
The First Expedition (part 3)

The tension was at his peak for the people surrounding Midori and just when she felt that they were all in position, she quickly decreased in size and and a small dwarf playing the flute appeared in front of everyone while a small serpent moved around his neck.

"What the Fuck?" Said Jazz looking around at the confused faces staring at him ready to attack.


The leader of the group screamed at the top of his lungs waking everyone up but when they started to move all hell broke loose. The night sky lit up with drops of blue flame that fell like rain while waves of cold air enveloped them reducing their movement speed.

It was Elune's Icy Winds that assailed anybody below the third tier like a plague.

The people started to freak out and almost half of them tried to run instead of listening to their leaders. The Panic intensified when people started burning and running around like chickens with their heads cut off thanks to the Chaos Rain and of the 60 people that made it to the area only 20 of them were able to attack Jazz but shields of energy encased him stopping the damage while he moved at unbelievable speeds around them.

"Somebody slow him down, everybody! use area of effects skills"

"AHHHHHH that bastard is too small"

"Dumb asses don't just follow behind him, try to jump in front of him so we can surround him"

"Is too hard Boss, those shields are stopping every single spell"

"Find the Shaman, What the fuck are you doing scouts!!"

In the middle of the chaotic fight, blue Chaos Fire kept falling into the defensive auras of the attackers and ate them away little by little but it was not all, when they least expected it, Chaos Marks lit the ground and started exploding like land mines that took the majority by surprised.

Some people lost their legs while others stop moving for fear of triggering more, the sound of the marks detonating made it difficult for anybody to hear the instructions and the pillars of Chaos Fire popping from the ground limit their line of sight.

The defensive warriors that were able to endure the most, stopped trying to catch the nimble dwarf and instead started their retreat. The siege was a complete failure, people with missing limbs were grunting on the ground but there was nothing else they could do to help them, all they could do was try to escape to the town and do a call to arms so that the real strong could take care of the threat. They never thought that the news about the giant creature attacking people was not about a beast at all but it turned out to be about the Asuras crossing over to collect heads.

Buzz!! Buzz!! (lightning sounds)

Lord Odos save us…

It was too late, six lightning tigers rushed at them and passed through the survivors leaving nothing but charred bodies that gave off the smell of burned skin. The Six tigers made of lightning join back together and Xiao appeared walking towards the group that was now out in the open making sure every enemy was dead.

"Let's clean the battle field, I am sure we could sell the equipment in Belfast" said Liz while collecting the pieces of gear close to her.



The team quickly collected the spoils while Midori melted the corpses and gather their energy but their looting was cut short by a message from Hennessy that was on lookout duties.

"There is a 15 person group moving fast towards your location… no wait… there are 2 teams… make that 3 teams … all third tiers".

"Shit …. Leave the rest there, let's move"

Riddick's spells were very powerful but at the same time they were not stealthy at all, the commotion generated by the Chaos Land mines attracted the attention of many of the Asura hunting groups that pour out of the city in droves as many more people started teleporting to the towns where distress signals had been launched.

Thanks to Hennessy's warning the team manage to avoid yet another confrontation with the incoming teams that were a lot stronger than the ragtag team from before.

Rahz and his group decided to moved away from the Deva town and to kill anybody that appeared in their path.

They were a well oiled machine moving in unison through the forest like area, Elune and Jazz provided movement speed buffs to the team that took the shape of an arrow with Rahz and Riddick at the head followed by Xiao that was carrying the ladies on his back and Jazz bringing up the rear.

Thumb … thumb … thumb

The sound of drums was follow by the floor shaking of an stampede and the last thing anybody standing in their path saw was two people surrounded by blue fire running towards them at full speed with extraordinary momentum.


One of the go to spells of Rahz and now it could be expanded to a distance of 15 feet around him and added Riddick's area of effect, the fire spread to about 25 ft horizontally. People were first hit flying while the chaos fire burned them in the air and if for some reason they managed to survive the impact of the front line, Liz was ready to skewer them with Ice Lances.

News of the team was spreading extremely fast among the Devas, they were a hurricane that was being track in real time by scouts all over the area.

"The stampede is moving towards the neutral zone"

"Stampede is moving south…. Now is moving west"

Many people on mounts were also following from a distance in order to relate the news to their faction but they were extremely afraid of getting snipe by a powerful spell. It was extremely easy for Xiao Bai to kill them but that still would take a little time and the situation was getting hairy by the minute.

Thanks to Spirit of the Wolf and Accelerando they were able to travel through the zones but more and more people were coming from the towns belonging to the opposition that made them take turns that they were not anticipating.

The worst part was, when they changed from the forest area into an arid zone that provided them no cover and many of the mages and rangers flying on mounts were able to shoot to kill without the interference of trees.

Elunes mana capabilities were being tested during the expedition but making it to the neutral zone was a hopeless endeavor since the terrain belonging to the devas was extremely big and since they didn't bring their flying mounts it was impossible for them to run all the way back.

100 people became 1000 and then they became 10000, it was starting to get out of hand and even though they were able to kill anything that stop on their path at the beginning soon they were forced to just avoid the huge crowds coming their way..

"Liz we need a portal, is our only way" said Rahz while frowning

Liz nodded and said, "I need at least 15 sec to cast it, so we need to look for a cave or something that can give us some cover"

"There is really no way to lose them in this area, anybody have any ideas?"

"I … I think ...I can give us the window of time, we need to cast the portal spell brother but we need to stop right next to a mountain"

The team looked towards Riddick a little confused but the smile of confidence in his face was very reassuring. The area did not have any cover from the people flying above but the zone did have huge rocks that met Riddicks requirements.

Over there! Yelled Riddick calling the attention of the team.

It was a huge Rock almost 50 Ft tall and it had a pretty wide base that made it pretty stable. The team arrived underneath and Liz started casting the portal spell while every one got ready to defend her so that she would not get interrupted by the people flying above them.

The group actions didn't go unnoticed by their pursuers that started launching their most powerful spells in order to force Liz to start over but everything they did was futile as the moment Liz started casting, Riddick move away from the group and remove his father relic from his wrist.


10 feet ...20 feet ...30 feet.. Riddick grew rapidly and his reptilian skin shone in the sun while two huge bat like wings sprung out of his back. Rahz was amazed by the new look of his brother, the wings were definitely part of Riddicks third evolution and it was the first time he was seeing them.

The people in the sky were extremely scared and flew even higher while their previous attacks smashed on the wings and barely did any damage.

It was a very well thought out plan, thanks to Riddicks massive wings that were design for defense instead of flying, he was able to protect their backs while the rock that was initially there protect their backs.

The people following them by land arrived at the scene but they couldn't get close thanks to Riddick's Tail which he swung around with force, deterring anybody that wanted to get close to attack, all they could do was try and inflict some damage to the tail but it was minimal.

Riddick and Liz were the last members to cross through the portal and they did it without much difficulty, the first expedition had been successful.

Good Morning guys/girls

2/4 chapters for the week. thank you for reading

b2basicscreators' thoughts