
Ubran cultivator: unleashing professions

In the bustling cityscape, Ethan, a diligent agriculture student, stumbles upon a clandestine system of cultivation that grants him access to multiple professions as his mastery deepens. In a world where the existence of cultivators remains concealed from the ordinary populace, Ethan's journey unfolds against a backdrop of secrecy and intrigue. As Ethan ascends through the ranks of cultivation, he forms alliances, navigates rivalries, and discovers unexpected romances, building a harem of individuals with unique talents and desires. Yet, lurking in the shadows are governmental agencies and ancient adversaries, both eager to exploit or eliminate those with cultivation abilities. Faced with mounting dangers and moral dilemmas, Ethan must wield his newfound powers responsibly while uncovering the truth behind the urban cultivator's existence. His choices will not only shape his own fate but also determine the future of cultivators in the modern world. "Urban Cultivator: Unleashing Professions" is a gripping tale of discovery, ambition, and romance, inviting readers into a world where ordinary students wield extraordinary powers, and where every decision carries weight in the balance between secrecy and revelation. Join Ethan as he embarks on a quest to master his abilities and redefine the destiny of urban cultivation.

WorldWanderer · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 4 :Ethan Unleashes Chaos in His First Sparring Match

The azure energy orb dawned radiant over the mountain peaks, signalling morning's arrival in the Sanctuary. Dew sparkled on the training arena sands where Initiates gathered in anticipatory clusters. Today's exhibition duels represented a rare chance for novices to display their developing skills before Elders and senior disciples. Victory could fast track promotions to peaked interest and envy alike.

Ethan practically buzzed with excitement along the spectator ring with his usual companions - Rita, Jack and Zain. They all itched to test mettle against higher peers, though formal apprenticehips forbade direct challenges without mentor approval. But Julia personally endorsed Ethan volunteering when an exhibition opportunity arose! He must prove her glowing confidence justified before the judging eyes watching today, including Emma's gaze that alternately stirred and unnerved his growing affections...

"Look sharp my little bird, your moment nears!" Julia emerged from the arched entry tunnel, beckoning Ethan with an encouraging smile. Heart leaping to his throat, Ethan donned the simple leather chest guard and bracers indicative of his junior rank, checking his glyphs remained properly in place along the protective runes. This duel was meant merely for demonstration, but Ethan knew well how awry good intentions could flow. Best come prepared!

Stepping into the packed arena beside Julia, Ethan cast his senses tentatively outward as she instructed, sampling the crowd's energy dynamics. A blend of anticipation, skepticism and curiosity without overt hostility flavored the observers. Reasonable enough reaction to a novice disciple given sudden chance to shine. Ethan breathed deep, letting the energies wash through him. He would give them a show beyond expectations!

With a flourish, Julia began the exhibition introduction. "Esteemed Elders and students, may I present Initiate Ethan, my personal prospect. Despite his nascent cultivation level, glimpses of profound talent have emerged in recent months. I requested this opportunity so he may offer you all a demonstration today."

Murmurs rippled through the tiered stone seats. An outsider candidate embraced so quickly as personal apprentice? Curiosity piqued at the audacious implication of elevated potential in one so new...was their Eldest Guardian getting sentimental or senile in her aging years? They would discern the truth soon enough!

Oblivious to the layered scrutiny upon him, Ethan rolled his shoulders and bounced on the balls of his feet reading energy flows to bolster reaction speed. Julia had selected Journeyman Yusei, a talented offensive caster, to be his exhibition partner today. Now the senior disciple strode out waving casually to scattered applause. Ethan discerned swirling arrogance and contempt below his nonchalant exterior. This could prove precarious...

"Standard exhibition format - precisely executed techniques taking great care to avoid lethal force. The match ends upon first barrier rupture." Head Elder Xun reminded the combatants. With a mutual bow, Ethan and Yusei took opening stances as a crystal chime sounded commencement.

Ethan struck first, drawing a gleaming emerald sigil with deft strokes. His construct flared vibrantly to life in the form of twisting vine tendrils bursting from subterranean seedlings right below Yusei's flank, seeking to entangle his opponent's casting arms before they could complete maneuvers. Textbook opening tactic against mages.

But Yusei simply sidestepped Ethan's vegetation with contemptuous ease, retaliating instantly by summoning a condensed air lance slashing violently to shred the vines into harmless mulch. "Come now little sprout, surely Guardian Julia taught you better than such obvious attacks? Allow me to instruct you instead!"

With a smirk, Yusei gracefully leapt and spun mid-air, runic circles materializing then unleashing a vicious barrage of chain lightning bolts arcing straight at Ethan! Gasps echoed around the arena at the unexpected brute force. This was meant to be a friendly exhibition!

Gritting his teeth, Ethan hastily raised a shimmering shield of spirit force reinforced by glyph layers - barely diffusing the lightning chains in time. Sweat beaded his brow at the draining defensive effort. So much for gentleman's rules! He would show this arrogant prick not to underestimate him!

Drawing deep from his wells of essence, Ethan traced elaborate sigils for his riskiest spell matrix yet, one he had just conceptualized last week but not yet attempted full invocation. This should catch that bully off guard!

Stone tiles at Yusei's feet began rumbling and cracking as Ethan's creation took form - a colossal python composed of living wood sinew and vines erupting upwards with jaws wide poised to swallow that infuriating Journeyman whole! Ethan's chest swelled with pride seeing Yusei's cocky visage finally break into shock at the intimidating display. Less arrogant with a forest serpent about to devour you, eh bastard?! This would teach respect!

But Ethan's elation morphed swiftly to anxiety then dawning horror as his animate familiar quickly slipped stability control. The wooden python - far larger than Ethan originally envisioned - began wildly thrashing about rather than obeying its master's directives! Stone slabs shattered under its thick trunk. Spectators scattered in divergent directions as the berserk creation smashed wildly across the arena sending fragments of debris in all directions.

"Ethan stop this instant! Regain your focus!" Julia's voice rang sharply through his building panic. Heart slamming against his ribs, Ethan frantically traced glyph patterns to reign in the mammoth serpent's frenzied rampage, but the stressed matrix further fractured. Detached vines splintered off flailing autonomous tendrils that lashed towards unfortunate witnesses too slow dodging the botanical onslaught.

Cold sweat poured down Ethan's back. In mere moments his spell design imploded into nightmarish chaos bringing the exhibition to disaster! Cursing his childish desire to overpower rather than showcase disciplined skill, Ethan drained nearly all his essence reservoirs exerting emergency counterspells. The severed vines receded limply, leaves browning and crumbling. With a final sharp gesture, Ethan banished the remains of the mutated python construct before its mass could fully crush several senior disciples.

Panting heavily amidst the devastation, Ethan hardly dared meet his teacher's expression. The arena resembled a battleground after siege warfare. How could he ever atone for such shameful loss of self-control? Hot tears threatened as harsh whispers echoed all around. Perhaps that arrogant prick was right...Ethan was merely a sprout getting ahead of himself.

Suddenly gentle fingers lifted Ethan's chin up into Julia's compassionate gaze. "Breathe, my little bird. All progress entails hardship." Her voice softened such that only they could hear. "The brightest flames cast the darkest early shadows, yes? But solid foundations remain under this rubble." She smiled spacing Ethan until stuttering laughter escaped his misery.

With deep breaths, Ethan centered gratitude that none suffered lasting harm by his foolishness. Head bowed respectfully toward the Judges stand, he committed to the long road improving himself in Julia's nourishing care rather than plucking sour grapes making bitter whine. This humiliation too would refine his mettle...and remind caution when next summoning gigantic serpent monsters!

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