
Chapter 1 Villain In The Dorm

It was a warm breezy ordinary day for young 11 year old Elisbeth Mary. Elisbeth was sitting on her bed with her favorite blade right by her side. With other blades all over the wall. Before she knew a Villain came crashing through her wall and tried to steal the blade that was by her side, but Elisbeth is fast, she grabbed her blade without hesitation and slashed the Villain half within 3 seconds of seeing the villain, and the  villain turned to ash and disappeared into thin air, right as her classmates Sue and Momo came to see what had happened, because they heard a crash in her room.

"Elisbeth are you okay we heard a big crash." Said Momo.  

"Ya I will be fine a villain came through my wall and tried to steal my blades but is gone now. I mean after all he was only a level one."

"Ok I am just happy it was only a level one and not those level three's that we have been finding all over the  city this week." Said Sue. 

"Elisbeth I know you are strong but you don't have power within your body like everyone else, your power is in your blades, but if your blades get taken away then you have no way to protect  yourself." Said Momo. 

"I know but I am trying to train harder so I can protect myself better." Elisbeth said.  (Or that is what everybody thinks) Thought Elisbeth.

 Hi I am Elisbeth Mary could say I have a power like everyone else but that is not the complete truth. You see, my power lies within all different kinds of blades because when I was younger my power was in my body like others but I almost killed myself and other people because it was so powerful and I could not control it very well. My Grandpa then forged multiple blades and sealed my power away in the blades. and then sold the blades and told me that if I want all my power back I have to find all of the blades and forge a new blade and then my power then goes back into my body, once I use the blade on a villain and then use it to cut off my finger or arm and if my wound heals immediately then my power is back. He also said I have to train to build physical strength so my body will hold my power and won't decade into nothing but ash  and we all don't want that to happen. 


 Or well that is what I tell everybody. I mean that is the truth but I have already got most of my power back a while ago but I am still searching for the last 10% of my power. My Grandpa was an awesome hero and he is the one who told me not to tell anybody that I have this power because it could hurt them if they found out about who I really am.

After a few minutes of Elisabeth talking with Momo and Sue, Deku walked into the room and looked at them with a worried face. He says, "Hey Elisbeth, are you okay"

"Hey Deku, ya I'm fine. what are you doing" said Elisbeth.

"Just came to see what had happened because I saw a big hole in your wall. So tell me what happened while I was gone." Spoke Deku.

"It was only a level one villain, but he was weak so I took care of him." Said Elisbeth.

"Ok as long as it was just a level one and not those level three villains that have been all over the city lately." Deku spoke with a relaxed tone.

"Ya, I am happy I was in my room when the villain attacked otherwise all my blades would be gone and the villain would have them all" Said Elisbeth.

"And we all know how terrible that would be."Elisbeth said with a worried tone. 

"That would be bad but right now we have class again because break is over so let's go back." Said Deku. 

"Ya lets go." Said Momo.

Ok, now I have to clean up my room and fix that hole in the wall, this is going to take forever. But I think that I have enough power left in me and my blades to clean it up. Thought Elisbeth.