
Global Chess

It had been years since the Pax Germania first began, and during this time the German people had spread across the globe, colonizing massive swaths of land for their own purposes. Perhaps the first of the German Colonies, New Vienna, had undergone the most monumental change. 

Years had passed since Arnulf's death, and during this time his widow and young son were forced into a life of house arrest within the colony of New Vienna, or Neu Wien, as it was known in the German tongue. The native woman was forced to sit back and watch as her people were driven out of their lands and hunted for sport by the German settlers. 

Berengar had promised to look after Arnulf's family if he chose the easy way out, and he had lived up to that promise. The mother and child had lived a life of utter luxury, though despite this, Kahwihta suffered from a depression that only one who caused the death of their culture could feel.