
Type Moon Greece, I really don't want to be a hero! [Fan-Translation]

My, translator's synopsis is just below the one by the original author, which I don't want to change much, so read it once for a better... synopsis?! I got transmigrated to the Greece Age of Gods and that too as Jason. Wait, Jason? Do you mean that Jason, the one who has provoked the Witch of Betrayal Medea? Jason? You mean the same Jason who seems to be a great hero, but is actually just a toy of the Gods? Jason? The very same Jason who supposedly lived a glorious life and eventually became a great hero, popular in future generations, but in fact, had a difficult life and eventually didn't even get a natural death? No, such a fate... I do not want it! Therefore ...... "Teacher Chiron, I want to drop out of this school; this kind of hero business, I don't want to do it!" ***** Translator's Synopsis First of all, this is not fanfic and not related to Nasuverse; but I kept the title same due to the author's original choice. Next, this is a story about a modern person trying to change his destiny in the Greek mythological period. And lastly, this has a lot of slice-of-life parts that might touch your heart. ***** It is a fan translation that I am doing just because of interest and nothing more. And just to be clear, I don't have the author's permission because I was unable to contact him and I didn't find a translation anywhere else; so if the author wishes for this to be taken down then just tell me. As for how good am I at English... then let's just say it is not even my fourth language but still, I believe myself to be fluent enough in both speaking and writing.

GlaiveIris · Book&Literature
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103 Chs

Hecate's Mission


Jason has lived for three months in what is known as one of the five rivers of the underworld, but this long river is not filled with water rather this is the river of blazing flames.

"Come here Jason, this is your fire lotus for today."

The flame spirit here... is actually also a kind of goddess born in these flames.

Sister Flame Spirit, whose body is made of flames, handed a dark lotus flower of flames to Jason, who is sitting on a stone.

Jason took it, then skillfully took fire lotus petals and chewed them in his mouth; simultaneously, asked the fire spirit floating beside him: "Sister Flame Spirit, when do you think teacher Hecate will come to pick me up?... It's already been three months, hasn't it?"

"Hmm...Little Jason, why do you not want to accompany your sister so quickly?" Flame Spirit smiled at Jason and continued: "You still owe sister for loving you in every possible way for these three months!"

Hearing this and recalling the experience of the past three months, Jason couldn't help shivering, just as he was about to say something to Flame Spirit...

"Um... it seems that in the past three months, your harvest is better than I imagined." With the appearance of ghost butterflies dancing in the air, Hecate walked out of the shadows.

Looking at Jason, who is eating with fire lotus in both hands while being completely unaffected by the fire around him, Hecate turned to look at Fire Spirit and said: "You took good care of him."

"It's okay." Flame Spirit smiled and shook her head at Hecate, then looked at Jason who got up quickly and greeted Hecate with a teacher-student salute.

"I really like this kid, especially after watching him getting burned by my flames for the first time but not saying a word, the expression he had at that time was really cute, hee hee!"

Simply speaking, after Hecate left, Jason has not only swam again in the Styx but has also suffered the baptism of the unquenchable fire.

Quite obviously, the spirit of flame baptized only his body with flames!

Because although Flame Spirit did not dare to touch Jason's soul without Hecate and a god with the power of life force, it was obviously possible to just baptize Jason's body!

In the past three months, Jason's flame resistance attribute has been almost maxed out because of this; now, even for a common divine flame, it will very difficult to injure him!

"Goddess Hecate, you are here to train his soul this time, but... you are the only one here?"

The Fire Spirit looked around but saw no other god or goddess other than Hecate.

"Some accidents happened and she didn't come." Hecate shook her head and continued: "She was probably hidden by her mother again and didn't receive my message."

"Still... Goddess Hecate, if it's just you, even if now this child is used to the unquenchable fire, isn't it..."

"I am not thinking about tempering his soul now." After saying this, while looking at Jason, Hecate continued: "Jason, you will go and find her."

Jason, who was listening to the conversation between the two goddesses, suddenly heard this and couldn't help but look at Hecate with puzzlement.

"You have to find Persephone, she will come if she knows it's me, currently she should be hidden again by her mother Demeter, as for how to find her... You can go to the Caucasus Mountains first and find Prometheus, he will help you."

Demeter, Persephone?

Jason recalled the two names in a moment and remembered.

Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, grain, and harvest, is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, and Persephone is her daughter.

As for Prometheus, he is naturally even more famous. In the fairy tales, it was him who brought the first flame to mankind!

Simultaneously, Demeter does often hides her daughter Persephone, because Persephone is too beautiful, even among other goddesses, she is a very beautiful goddess.

Therefore, in order to avoid suffering at the hands of Zeus and other gods, Demeter would hide her.

'Looks like Persephone hasn't yet become the Queen of the Underworld... By the way, does the teacher have a good relationship with Persephone?' Jason thought to himself, then nodded to Hecate.

"Persephone... As the daughter of Goddess Demeter, she is indeed good enough."

Flame Spirit also nodded, then looked at Jason and said regretfully: "But if it is like this, little Jason is will be leaving. In this case, no one will come here to talk to me."

"Sister Flame Spirit, I will frequently come here to look for you."

"You are really cute!" Flame Spirit squeezed Jason's cheek and continued with a smile: "Okay, just for saying this to me, your sister will give you a good thing!"

After saying this, Flame Spirit waved her hand and Jason saw that from the side of the River of Blazing-Fire, the unquenchable flames began rising up and the flames began gathering in Flame Spirits's hand.

Finally, these flames turned into the fire lotus that Jason is familiar with, with a total of twelve petals.

While handing over the twelve petals to Jason, Flame Spirit said: "When you encounter danger outside, swallow one petal, then spit it out and you will burn your enemy to death!"

Hearing this, Jason glanced at Hecate, and after Hecate nodded, Jason stepped forward and after thanking Flame Spirit, took the gift she has prepared for him.

But after Jason took it, Hecate said: "If this thing is not necessary, don't use it... You are sheltered by me and had already soaked in the water of Styx when you touched this flame for the first time, so you were fine... but for outsiders, even demigods, once this flame got stuck to them, even their souls will inevitably be burned to nothing."

After Hecate finished explaining, Jason's hand slightly trembled and he almost lost his grip.

Jason has already heard these two goddesses saying that if the soul is destroyed, one can't even enter the underworld!

These twelve petals can at the very least obliterate the existence of twelve people!


Then, Jason was taken out of the underworld by Hecate.

Upon leaving Underworld what appeared in front of him is a place that Jason is quite familiar with.

It is in the Arcadia region, near the school of the centaur sage Chiron!

After sending him to this place, when Hecate handed him a black feather and told him that upon finding Persephone, he should burn this at night after calling her name and she will appear, Jason couldn't help but look at Hecate for a few moments as he found this matter to be a little strange.

But he didn't say much, and after saying goodbye to Hecate, he returned to Mount Pelion.

As soon as he walked inside, he immediately met Chiron, who has already sensed his aura, and rushed over.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

Looking at Jason who has returned in only three months, Chiron was naturally quite surprised!

If you feel like this one is worth reading and are satisfied with my English, then inform me and I will continue.

After all, it is only because I believe that others might also wish to read this novel, that I have decided to translate this.

I will upload a few more chapters, so you all can also tell your decision after reading those.

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