
Tyrants ( Love &War)

Anna is a spoilt child, she is a black American and half korean, she wasn't supposed to be born according to her mother, she was force to go stay with her mother in Korea, she hate her mother so much for abandoning her. But when she got there she happened to like it there and she found someone who stole her heart it was no other person than the handsome Kim hyun Joon also know as Alex. Alex hate Anna alot and he also have a fiancee jang hee Jin who is brutal and deadly and over possessive of him but Anna doesn't care because she is used to getting whatever she wants. Seo ri is Anna older sister from another dad a full Korean girl, the two sisters hate each other, and seo ri is dating Kim woo bin Alex older brother. seo ri doesn't know that Kim woo bin only engaged her because of her wealth and power. What will Kim woo bin do when he finds out that seo ri is not the only heir?. Kim woo bin and Alex is fighting to be the suitable heir to their fathers company. Therefore they need influence and powerful heiress to become unbeatable only the strongest will become the heir. This play talk about how the heirs will fight and defend themselves through the game of love. Will Anna be able to make Alex fall for her? Will Anna be able to escape Jang hee Jin death traps? Will the sisters hatred turn to love ? And will the brothers hatred turn to love or revenge? Will seo ri and Kim woo bin last for ever? Who will get the throne?. The play consist of love, hatred, betrayal, lust,pain, revenge and especially war. Read more to know what really happened.

cassiezzlx · Fantasy
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64 Chs

chapter 14 Younger sister

          Kim woo bin was the name of her fiance and he saw the look on seo ri face and how she was uncomfortable and he asked worriedly" are you okay darling".

           Seo ri just managed to put on a fake smile and she answered politely" oh am fine" while she wish for the ground to swallow her up.

            When I saw the great play and how my sister was acting, I just smiled and I walked towards them majestically.

               In a very sweet and polite tone I greeted " anyeonghaseyo ( hello)" I bowed showing respect. And woo bin bow too.

               ' it okay just act nice, it not going to hurt me if I just pretended to be nice and polite" I thought to myself.

             Seo ri felt as if she was suffocating. Seeing how I was behaving and it got woo bin anxious" who are you" he ask me politely.

              I just smiled mischievously and I answered in a cheerful but polite manner" oh seo ri didn't tell you about me, oh am disappointed". I was acting all innocent.

               Woo bin turn to seo ri arching his brow as if asking a question but seo ri just drank all the wine in one gulp, holding her chest and closing her eyes, she was in pain because she swallowed everything at once.

              Woo bin began to Pat her back and ask her worriedly" are you okay?, you should be more careful". Seo ri just nodded her head.

            While I was grinning wide from ear to ear, this is a total victory for me.

             And I decided to continue what I started but a thought quickly entered my mind " so this was the reason she wanted me to stay outside till midnight? and why is  she acting as if she is going to die? So she didn't tell him about me huh? Nice".

              Then I extended my hands towards woo bin and I said politely" am seo ri younger sister, it nice to finally  meet you and please take good care of her", I believe he didn't want to shake hands with me but he later did.

                Then I face seo ri and said to her teasingly" um I'll be going upstairs now, bye see you later" I bowed before leaving, after knowing that I  have drop a massive bomb.

                Woo bin is now in deep thought' I can't believe I messed up, she has a sister?, Oh my God, so she isn't the full owner of the shares and company, meaning everything will be divided? Oh no why didn't I go out with jang seo hee, I thought her wealth is more promising, fuck am doomed' he thought inwardly.

             He began to loosen his tie, he was feeling hot and bead of sweat was already forming on his forehead. Seo ri asked worriedly" babe are you okay".

               Woo bin just shake his head saying no and he answered in complete anger and frustration " no am not okay, how can  I be seo ri? Why did you decieve me? You know I needed the power? How am I going to win against my brother" he said pinching the skin between his eyebrow and his eye.

             Seo ri got confused, they have been engaged for 3 years now and tears began to fall from her eyes" are you saying you approached me and engaged me because of my wealth I thought you loved me?" she ask in total disbelieve.

               When woo bin saw her tears and heard what she said he felt bittered because he truly love seo ri.

               He calm down and began to console seo ri" it okay I didn't mean that okay, I will see you in school" he finished his statement and got up and left.