
Jason, this kid, is in trouble!

"Son of Tartarus, Typhon..."

At the same moment he learned of the name Typhon from the mouth of the three Goddesses of Fate, Zeus, who is wearing a silver and white robe, raised his head and looked into the sky.

Under his focused eyes, the magnificent Mount Olympus in front of him began fading away, then his gaze penetrated the entire human world, and finally came down to the endless abyss of Tartarus!

And in the endless abyss, one of the many Titans who are suppressed, slowly raised his head as if he has noticed Zeus.

That is the current leader of the Titans, the father of all monsters, Typhon!

As the visions of the two collided, both began using their powers at disposal to examine the capabilities of their fated rival, due to which, at the very same moment, the depth of Tartarus began trembling!


As the turbulence began spreading faster without showing any signs of stopping, a stalwart voice suddenly reached the ears of two at the same time, which came from Tartarus itself.

One of the five primordial gods that were born along with the birth of this world, the God of Hell and Abyss, Tartarus.

He is also Typhon's father!

Under the word of such an ancient god, even Zeus had to withdraw his gaze.

Then he looked at the three Goddesses of Fate and Hermes in front of him, and it can be clearly seen, now, Zeus has obviously lost his previous anger, and bolts of lightning on him have also disappeared.

"You have done well." Zeus said to the three goddesses of destiny with satisfaction, then asked: "Have you seen anything else?"

"Yes, honored God-King."

The eldest, Atropos, once again came forward and continued explaining to Zeus: "In the battle that was severe enough to destroy Olympus, we also saw an existence that could bring you victory and defeat your mortal enemy!"

"Oh?" Zeus is slightly surprised, so he asked: "Who is it?"

"Your child, at this moment is following the centaur sage Chiron as his students, Heracles!"

'Heracles? ...It's him!'

Just when Zeus was slightly delighted with this favorable news.

Among the three Goddesses of Fate, the youngest goddess, the Goddess of Fate whose domain is the 'future', Clotho, suddenly asked Atropos with puzzlement apparent in her voice: "Sister, you...did you only see Heracles?"

"Huh?" Atropos frowned slightly and while also looking puzzled, asked: "Sister, what do you mean by that?"

"Reporting to the great king of gods, what I have seen is a little different from my sister."

Clotho thought for a while, then walked forward and said to Zeus: "Besides Heracles, I seem to have seen the figure of one more hero!"

'There's one more?'

This time, even Hermes, who was listening silently, is a little surprised.

Hermes was surprised by the appearance of Heracles' name, a mortal, but still able to accept it.

After all, Hercules is the child of Zeus, with the blood of the King of Gods flowing in his body, he has shown absolute superiority even among other demigods from an early age!

Most of the Gods already know that Hercules was targeted by Hera, the Queen of Gods, shortly after he was born, she had released two poisonous snakes to kill him.

But Gods weren't surprised because of the method Hera used to deal with a child, after all, that is the Queen of Gods for them; rather, Gods were surprised because Heracles managed to strangle both snakes in an instant.

"Who is it?" Zeus and Hermes thought of the same thing and asked with interest.

"Actually..." Clotho hesitated for a while, and finally replied helplessly: "I apologize, The Great God King, I don't know his name."

"Well, you don't know?" Zeus was stunned.

"Yes, the Great King of Gods, his figure is a little blurry... but I did see it, and his fate seems to be... affected by something, it is always changing!"

"Fate is affected and always changing..."

Just when the gods were a little puzzled and even Clotho's two sisters were wondering if their youngest sister have seen wrong, after all, they didn't see it...

"Clotho, is the figure you saw a blond handsome man with emerald eyes in white clothes?"

Along with these words, Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom in a long white dress, also walked in.

But it is not only Athena that has walked in, at this moment on her side is standing a dignified, graceful, and beautiful woman.

She is the Queen of Gods, the daughter of the previous god-king Cronus, the sister and legitimate wife of the current God-King Zeus, Goddess Hera!

"Yes!" Clotho nodded and asked: "Goddess of Wisdom, Athena, do you know who that child is?"

"Of course I do, and I believe both Father and Hermes also know him...that child is related to Demeter and Persephone."

With such an obvious reminder, Hermes and Zeus naturally remembered him, after all, it was only two days before that Persephone's incident has ended!

"It is actually him... In this case, the vagueness of fate can indeed be explained." Hermes said with a smile.

By this time, Gods have believed that Jason is trying to become a God, which is now indeed true, so along with the support and protection of Hecate, the Goddess of Paths, it is obvious to them that Jason's fate should look vague and everchanging.

"Who?" Clotho asked curiously.

"Jason...that's his name!"

Athena had just finished replying, and Hera, who was frowning and observing the situation in front of her, suddenly froze and glanced at Athena.

Then she tilted her head slightly... 'Jason?'

'This name...why does it sound familiar to me?'

"Great Father, may I ask what has happened?"

And while Hera was thinking, Athena asked Zeus about the situation.

When both learned that Zeus saw the destruction of Olympus, Athena and Hera instantly understood why Zeus had suddenly become so angry at that time.

Then, after hearing that it is the Titans and the child of Tartarus, one of the primordial gods, Athena nodded again to show her understanding.

"That means, in the future battle, Heracles and Jason will be essential for our victory, right?"

As soon as Athena finished speaking, Hera next to her interjected in a cold tone: "Heracles... If I remember correctly, that is someone's wild child, right?!"

"And the one named Jason... Strange, why does it sound familiar to me."

Hearing that Hera is familiar with Jason, initially, other Gods didn't think much of it.

Because the reason why the Queen of Gods, Hera, has appeared here only now, is actually that before coming here, she had gone to comfort Demeter, who has just lost her daughter.

So it's not surprising that she might have heard rumors about Jason before arriving here.

And just when Athena smiled and was about to explain it to Hera.

"Oh, I remember, Jason... Was his real name Diomedes, the son of Aeson, the king of Iolcus, right?"

Hera suddenly remembered and said: "Because this name was later on given to him by Chiron, I had forgotten... that being said, his future is quite remarkable!"

Athena looked at Hera, who is suddenly in high spirits after remembering Jason, and couldn't help but wonder the reason behind it.

"You know that child?" Zeus also asked with some surprise.

"Of course, he's my believer!" Hera nodded, and her expression at this moment became a little smug...

"...What? Is he your believer?" This time Zeus is really stunned with his eyes widened.

"Well!" Hera, as if pleased with Zeus' response, explained proudly: "I have been observing this child since a long time ago, and he has always been my sincere believer!"

"It is really not bad, he didn't disappoint me, he is indeed my favorite believer! "

As soon as the words fell, Athena and Hermes were stunned, and even Zeus felt that his eyelids might twitch anytime now.

'... Your believer?'

'And even your sincere believer?'

'Isn't he the believer of Hecate, the Goddess of Paths?!'

"That...are you sure it's Jason?" Zeus couldn't help himself from asking again.

"Of course!" Hera nodded, "That child has survived only because I had acted to rescue him. Even when he went to Chiron to become a student, his way was secretly led by me!"

"But then... how did you all get to know that child?" Feeling that something is wrong again, Hera asked then looked at Athena and other gods in doubt.

Athena and Zeus hurriedly looked away, so Hera finally looked at Hermes with a questioning look.

"...Well, you know that a child has secretly helped in taking Persephone away, right?"

Under Hera's gaze, Hermes could only brace himself and explain.

"I know, what's wrong?"

"That child is Jason..."

"It's him?" Hera is surprised... No, to be precise, she is pleasantly surprised!

And seeing Hera looks so satisfied.

Athena, Hermes, and even Zeus couldn't help swallowing.

"That...great Father God I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do."

"That great God-King, I also have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

Therefore, Athena and Hermes, who have long sensed that the situation is not proceeding in a good direction, quickly ran away!

Without giving Zeus even a chance to stop them, two of them escaped and ran out of the temple then looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

"Now that kid...is really in trouble."

Hermes couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, Hera and Demeter... That child has completely provoked the two main gods now."

Athena also sighed.

After listening to this, Hermes couldn't help but look at Athena, and then held back the words in his heart.

'Actually, he has provoked you too...'

But on the other side not long after the two ran away, under the pressure of Hera, in the end, Zeus could only tell the truth.



In the trembling temple, Hera widened her eyes, and due to unconsciously releasing her divine power, her eyes are actually seeming like flames are burning on them, and angrily asked Zeus: "You say that child is now a student of Hecate and has become Hecate's most loyal believer?!

"It is impossible... how can it be! "



'Why do I feel a chill down my back?'

Underworld, in the temple of Hecate.

Jason, who is sitting in the hall, suddenly shivered.

"Junior Jason, did something happen to you?"

Seeing this, Medea, who is closely following him, immediately asked with concern but didn't forget to use the word junior: "Is your body not adapting to the aura of Underworld...Teacher, will the aura of the underworld harm Junior Jason's body?"

"No way that could happen, not to mention that his body was washed by Styx, he still has Apollo's sword on him."

On the side, Hecate saw that Medea was very concerned about Jason's health as well as the way she is referring to him, then looked at Jason's face that is saying he is crying inside.

She couldn't help shaking her head.

But at the same time, she frowned slightly.

'Strange, how I just felt like someone is going to target me...'

Thinking like this, Hecate again looked at Jason and then stopped thinking about it.

'After all, no matter what, it's obviously more important to first solve Jason's problem!'

Although Jason also felt a little strange just now, looking at Medea next to him, he decided not to think too much about it.

'After all, no matter what, it is obviously more important to first solve Medea's problem!'

Do you know, and I know it might come as a... surprise? to at least some of you, Zeus is also the God of Law, Order, and Justice.

I so wish I would have been able to see your faces at this moment.

GlaiveIriscreators' thoughts
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