
Tycoon's Favorite Wife: I am enough to match with you

Heloise, the Brook family's adopted daughter, was merely a pitiable tool they used to shield their biological daughter, Coral, from harm. She suffered abuse in the Brook household from a young age and was eventually discarded and left to fend for herself in the harsh and hellish slums of BlueWolf Mountain, teeming with mentally ill, disabled, and sinister individuals. Then one day, Reginald Wordsworth, the enigmatic and domineering CEO of the PHOENIXFELL Empire's first conglomerate, Reginald Wordsworth chose her, and brought her out of the slums. Her fate took a dramatic turn as she embarked on a quest for revenge. She pretended to be a mental patient and engaged in a battle of wits with Reginald, unraveling the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic head of the first financial conglomerate. At the same time, Reginald also discovered that she was not an ordinary person. ******** she had ever been penniless, but Reginald, the big cheese, was irresistibly drawn to her and highly pampered her. ******** " Heloise, an abandoned baby, a dirt poor!" Someone said before he saw Heloise signing dozens of real estate agreements, while dozing off. " Heloise, has no backing. Why is she so arrogant?" Someone said, and then he saw Phoenixfell's first conglomerate's tycoon Reginald Wordsworth publicly announced his marriage to Heloise. "Heloise, I know, she couldn't give birth a long time ago!" Another person said, and then he was beaten by Wordsworth's little young master, "Mommy can't give birth, so where did I come from?"

SilviaYEsther · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter 6: I'm going to teach you only once

She had to slide down from the window and close it.

Those footsteps stopped in the doorway.

Heloise couldn't think twice about taking a seat on the bed next to her and biting her nails in a feigned stupor.

"You are here!"

A grim, displeased voice rang through the room.

Heloise didn't look up, her eyes skimming over the crystal handicraft to make a decision secretly.

She had stabbed an old man in the lower half of his body three years ago. Worst case scenario, she would do it again this time.

With that thought, her heart calmed down.

The devil's steps were closing in on her.

The scent of men's body lotion enveloped her and the white bathrobe fell into her sight.

Heloise gulped and slowly raised her head.

No amount of dullness could hide the fact that she had beautiful eyes, dull but pure as a sheet of white paper.

Reginald stood in front of her, his eyes gazing at her, his short hair dripping wet, drops of water running down the corners of his forehead and slowly dripping down his prominent collarbone and into his half-open bathrobe, the sexiness that belonged to a grown man practically spilling out.

"You dare to run without my orders, and your legs will be broken for you, understand?"

Ten centimeters.

Five centimeters.

There it is.

Gonna get her!

Her wrists were suddenly grabbed by the man, and the hot temperature burned her skin with moisture, startling Heloise so much that she almost jumped up from the bed.

He is finished.

Heloise's eyes glazed over and she built up her strength and was about to push the man when a dry towel was suddenly shoved into her hand and the man in front of her said, "Wipe dry my hair, sis."

The tails of his eyes rose, hooked with a fox-like sultriness that was sexy as hell.


W… What?

Wipe and dry his hair? Sis?

What the hell did he want her to do?

Heloise was confused and didn't dare to show anything, but could only continue to act dumbfounded.

Seeing her inaction, Reginald's eyes darkened, probably because he didn't see the reaction she was supposed to have, and disappointment suddenly bloomed in the bottom of his eyes.

"If you dare to run without my orders, your legs will be broken, understand?"

He leaned down fiercely, a handsome face straight in front of her eyes, staring at her, his thin lips hooked up in an evil arc.

It looked like he was smiling, but he exuded a strong and threatening aura that sent shivers down her spine.

She dared to assert that he was definitely not joking.

When she stiffened and fell back, Reginald closed in, pressing his hands on either side of her body, trapping her in his arms with nowhere to hide.


Heloise held her breath and moved her butt to the side, towards the crystal handicraft.

"Heh, I forgot you're a psychotic and wouldn't understand what I told you."

He suddenly snorted coldly, his eyes landing on her pink lips, his long eyelashes sweeping down a fan of shadows as he slowly lowered his head.

Come on.

Desperate fighting or being captured without resistance? 

Heloise held her hand out to the handicraft.

Twenty centimeters.

Immediately afterward, he grabbed her hand and wiped it haphazardly on his head.

Heloise is splashed on the face.

His palm was hot, as scorching as fire.

When he was done, Reginald tossed the towel aside, grabbed her slender hand, rubbed her knuckles, and said absently:

"Listen, I'm going to teach you this only once, and the next time I ask you to scrub my hair and you don't, I'm going to chip off your pretty fingers one by one and feed them to the dogs."



Heloise cursed in her heart while her brain rationalized everything.

So, the dead one was his sister?

She was a replacement for his deceased sister, which was much better.

Being his sister's replacement was better than being an old lover's replacement, right?

After touching her fingers, Reginald took a big swing in his hand and pushed her down onto the bed without mercy.