
Yes Ma'am!

Itami sighed heavily as she gazed upon the document in her hands. Her intelligence agents had reported that the rebels were amassing their forces. They planned to launch a strike against her homeland in an attempt to break the morale of her forces.

It was an act of desperation on the rebels' part. Having lost the Shimazu clan as their supporters, the Rebel leader now intended to seize what remained of Itami's family and hold them hostage in order to force her to surrender. 

How did Itami come by this information? One of her first acts when she initially came to power in this world was to establish a corps of spies recruited from all walks of life to engage in espionage and sabotage against her enemies. Using many of the same4r tactics that the Shinobi utilized in her past life, Itami gave these men and women the same title.