
Tyrant (Part 1)

The Elder of the Temple of the Rising Sun knew that Rahz needed a couple of minutes but the situation in the sky was urgent.

"I'll go first kid… see you up there"

The Elder's body took on a golden glow and started floating towards the giant dark clouds where the elites of the Alliance were observing the changes that were happening to the humanoid form of the Chaos Dragon.

Dark Thunder fell from the sky and hit the humanoid figure encased in Chaos Fire and his shape started to change, his legs disappeared into dark light that started to elongate none stop. rings after rings started to appear forming the body of a huge chinese dragon with spikes coming along his snake like body that extended miles and miles and curled on itself.

10 claws distribute themselves along the body while on the upper torso, it divided into two heads that displayed a chaos fire aura and a lightning aura respectively.

The Dragon was like nothing they have ever seen, everytime they look at it, they felt like and ant looking at an elephant that could step on then at anytime. This was the moment that they finally understood the words spoken by the creature inside his layer.

Some time before the transformation….

Nefarious' lair had a circular layout with four rooms in each of the cardinal points that contained giant runes that activate a magical barrier that acted as a roof for the next level that was located right in the middle of the building.

Once the alliance forces cleared the first room of the building, they could see the barrier through a window and across the magic barrier, they saw many Dragonkin in garments resembling lab coats coming and going on their own experiments but most importantly, they could see a giant tank full of magma that contained the fourth celestial beast, Xiao Xiānnǚ.

Nefarious had a few hoses attached to himself that transferred some of the blood from the celestial beast into his own body as he supervised some of the dragonkin that were working on some kind of portal that only Springsocket inside Rahz's bracelet was able to determine a little bit of what it was used for.

The moment the alliance forces defeated the guardian of the first room and looked down at Nefarious laboratory was the same moment that the Chaos Dragon looked up and wave like he was welcoming some guess that were coming for a visit.

"Welcome and thank you for helping me test the new setup for the lab, Venekious is always trying to ruin my work with his little schemes so please do try your best."

Everybody in the alliance looked at each other and had the same question in their minds, is this the strongest creature in the realm?

Springsocket on the other hand nodded his head in approval, he did the same thing when he was testing the Kinetic Cube and felt Nefarius to be a kindred spirit, "I like this guy"

Rahz frown at the comment.

Nefarious looked to be a very rational individual and it was difficult to associate him with somebody with an antisocial personality disorder that wanted to enslave all the non dragonkin races.


Rahz took out Apocalypse that radiated a killing intent that called the attention of Nefarious who looked up and grinned.

The First room had a door to the left and another to the right and all they had to do was to choose a side. The Followers of the God of Justice were confident in their strength and suggested for the group to split and clear both sides simultaneously so that they could reach their goal a lot faster.

The guardian of the first room had been pretty easy to dispose off and the objective of their mission was to kill Nefarious and destroy the moral support of the Dragonkin.

Rahz didn't mind the suggestion but he then made one of his own and joined the Blackrock Group and left the Silverwing's one to their own devices. If the rooms were two difficult to clear on their own, it was up to them to call for the other team in which case they would take care of the guardian together.

The plan was simple but the best plans always were, Rahz and the elites from Blackrock Port took the left road while the Silverwing delegation took the other side. The moment the doors opened, the Scaleborns that were keeping guard looked their way and moved immediately.

Elune step forward and motion everybody backwards, there was a reason the Plaguebringer was one of the most fear Avatars during the shattering war and that was due to his ability to do mass killing. The biggest difference between the Avatar of the Plaguebringer and Venekious was that Elune had some nasty poisons but the true area in which the Avatar Set shone was in the area of disease.

The Scaleborns that were waiting for them had dark green scales, they had been modified by Nefarious to counter the poisons created by Venekious. The games that Nefarious was talking about in regards to Veenkious were actually a direct result of Rahz adventures more specifically the time where they invaded the Tenebrous Sanctum and Venekious poisoned the water supply of the Bonemire Island forcing Nefarious to take countermeasures.

Now the majority of Scaleborns had a very high immunity to poison and instead of the usual black scales, they were rocking the dark green ones.

Oh Exalted one, open the plane of pestilence

And show this non believers the beauty of your kingdom


The Embodiment of Pain that had the form of a small head with the mouth sewn with surgical thread opened her mouth wide and a portal was created in front of it but it was as big as a baseball. The Scaleborns stopped in their tracks after feeling the sinister energy coming from the enemy in front but soon showed their pearly whites in giant grins and continued forward with their weapons at the ready.

Elune placed a giant magic ward that cover the doorway and acted as a sealer. It was the first time using the skill and something coming from the plane of pestilence was not good news.

The first Scaleborns to reach the ward on the doorway started to punch it with all their might while the members of the alliance including Degark turned to look at Rahz that shrugged his shoulders and ready himself for a fight the moment the ward was broken into. The weird thing was that more and more Scaleborns hit the ward but they didn't even leave a scratch on it. They were all in the low 50's so there was no way they were so weak; however, no matter what they did, it was like a baby hitting a steel wall.

One minute later, the other symptoms started to appear, some Scaleborns started to grab their throats while others grabbed their heads, and the final group claw at their legs, arms, abdomen and face ripping deep inside their muscles from the extreme itching sensation. The worst part of it all happened next, bacteria and pus started to come out from the wounds that they themselves had inflicted and finally they all vomit through their mouths and their rears uncontrollably.

The members of the alliance shivered and some even puke in a corner of the room which in turn provoke fear of the beautiful lady in front. They were all season killers and some of them dealt with undead but the scene they had just witnessed was too much.

"Honey, I think is done. Why don't you use your Chaos Flame and purify the passage. Just immolate your hand and place it on the ward and shoot the flames forward while we move towards the next room"

Rahz didn't say a word and did as told, 10 minutes later there was not a soul in the passage and they had arrived to the guardians room. Nefarious shook his head and smiled at the might he had witnessed while making a mental note to store the Plaguebringer set so he could study the diseases from the other plane.

The team walked inside the guardians room and the lights turned on, in the back of the room there was a giant sitting on a stone chair with chains around his wrist and ankles preventing him from going too far. The Giant was at least 50 ft tall and its muscles were as hard as a rock, he had 2 eyes one on each shoulder that opened and closed freaking everybody in the alliance while the one on his chest moved from side to side. It had 2 heads one similar to an ogre's without eyes and the other had the face of an old demon with a nice chinese style beard.

It was an abomination. An abomination that carry a humongous 2h hammer.


b2basicscreators' thoughts