
Designing Ice Factories and Revolving Cannons

The light of dawn shone down upon the Imperial Palace of Germany located within the city of Kufstein. Despite it being the hour where most people awoke to prepare themselves for a day of hard work, the Emperor of Germany had already been awake since the previous day.

Once more, Berengar had spent the entire night working on his designs, an unhealthy attitude according to his physician, but nonetheless, it had to be done. Luckily enough, there were ample supplies of coffee within the Palace's store rooms to endow the young Emperor with the energy needed to complete the task. 

After one last stroke of the fountain pen, Berengar sighed heavily before gazing at his newest masterpiece. It was a blueprint used to create artificial ice. Since he had first entered this new life of his, Berengar had been plagued with room temperature beverages. After all, ice was a rare commodity in this medieval world.