
Target Practice

Night fell, and before Berengar knew it, the earthen fortifications for his base camp were established. A fire was used to illuminate the encampment as sentries stood watch in the trenches. Despite the ungodly hour, Berengar was not asleep. Instead, he was well awake, coordinating with his scouts on a possible raid of a nearby tribe. 

When Berengar and his men entered an uncharted portion of the world, they treated it as a land without the rule of law. In other words, they considered the area as a hostile zone. Of course, he would not immediately open fire upon first contact, instead he had dispatched his Jaegers to silently observe the tribes from afar. 

With camouflage equipment, scoped rifles, and binoculars, they were able to ascertain much information about the nearby native villages. Jaegers, much like the Jagdkommandos, were given priority when it came to modern equipment. Because of this, these men had the most recently designed uniforms and weapons.