dripping brow. Like all students gathered in the soaring circular chamber, clothes clung uncomfortably thanks to the sauna conditions. He plucked miserably at sweat-soaked fabric sticking everywhere, glancing enviously toward friends who had sensibly stripped down to light training tunics that revealed quite distracting hints of supple curves on both girls and boys alike...

A sharp crack echoed through the hall as Marshal Yang, their stern pyromancy instructor, slammed his iron cudgel against the stone floor, jolting everyone's attention. "Focus, Initiates! Divert essence flow along prescribed channels, NOT towards quenching your thirst!" His hawk-like gaze fixated on Ethan. "Again, Novice! Bind and ignite the full matrix!"

Biting back sharp replies, Ethan narrowed his vision only to the intricate web of glowing sigils, channeling currents of essence towards stabilizing the volatile forces. But patches of wet cloth still clung uncomfortably, breaking his visualization each time they slid across sensitized skin. Savage heat smothered mind as much as body!

Voices echoed from across the brazier's burbling lava moat dividing the hall's center. "Well don't melt out there ladies and gents!" Emma's playful tone cut through the misery. Ethan glanced over to see her graceful frame highlighted by skintight undergarments as she loosened her apprentice robes. Damp blonde hair clung alluringly across Emma's flushed cheeks. "Can't have our star pupil Ethan getting too distracted by sheer fabric and bare skin can we now? Mind still on your spellwork over there?"

A chorus of teasing jeers and shouts carried her joking tone. But Ethan's concentration had already shattered completely. Raging hormones hijacked higher thought as he gasped aloud. Unrefined essence surged wildly through fractured channels, desperately seeking any nearby vessel to contain the mounting internal pressures.

Which proved to be the central brazier filled with various ores Elder Trenton was calculating for experimental alloy refinement. Pure elemental essences reacted violently when introduced without restraint. The unstable influx flash vaporized hundreds of gold coins and irreplaceable minerals in an instant!

"No no no, contain it, DAMNIT!" Ethan screamed hoarsely but too late. The vaporized gases erupted in a blinding detonation, belching volatile embers scattering murderously in all directions. Inititates fled from the angry sparks ricocheting around the hall. Stone walls blackened instantly from every glancing strike.

"Esteemed Elders help us!" Rita barely managed erecting a shimmering glyph barrier around herself and others before a rogue ember shattered her concentration. Jack grabbed her trembling body in protection as smoldering rubble pelted their huddled forms.

On the opposite side Elder Trenton finished tracing elaborate counter-wards meant to safely contain the crackling fireballs. But his spell matrix trembled violently, control slipping against the intensely chaotic forces. "Curses no, power levels still rising!" Trenton visibly strained from the effort. "Ethan you fool! This is your essence birthed monstrosity - get it under control before we all become ashes!"

Terror flooded Ethan's pounding heart realizing his mistakes now threatened friends. The image of Emma and others battered while he helplessly watched their agonized final moments ignited desperate inspiration. Lunging recklessly through swirling flames and sparks, Ethan seized a stray sword from weapons racks to begin etching massive containment sigils along the blackened stone floor.

Arcane geometries amplified Ethan's trembling voice shouting coercive commands for obedience - echoing instructor drill sergeant tones that forged his gifts under their harsh tutelage. The raging embers slowly, grudgingly coalesced into one seething orb over the glowing vortex patterns, raging against renewed constraints like chained beasts.

Gasping raggedly from overexertion as the barely stabilized fireball still strained against fragile bindings, Ethan altered sigils further, guiding the volatile sphere up through crumbling roofing sections towards open skies just before it detonated a second time. The resulting shockwave still sent the weakened hall foundations groaning ominously but Ethan had contained the worst here rather than allow friendly casualties.

He staggered back, chest heaving with effort and relief...only to find Elder Trenton's fury descending fast as a lash. "Fool boy! Your lapse of discipline has ruined thousands in refined materials and months of precise calculations! Such lackadaisical attitudes shall stunt your progress indefinitely if not checked harshly!"

Ethan recoiled, feeling nine years old again as his father unleashed alcoholic rages over spilled drinks or broken items around the house. Worthlessness and shame flooded his hunched form. All his desperate damage control meant nothing beforeTransaction the esteemed Elder now.

"I-I apologize most profoundly honoured sir!" Ethan sputtered, blinking smoke irritated eyes that further blurred from anguished tears. "Y-you are right to rebuke my poor self control allowing distraction sabotage hard-earned abilities...I shall submit to any sanctions you declare just while striving utmost preventing repeats of this humiliation..."

He dared not speak further in case emotion cracked his voice completely. But salted wounds stretched deeper hearing surrounding disciples poorly smothering snickers at the upstart apprentice finally exposed instead of constantly praised by guardian favoritism...

Ethan fled the hall refusing to unravel fully in theirpresence. He had disappointed everyone's faith and expectations...perhaps that cocky Journeyman was right months ago during his exhibition duel. Ethan was merely a sprout improvising bootless feats briefly before inevitable withering back to ordinariness. Contracting away inside his private sanctuary held appeal now. Records indicated even esteemed Elders took sabbaticals recovering discipline following profound mistakes...

Yet before Ethan's spiral darkened fully, gentle hands lifted his chin into Julia's compassionate yet stern gaze. Her emerald eyes cut straight through excuses and shame to reflection and responsibility. "Your actions carry consequences, yes. But intentions matter more measuring lasting character."

Ethan manages a trembling nod under her piercing insights. Julia's expression softened further, pride emerging amidst lingering worry. "None else could rein that storm once loose. Great potential ever couples with destructive capability until properly tempered..."

She extends a graceful hand to lift Ethan's slumped shoulders. "I shall guide your realignment, my eager falcon. Come - much healing ahead, and harder lessons revealing truer skies if you have courage to see clear." Julia's smile reignites embers of determination and trust despite his failures. Together they walk slowly into the gloom, student learning to lean on teacher in good times and bad.