
Perceived Infidelity

The sun shone brightly upon the von Kufstein Royal Palace, and as the light trickled through the crystal glass windows, it set itself upon a familiar scene. Berengar lie naked under the sheets of his bed, alongside Adela and Henrietta, who clung tightly to his firm and muscular body. 

On this morning all was well within the German nation, and Berengar opened his mismatched eyes to see the two golden-haired beauties by his side. A warm smile emerged on his lips as his gaze caught the sleeping expressions of his cousin and sister, who both had the grace of angels, even in their most vulnerable state. 

Berengar gently kissed the two women on the forehead before rising out of bed, and in doing so, awaken his bedmates from their slumber. Henrietta rubbed her azure blue eyes gently in an attempt to break free from her groggy state, while Adela gave her man a morning kiss. Upon seeing this, Henrietta began to pout, before giving her brother a kiss of her own.