

A series starring my OC Tylordian He was once a child who lived a shitty life with his abusive father and once he died he became something much worse. He came back as the third grim reaper and he's sending every sinner Satan wants to Hell.

TylordianWake · Action
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8 Chs

Part 4: The Fallen Angle

On January 14th 2023 there was still no word on why Heaven didn't come to war and Satan didn't come back yet so while I was waiting I went back to Japan and stole replacement clothes because it got torn up during my fight with Naidrolyt and Dracula then I went went back to America and I went to a junkyard to use some parts to fix my right arm and finally I went back to the town where it all started to see how much as changed and to help keep my memories safe. When I first arrived I saw a sign that was recently put up at that time that says "Welcome to Haliveline". The first thing I did there was to see how Lisa was doing while I was gone so I looked at the windows and most of them where open. Stalkerish I know but people where still aware of my existence but as a villain and didn't care if I saved billions of lives in Japan. I didn't see her anywhere but I only saw her parents and I listened to their conversation.

Lisa's mother: I got a text from Lisa.

Lisa's Father: What did she say?

Lisa' mother: She said "Church is great in Beaverton. You're welcome to visit me anytime you want."

I was thinking "That's great to hear. I'm glad she's doing okay".

Lisa's Father: Good. I'm especially glad that demon didn't do anything to her. If I see him I'll make sure that he'll never come back.

I quietly left and made sure no one saw or heard me. As I was walking down the road to dad's house I was happy for Lisa and I was still thinking about Naidrolyt's question then I started thinking out loud.

Tylordian: Honestly, I don't know anymore. My purpose was already fulfilled once and I still kill sinners for Satan's when I didn't want to do that anymore. Dracula, maby you're right. I should try to forgive the sinner peacefully without violence but that's impossible thanks to that son of a bitch and the world is not peaceful at all. No one can settle things without raising their fists.

I made it to where the house used to be and by the looks of things it became a construction zone. People where taring down what was left of the burnt house and at the spot they where going to make something new. Once I got to see how things changed there I walked away back to the alley way in town and I was so bored I was just pacing while waiting for something to happen until I saw a back alley deal going on. I was looking at what was going on and one guy was giving another guy a bag of ecstasy. I tossed my sword at the bag and I let the customer leave but I caught the drug dealer before he could leave.

???: Please don't hurt me!

Tylordian: Don't worry I won't but I be happy to take you to the police.

I was about to go sneak him to a nearby police station but Death teleported Infront of us and he gutted the drug dealer like a fish.

Death: You know better than to just take a sinner to the police, we take them to Hell. Have you forgotten that you idiot?

Tylordian: I know that but I've already grown tired of it.

Death: Anyways Lord Satan has returned with God and they want you now.

TylordianHuh. Now I might find out why it took him so long to ask God why he wasn't there when Dracula declared war on Heaven too. Thanks Death.

Death: I don't want your thanks.

I cut my finger and I drew the circle with my blood and I teleported to Hell and Satan's castle. I entered the throne room and there was Satan and God. God is a giant and the same height as Satan and he has long white hair, a long white beard and pretty much him and every angle has white eyes with glowing yellow pupils, and they all are dressed in boring white clothes.

God: So this is your best grim reaper? He doesn't look like much.

Also he has the same personality as Satan.

Satan: His attitude may be sour and dreadful but he's the strongest too and wait until he unlocks his final sage.

Tylordian: What is it you want from me?

God: The reason why we weren't at the war was because we've been having problems of our own.

Tylordian: And what's that?

God: Just shut up and let me talk!

I was thinking "This is the all mighty God some people worship? How sad."

God: One of our angles went rogue. Her name is Zeus and after she died we turned her into an angle and one day when she found out that we finally made her forget about her mortal life she asked us to bring back her memories we refused. When we assigned her as a new guardian angle for a new soul that's been born she rejected that roll and only wants to know about her past. After we found out about the return of the Neather Zenus found her opportunity to abandon Heaven and look for her past. We've sent several angles to go find her but none of them succeeded.

Tylordian: You want me to get her?

God: Yes.

Tylordian: With all do respect God but when you want to make new angles forget their past that's pretty much a red flag also you should've told her about her past so this would've never happened and the same with how Dracula avoided your barrier.

God: You don't get to make decisions for me because I'm God not you.

Satan: Just do what you're assigned to do.

Tylordian: But I don't have enough details about her.

I heard doors open behind me.

???: Please don't worry because we can tell you more if that's okay for you father.

I looked behind me and it was both Mosses and Jesus Christ them selves.

God: Just make it quick.

Moses: Please come with us Tylordian.

I walked out of the castle and Jesus opened a portal to Heaven. We entered Heaven and it looks beautiful as most of you were expecting. I looked around and there the ground is just a cloud and the sky is bright blue. I even got to look at the golden gates and behind the gates was the stairway. I looked around some more and I didn't see anyone enjoying their afterlife but I only saw every human and angle working on stuff and doing their jobs and to me it looked more like slavery. I got pretty nervous on at what I was looking at. It looked suspicious to me. Three of us sat down on a bench made of gold.

Jesus: Now about Zenus, she has short yellow hair, the same eyes all angles have including me and Moses, and her abilities are a list of these.

Jesus surrounded his hand with white fire with yellow outlines.

Jesus: This is called Suns magma.

Moses: The other abilities she has is invisibility and take control holy water so you must watch out if she does either one of those.

Tylordian: Is that all the details?

Jesus: Yes, that's all we have for you. I wish for you the best of luck out there.

Moses: For what I saw before we left she's at Sweden.

Tylordian: Alright, thanks you guys.

I got up off the bench.

Tylordian: But before I go, just out of curiosity has God always been this sour?

Moses: We're sorry Tylordian but we are forbidden to talk about Lord God.

Jesus: Father might do something to us if he finds out we were talking about him.

Tylordian: Alright, thanks for the information.

Jesus: Bye Tylordian!

Moses: Good luck!

Honestly Jesus and Moses were the only good people I know along with Lisa but it sucks that I probably won't be able to talk with them again after that. I bit off a chunk of my finger and drew the circle and teleported to Sweden and the city of Malmö. In Malmö It was 19 degrees and there was some snow. I was thinking " Would Zenus find her memories here?". I started sneaking around the city but then.

???: Hey you!

I got a little bit worried if they knew who I was so I turned to the person talking to me.

???: How would you like to have some of this sir?

He just pulled out a can of fish and I couldn't read Swedish on the label so I just assumed it was something like sardines or tuna fish and on the label the price was 42.11kr(kr stands for Swedish Krona)(Currency translates to $4.00).

Tylordian: I'm sorry but I don't have any money on me.

???: Don't worry, I'm giving it to you for free.

Tylordian: .... Ok, thanks.

He handed me the can.

Tylordian: But why let me have it?

???: I'm just trying to have a good day today. I really like your costume too.

Tylordian: Thanks.

???: Bye sir.

He left and I was thinking "Did Zator send my name to Sweden? I guess that saves me the trouble of hiding from the people.". I wandered around in the city looking for Zenus and I robbed someone and took their money. At 7:45pm and I bought a can opiner and a fork then I decided to take a break and sat down on a bench Infront of the ocean. I took off my mask so I could eat the fish and just when I started opening the can some liquid shit sprayed out of the can and it smelled so bad I vomited in a trash can. I tossed the can in the trash and I didn't want to know what the fish looked like. Once my appetite was ruined looked for a place for me to sleep for the night. Before I did that I snuck inside a closed store and robbed 4425.33kr($400.00) from the cash register and then went to go find somewhere to sleep. I found a motel and I paid 44.25kr($4.00) for one night and I went to my room and I went to sleep. I woke up at 7:23am and I got out of bed and went out continuing my search for Zenus. I couldn't find anything about Zenus so I left the city to look for her somewhere else in the country. I was just walking for hours until I came across a waterfall and a river and on the other side I saw someone. I got a very suspicious feeling about the person so I decided to get her attention.

Tylordian: Excuse me!

She turned around and looked at me.

???: Yes sir?

My suspicions where correct, it was Zenus. Like Jesus and Moses described she has short yellow hair which almost makes her look like a male except for one part of her hair touching her right cheek and she was dressed in vanilla white clothes, cyan shoes, and judging by her accent she's British.

Tylordian: My name is Tylordian the third grim reaper and I was ordered to bring you back to God.

I activated second sage incase she was going to do something.

Zenus: No, I won't let you do that!

Tylordian: I understand that you have forgotten about your past and want to get those memories back bu-

Zenus: What do you know!? If you're trying to bring me back then that makes you my enemy!

She created a sword shape of a cross with her Sun magma and wings too and she flew towards me. I ignited my sword blade and we swung our blades at each others several times. I shot a stream of hell fire at her and she dodged it and flew up the water fall. I ran up the tall rocks that where around the fall and met her at the very top. We continued our fight and she created a spear made of holy water and she threw it at my leg and it split in two. I grabbed my leg as I went off balance and then I fell down the water fall. I feel in the river and the current took me where it was going and the water was freezing. I took my head back up to the surface and I didn't see her anywhere and just when I was about to climb up on the sides I relized that she was following me and she was invisible because she forced me down on the water and we were heading to another waterfall she picked me up by my head and tossed me down the fall. After that big splash she picked me up again and she was slamming me on the front of the cliffs and she tossed me on snow covered grass. Zenus turned off her invisibility and she walked up to me.

Zenus: Next time we meet I'll make sure you never come back, for good.

Zenus left and I was just laying down on the snow because that fight took away my whole stamina and I just rest there.

Tylordian: That *gasping for air* was something.

3 Three hours had passed and I got up off the ground and I reattached my leg then I decided to search for another town or city where I could find new pants and then strategize on how I could get Zenus. I was walking until I reached another city named Lund and I was walking around until I found a store and bought some new black pants. I went to a grocery store and bought a bag of frozen sweet potato fries and a bottle of red soda then I went to a hotel. I cooked the fries then I started thinking about how I could beat Zenus while I was eating and drinking.

Tylordian: So again she has invisibility, she can control holy water, and she can use sun blaze. Hmm.... If grim reapers have a weakness then angles have to have one too. If our weakness is holy water and I'm not sure what's a vampire's weakness is but I'm sure an angle's weakness has to do something with darkness. I'm not sure why Jesus or Moses didn't give me a hint on what the angles weakness is or maybe God doesn't want anyone to know about it. Fuck I don't fucking know. Guess I'll go figure it out.

I went to the hotel's library and I just searched "angles weakness" on their computer and all I found was theories which was what I was expecting because not everyone knows that angles exist. This one theory I found interesting was something called holy fire. I did my research on holy fire and after 7 hours I found nothing useful so I just gave up.

Tylordian: Fuck it.

I left and I decided to find something related to holy fire somewhere else. I took a trip to a church and I was also worried that I wouldn't be allowed to enter for obvious reasons but it was worth a shot. I put on black shades that I bought while I was shopping then I entered the church and then the father of the church walked up to me.

???: Welcome my child.

Tylordian: Hello father, I come before you just to ask if you know something about holy fire?

???: Ah yes, allow me to tell you what I know. Despite the name holy fire is actuality unholy, in 2018 the whole holy fire was invited in Cleveland by a spawn of Satan and it burnt down an entire forest not with hell fire but holy fire. Holy fire may look like hell fire but holy fire has red orange and not red.

I was thinking "Was it Death who invited holy fire? If it was then how did he do that?".

Tylordian: Well thank you father.

I left the church and I removed the shades then I created the circle with my own blood then I teleported to Death's location witch was in the country Canada and the city Vancouver. I was on top of a building and as I was searching high for Death then out of nowhere a train fell off it's tracks and it crashed on a highway and pretty much killed a lot of people in the highway. I looked closer at the train and I saw Death through the windshield and he teleported out of there and I saw him in an alley way right next to the building I was on. I ran down the wall towards Death.

Tylordian: What the hell did you do?

Death looked up at me.

Death: What are you doing here?

I jumped off the wall and landed on the ground.

Tylordian: I asked you first. How did you get the train to fall off the rails? You pretty much got a lot of people killed.

Death: One sinner hijacked the train and another put something on the rails to make it fall off.

Tylordian: Damn.

Death: Now what do you want?

Tylordian: I'm here to ask how did you create holy fire?

Death: I was at a church in Cleveland and when I was going to burn a sinner I missed him and the hell fire landed in the bowl of holy water and then that's where it happened. When my hell fire touch holy water they transformed into holy fire and then I absorbed the holy fire and it allowed me to use holy fire.

Death surround his hand with holy fire and it was the same colors of hell fire and like father said the outlines are red orange instead of red.

Death: I tested it and it's much weaker than hell fire but it has a really strong effect on angles as it effects them the same way holy water effects us.

The holy fire disappears.

Death: God told me all of Zenus' abilities and If she tries to disintegrate you with her holy water just shoot fell fire at it and absorb it then you will have control of it too.

Tylordian: Alright, thanks.

Death: Now get out of my face!

I bit my finger and drew the circle on the ground and teleported back to Lund and I was thinking "Alright, now that I know how to weaken her it's time to try again.". I walked out of Lund and started looking for Zenus again. I looked for her in every city in Sweden but I couldn't find her.

Tylordian: Maybe I should try the wild life again.

I went in the woods and I was searching for her there and I searched high and low for her but I didn't find her but there were some pretty fucked up shit I found in the woods like a camp site where a woman was shoving a dildo down a guy's piss hole, a pregnant woman hanging herself in a tree, and lost children getting killed by black bears. I got tired so I slept next to a tree for the night. I woke up there was a pack of wolves surrounding me and when they did attempt to pounce on me I knocked them back but I didn't hurt them too badly and I ran away until I lost them.

Tylordian: Maybe she's not in Sweden anymore.

I cut my finger again and with a sharp piece of wood and I drew the circle and I was thinking about where Zenus would be next and I teleported there. The country I teleport to was Iceland and the city of Vik. I was searching for her In the city and sneaking around incase Zator sent the message to Iceland and I didn't find her there. Was looking for her on a hill and when I was going to look for her somwhere else.

Zenus: Die!

Zenus was flying towards me and she shot a ball of holy water and I shot a stream of hell fire at the holy water and they both absorbed into each other and turn into holy fire.

Zenus: How the hell?

As the holy fire was falling down I jumped up and I caught the holy fire and I absorbed it and I surrounded my hands with holy fire making sure I have control of it. I grabbed my sword.

Tylordian: You're fucked now.

Once she landed we charged at each other and we started swinging our swords at each other. I swept her off her feet and once she created her wings I punched her face with holy fire and she fell down and my holy fire gave her face fourth degree burns and the effects of holy fire made her weaker. She turned invisible I stood still waiting for her to strike then when I got a feeling I swung my sword and I felt our swords deflecting off of each other and once I saw a floating ball of holy water I sliced off her hand and it turned visible. I reached out and grabbed something that felt like her throat and she turned off her invisibility and when she was going to swing her sword I noticed that her movements gotten a bit sluggish and I grabbed her arm, must've been her movements. She kicked me in my knee and escaped.

Zenus: Why won't you let me find my memories!?

Tylordian: I was doing what Satan and God ordered me to do. Why won't you go back to Heaven, I understand that you may want your memories but isn't Heaven a great place to rest?

Zenus: It's a lie! Nobody gets to rest in Heaven, God only makes humans and angles work non-stop for him because he thinks their only purpose is to respect him. When people like the gays, the atheists, and the Jews goes to go to Heaven God punishes them because he hates them all. Do you see that? When you die you're screwed when you go to either Heaven or Hell.

Tylordian: ...Yeah. Satan's been doing the same to me like trying to make me forget about my mortal life and that shit, I know how you feel because I would've been doing the same thing you're doing.

I heard helicopters coming and Zenus reattached her hand and turned invisible.

Zenus: Goodbye.

The helicopters got closer and when I looked at the sides it was the American FBI.

FBI Agent: Freeze FBI!

More agents was coming twords me on foot and when I tried dash they caught me and one of them knocked me out with their gun. Next time you will know where they took me. Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger.