
Ending a Rebellion

Eckhard gazed upon the bloody scene of his battle and sighed heavily. All he wanted in this world was a peaceful retirement. For the briefest of moments, he had achieved this aim. Unfortunately, the land that Berengar gave him was filled with mutinous nobles, and thus, he was forced to take up the blade once more. 

The echo of gunfire had long since ceased, and the smoke vanished, to reveal the scene of 25,000 corpses riddled with bullet holes. Those that were less lucky had been blasted to bits by artillery fire, leaving piles of mincemeat in their place. 

The scent of blood and bile filled the air, but this was something the retired General was all too used to. As he lamented the wasteful loss of life, his eyes glanced upon the horrified visage of his fiancee who lay petrified from fright across the battlefield. With the death of her father, and his army, she was now without protection in this cruel world.