
An Enjoyable Meal with the Family

In the Imperial Palace of Germany, the young Prince Hans sat within the Library with only his sister to keep him company. He was currently reading up on a book about German history, as recorded by the ancient Roman historian Tacitus. Berengar's scholars had translated the book into the German tongue, and Hans found it to be an interesting read. 

As for Helga, she was busy painting a portrait of her mother, Linde. Interestingly enough, the art piece contained the woman in her Intelligence Uniform. Despite her young age, the painting was well beyond the capabilities of her peers, and because of this, it didn't look half bad.

While Hans was interested in a variety of school topics, and had a mind built for mathematics and science. Helga was far more creative and spent most of her time engaging in the fine arts. She was an introverted child who only seemed to be social around her brother and mother.