

PREMISE Does your carnal mind longs for brutality in all forms and fashions, fierceness in all cruelty and without judgment, Mercilessness in all rage of bitterness and relentless dig into epitome of betrayals and reproaches. This Malevolent male lead piece is definitely your 'go get' dream novel. It is centered on the vicious ideas and agenda that emerges from utter ruin and darnation. It’s a story that reflects on the co-extensive nature of politics and all its subjects in the past. This consequently results into prospective leaders to making an open bearing into their pasts and plunging deeply down into more failures in the present. this novel reflects how this world is operated based on feedings from the hands of an oppressed to the mouth of an oppressor. Regardless, we know it either kills him or revives him. OUTLINE: • Wars were left to rest between many Kingdoms; the invincible and the just invincible. • The most powerful among these kingdoms are Jobia and Leuz • There were two brothers who sprung out from these wars. • Pash the eldest has more high statute compared to his younger brother Parah, who was still just coming through the ranks. • They both had different objectives and hated each other without respite. • Clema was a naughty princess who doesn’t knows her choice well without the help of her father Parius. • Parius also had conniving plans to be king of the great kingdom of Leuz. • The spat out between the two brothers led to smaller nation seeking a great turning. • The war was colored with many dark secrets in the past that emanates from the two powerful kingdoms. • General Iroh ancestrally is tied to the generation of leuz.

oakinpelu49 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


It was the day of the coronation, the guards at the palace were replaced every hour to relieve duties on the post for stronger hold. Pash's men that were originally deployed on an espionage mission in the kingdom mount in new number to support the new king as they emerged in plenteous numbers again. The vital necessity for all men was to protect the king even though some were with their gloomiest confidence on a gloomy sunset. Even the slightest of leave that touches the ground went noticed by these men.

Sooner, the far set villagers in the kingdom began to emerge in numbers on their way to the palace after receiving clear instructions from the guards who insist they should move inside the palace in a single file. Hardly a man spoke, and hardly would you see a man crave to smile for the good news of a king installation. Some were even flattered with the news and wondered how the late king died. It later dawn on everyone that hour- something fishy might be going on, but as minutes dragged on and the generals keeps pacing up and down for inspection, the ministers were seen advancing to the king's box, compassing the new king who was dressed majestically for the event.

However, it's fair to say under due circumstances, the majority of the people present for the coronation were ardently in favor of the new installation, although with the unfolding circumstances, we can't say they that refuse to show support for the new installation were wrong, because before the new king was made commander, he raided their cites in an unprecedented manner, took possession of their women and properties and cause men and women to become refugees of the new cities and villages they camped themselves for protection.

Nonetheless, these opinions does not matter upon their concealed struggles. However, the new king was helped to the throne by the ministers and everyone solemnly awaits the moment to be sworn in as king. Hence, the priest approached with a holy book on his hands asking the king to place his hands on it in the presence of the nobles and esteemed guests that are present.

"Do you Pash son of Govin, descendant of great Leuz solemnly swear to defend the faith of this kingdom, uphold truth and justice and protect the people of this great kingdom of Leuz" the priest asked wittingly with peace.

"I do" Pash simply responded

"And do you swear to protect her against any invasion even at the cost of severing ties with your relative" the priest asked again seriously as the whole kingdom steered, looking obscure of the king's response.

He took a sigh deep breathe, after a minute he replied. "I do".

"With his hands laid on this sacred text, King Pash humbly swears to defend the faith, uphold justice and truth and to protect the people of this great kingdom, so help him God" the priest prayed with a resounding Amen from the crowd, as he continues.

"Long live the king"…from a resounding appeal from the audience, they responded

"Long live the king".

The priest said invitingly with a smile on his face to Pash's ear. "May thy people rejoice under thy wise and mighty rule my king, in your noble office, I pray that there may be peace and prosperity. He continued…

"Your grandfather used to be an apprentice to my grandfather, not until he was taken away by the mutiny because the town felt he was so young to be king and lacks the basic experience of a warrior, but he was a good kid then, we used to play together when we were young, he was like an elder brother to me, and it is good to finally see his kin become a king of this great kingdom. The man said happily in his old stricken voice.

And it is done, Pash is the new king of Leuz, the grand ceremony could have been a grand celebrated event but the burrowing dramas surrounding the palace and her outer spaces reduced the joy of the news- a new king has emerged. However, with the weight of government on his shoulders against his blood brother whom his father made to swear an oath to protect, Pash was reduced to a strange confusion of finally achieving his father's dream at the expense of his brother's necessary death. He could not get over his thought, this made him a liability to his state of mind.

However, as the sun rolls over the hills and night progressed in a melodic manner, the air grew cozy, casting a picture of ambience to roll any storms away. In anguish, Pash set for his chambers and intimately bedded the seldom crowned queen Clema, even their ruins were heard at the retiring ears of the guards stationed to guard the gates of the palace.

The next day, words has spread of the good news of a king installation in the Great kingdom of Leuz. However, at the palace where the elders convened for another meeting, it later dawn on everyone that the general- General Iroh was not to be found on the day of the coronation, even in this vital moment when his presence was hugely needed to discuss about the virtues of the palace and what is expected of a new king to do. But still, they could not find him. However, one of the minister stalled and proceed.

"Could it be that the General vanished and went missing without a trail" he said in a blunt manner. Then the lead minister intervened after their long wait for the presence of the general.

"Alright folks, let us not be carried away with skeptics. On any placid account, the general might be having his private moment or recounting his pride somewhere else. So therefore, it behoves this meeting to talk about the pressing needs of this great kingdom." He altered, looked forth and then calmly takes his seat.

"It seems our enemies are conjuring a plan to gain entry into the kingdom, one of guards spotted a wooden contraption like a ladder, with the look of things, they are pushing to climb these walls" One of the minister said while looking furious for a solution, but couldn't conjure one so he leaned on the table and continued his discussion, "it won't be easy for them to organize the ladders not to talk of penetration. So I believe we probably have up to a week or two to prepare before we have to face another battle." The minister held his peace as he awaits the next speaker.

"Even if we survive the next week wars, I am not sure our enemies are going to relent, I am sure by now our long sworn enemies- the king of Jobia wouldn't hesitate to send more men in support for any invasion from our enemies, so I strongly suggest we should prepare contingent plans" One of the Ministers diligently advocated.

"I strongly agree, although we are nearing festive period, but the part where these men settled is where we normally harvest most of our crops, we might have to ration and support our farmers in this quarter to produce more foods so we don't starve." Another speaker spoke wisely.

Then suddenly the lead speaker noticed there was no reference to the king, so he sensed it might be a sign of disrespect to his presence in the meeting, therefore he spoke boldly on defending the kingdom by asking for the king's opinion.

"We all understood the significance of a contingency plan and rationing of food for our people, especially for our men who are under intense heat to guard the frontier post, but in my strongest opinion, we should be thinking of slaying the devil once and for all." He paused and look to the place the king was seated and asked… "What do have in mind my king?"

After a short struggle to intervene with their discussion, king Pash suggested a defensive approach to the war.

"The river offers significant advantage for our enemies, even my men can't get through because of the seized territory. It's pertinent to remind you all, my brother has always been a man of violence, his capricious anger can be more than mine sometimes, let me speak sense to him, maybe I can get him to reason." The king said with compassion. To the amusement of the audience who with their complicit knowledge still believe the king still has a soft spot for his brother and this could render their resolve weak in the face of inevitable battle.

"Your majesty, it was a plain case of invasion on your captured territory when your brother came uninvited and smite your men to the ground without compassion, do you still think he will give in to your demands after all this."

On account of brotherly love and his new reputation as king, King Pash refused to succumb to the pressure and insist without any marking off from the audience present for the meeting.

"I will speak with my brother before any offensive step is taken, do I make myself clear." He spoke affirmatively like a king then retreat to his chambers.

King Parius was also at the conference meeting. The moment he noticed the king left in annoyance following what the ministers are willing to do the invaders, he approached the queen who was threading behind the king and persuaded her to make the king understand this grueling need of taking their problems away. Obviously, at that very moment, it seems Parah was the only obstacle the kingdom was facing as the minister left on their seats began to murmur and whisper in shady manners.

"Do you think we made the right decision? One of the senator aired his opinion to the public space. Repelled and insulted, the queen draws near to the table.

"I won't watch you insult my husband in my very presence, yeah as you all know- his ferocious egoism can be contracted, if any one of you were left to be in his condition, would you have watch someone else to kill your blood brother while you stand happily to observe the situation, would you have? Just tell me. Now listen well and listen carefully, if any one of you are not in support of his decision, you should either jump inside the well or hold your peace at will." She swore openly to discipline any man that speaks ill of the king.

At first, king Parius thought this was the daughter she had always wished for, matured, elegant, full of grace and prowess, but he can't help get over the feeling that his daughter is still struck and detained on the same position she has always held for Parah, whom he believed was her true love.

Some few minutes later, the minister were feeling disgusted and humbled by a young queen who just got into queenship ranks. At a prominent hour near the market square, some of the ministers were seen at a joint chattering.

"In my whole years as a minister, I have never been insulted like I have today by a woman." He said in his frown face as he gently sip from his cup of wine.

"I think we should give it time, it might work out though." Another minister conjured up with a smile.

"And you believed that? Another man in the gathering reproved as they all burst into laughter.

"Well, like the say, blood is thicker than water, the turn of event makes this statement dubious. Truly, the brothers are the rightful heirs to the throne and Pash being the eldest has every right to claim the throne over his brother, but from the angle I see it, I think the queen might be in love with Parah, Pash youngest brother." He said in short seized tone. Immediately, the ministers hushed him and forbade him not to speak of it again.

Meanwhile, Parah got the news that Pash his brother has already been made king of the kingdom of Leuz.

"You have done it brother." He smiled in a ruthless manner and continues.

"Assemble the woods, there is no time to waste again, it's time" he said as he laughed in a dark manner

At the most brief moment of our lives, when the mind is no more than a seething confusion, when the whole body is shaken by the tremor of anguish, bitterness and hatred, a certain logic connect our ideas, and that is revenge in ruthless manners. This was the feeling for Parah who felt betrayed, he was lost in the thought his brother took everything away from him, first his brotherly love, second his heart felt love and thirdly but not the least, the dream to see them emerge victorious together in their quest of been known as the rightful heir to the throne of Uthar.

Days dragged on, and the men on the other side of the wall work relentlessly to build their contraptions, they look like vengeful spirit waiting for the right time to plunder. The truth of an inevitable war became known on the eve of the New Year.

The warriors were gathered on the two sides of the wall, looking desperately carried away by the hues of perceived blood, even the air was so thick with the scent of impending battle, and everywhere mingles with metallic tang of swords drawn from their sheaths. In that deadly hour, King Pash approached on his cavalry after the general had summoned for a truce before the war, then followed Parah who was pacing like a beast with his soldiers to where the king was heading.

"Brother, Brother" they greeted.

"You can stop this war, for the sake of everything that makes us brothers of the same womb"

Parah laughed for minutes…"Alright take the crown off and bow to me, I will take it as a compensation for all you have taken away from me." He said with a serious look at his brother.

The generals accompanying the king were shocked and they nodded in disapproval when the king was looking disappointed, he look back and saw the queen on the wall and the helpless villagers who were forced to carry a sword all in the name of war, his eyes were soaked and was confused on what next to do.

After some minutes, he muttered with exceeding tone of violence.

"If it is war you want, it is war you will get" the king said looking loathed with confidence as they dismissed.

In a space on the earth where the sun set the skies ablaze with hues of crimson, disposed men of destiny hunt for lost gold, a tragic spectacle seemingly unfurled amidst the chaos of war. It was a time when men driven by fervor and valor are willing to climb the towering ladders of destiny.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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