
For King and Fatherland!

Berengar awoke to the thunderous echos of cannon fire from among his encampment. The weapons went off the moment the sun rose in the sky above the city of Verona. In his army of 50,000 men, Berengar had three entire brigades dedicated to Artillery that was a total of 12,000 men and 210 field guns. 

If one were to take his entire army into consideration, Berengar had a total of five Artillery Brigades, two of which were currently located in the Swiss Confederation along with Adelbrand and the rest of his forces. Out of 75,000 men, 20,000 of them were dedicated to artillery. With the remaining 55,000 being a mix of infantry and cavalry. 

That meant that Berengar had a total of 350 artillery pieces in his entire army, most of these being 1417 12 lb Cannons. With these 210 cannons fielded in Berengar's current army, which had a rate of fire of 1 round per minute, he was capable of bombarding a region with 12,600 explosive shells in an hour.