
Tyranny of Steel

Julian Weber is an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a graduate of Westpoint Military Academy with a degree in civil engineering. As U.S. involvement in Afghanistan comes to an end, Lt. Julian Weber finds himself involved in a terrorist attack by the Taliban, which claims his life. However, he quickly finds out that death is not always final as he is reincarnated into the body of a Baron's son and heir in an alternate Earth set in Late-Medieval Europe. In an era of political turmoil and civil strife, the Baron's young son is named Regent of the Barony of Kufstein and forced to contend with feudal powers. Will he be able to institute reforms leading his Barony into the age of industry? Or will he succumb to the pressure of his feudal overlords and a corrupt church that seek dominion overall?

Zentmeister · History
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1261 Chs

Defense of the Gibraltar Strait

In the days following Hasan's death, the Sultan of Morocco sultan had moved his forces to the coastline of his territory. He had done this before Berengar and his forces discovered the truth about Hasan's demise. Because of Al-Andlus' defeat in Morocco, the Iberian peninsula was now defended by a paltry sum of German forces. Most of these men were spread across the entire region and needed time to regroup. Said planned to take advantage of this lackluster defense by mounting an invasion of Granada. 

Said's plan was simple, land his forces into Granada before the German reinforcements could arrive, and seize the southernmost portion of Iberia, connecting it to his sultanate. As for the Catholics in the North, he figured they would be happy to be free from the control of their current Muslim masters, and he had no desire to rule over them.