
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

A Note

"Before it's too late for me to become more insane than I already am, So…..don't do what you did earlier again."

Before Vivian regrets everything, Ivan wants it to come to a complete stop. He doesn't want her to do something that she'll end up regretting later.

Ivan's expression seems… hurt. His eyes look glassy, and his composure appeared as though it might shatter at any second. He looks like he'd been abandoned by something that's the most important thing in his life.

Vivian struggled to find the right words. Everything started because of her.

Ivan had already confessed his feelings twice and she's the one who took the lead for everything else. Like giving her first to Ivan.

Vivian doesn't know and never talks about her feelings or expressing them. She shows them with her actions instead of speaking them out loud.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did earlier. I should've stopped when you asked."

Vivian let go of Ivan's cheeks and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I apologize for teasing you. I'm sorry for crossing the line when you already told me to stop again and again."

"I swear that, starting tomorrow, I'll make sure not to place my hand on the thing that you don't want again and keep my hand to myself."

Vivian buried her head on the side of Ivan's neck "since I already crossed the line today, I can't go back to the starting line. Is that ok if I continue to cross the lines today?"

Ivan didn't say anything. He tightened his arms around Vivian's body, feeling the warmth coming from her bare skin.

"Can't I have you one last time?"

Since she's already naked and feels the hardness coming from Ivan's cock getting harder, Vivian wants it inside her.

"We can't. Not now. Your body is not fully recovered yet. And you have a family gathering today. You don't want to be late do you?"

Ivan's eyes swam with too many emotions to identify it, but his gaze landed on me.

"Your mouth says no, but your buddy says otherwise. He's still wide awake after this long. It keeps growing harder under me. I'm getting wet because it keeps poking me between my legs."

Vivian could still feel the hardness coming from under Ivan pants that's under her ass.

She let go of Ivan's neck. Take one of his hands that is wrapped around her body and move it between her legs.

She slid two of Ivan's fingers inside her.

Vivian was not sure if she did the right thing by forcing Ivan into her. But she can't back down after she's getting wet while he's getting hard.

She knew his body wanted her, but his feelings were on the way trying to mess with him. Plus, she can't stop what they started earlier.


They let out a low moan as Ivan fingers went deep inside.

"It's just started getting wet, so help me get it more wet."

Vivian bent her head and started kissing Ivan soft thin lips. As their lips touched, Ivan started moving his fingers that Vivian placed inside her between her legs.

As Ivan skillfully worked on Vivian's clitoris, Vivian was ready for his cock.

Vivian couldn't wait any longer. She whispered between their lips "I want you inside me."

Ivan took off his pants while breathing heavily "As you wish my Queen."

His hard cock was standing high and mighty, ready to work.

Ivan slowly slid his hard cock inside all the way to the end.

The dining room was filled with moans and body claps.


After they cleaned up and made sure that Ivan was sound asleep, Vivian got off the bed.

She took a paper and pan, wrote a few sentences and left the note and Ivan's car key on the nightstand before leaving the house to go to the main house.

She took her low key car and started driving. Leaving Ivan by himself in the empty house.

For the first time in her twenty-one year of life, she hated herself.

She dragged and ruined an innocent man's life because of her greediness.

Because of her, the innocent man that loves her dearly kept blaming himself when everything is her own fault.

Now that she's leaving him behind to go explain everything to her family, sadness hits Vivian hard.

As her heart tightens, tears welling up in her eyes.

A second after, the tears kept rolling down on her cheeks. Her eyes began blurring as the tears kept coming down.

She pulled up at the side of the empty road and started crying to her heart's content.

This is the second time that Vivian cried so hard.

She doesn't understand why her heart hurts so much after deciding to go explain everything to her mom and leaving Ivan in the empty room by himself.

Just thinking about how lonely he would feel after waking up in an unfamiliar place after just staying there less than three days made Vivian's chest pains even more.

After crying for more than an hour, Vivian finally calmed down.

She wiped away her tears and drove off to the side of the sea. Stay there lifelessly until sunset.

"Ring Rings Rings"

The sounds of the phone ringing cut off Vivian's deep thoughts.

"Hey mom!"

"When are you guys coming over? Remember? Todays the day."

Mrs. Wah asked in a free spirit.

"Oh God! I totally forgot. We're not anywhere near right now. I'm sorry. It slipped my mind."

Vivian tried her best to make it sound like her usual self.

"That can't be helped then. Enjoy your time."

"Thanks mom. I will."

There's silence on the phone.

Noticing the difference in her daughter's voice.



"Is everything alright with you and my son in law?..."

Vivian trying her best to sound cheerful "Of course! What could possibly go wrong when we love each other this much?

Mrs. Wah knew that her daughter didn't open up to people easily. She's not the type of person who would talk about what's going on in her life easily. Not even to her, her own mother.

She had always been the nicest and kindest person since she was a little kid. Nothing changes even when she grows up.

If she ends up hurting someone, she'll blame herself for a long period of time.

It seems like something was going on between her daughter and her son in law.

Mrs. Wah paused, "you know you can talk to me anytime."

"You're thinking too much mom."

"Alright. If you say so."

Mrs. Wah didn't pester her daughter to say something that she didn't want.

"I gotta go now. We have almost reached our destination now."

"Alright! I won't keep bothering you love birds anymore. Have fun."

Then Mrs. Wah hung up the call. She then dialed a number.

"Ring Ring Ring…. Ring Ring Ring…"

The sounds of the phone rings woke Ivan up from his nap.

"Hello?" The person on the phone sounds like he just woke up.

"Hey son, where are you?"

Ivan opened his eyes and looked at the phone screen to see who's on the phone.

He sits up after seeing that Mrs. Wah was the one who called.

They exchanged phone numbers the last time they met.

"I'm home."

Now Mrs. Wah knows that Vivian left the house by herself. Thinking about her daughter left the house and not say where she was going made Mrs. Wah feel anxious.

Now Ivan is wide awake.

"Is everything okay between you two?" Mrs. Wah asked worryingly.

"What do you mean?"

After asking, Ivan noticed that the woman laying down beside him was not in the bed anymore.

Ivan touched the spot where Vivian was laying down before he fell asleep and the spot was cold.

It seems like the person laying next to him already got out of bed long ago.

Ivan's heart starts beating faster.

"I called Vivi earlier and she doesn't sound right. She said you guys were out and not anywhere near the city. I know my daughter is not a good liar. Even if I ask where she was, she won't tell me. I was worried that's why I called."

He looked around the bedroom and Vivian was nowhere to be found.

As he was looking around the room, his eyes landed on the nightstand. He noticed a note there.

"Let me call you back mom."

"Alright. Call me when you sorted things out with her. I know the person she wants to be by her side with right now is you. She's not the type of person who would leave without saying out of the blue."

Mrs. Wah could see that Ivan genuinely loved her daughter with all his heart. She could see that he's a good man. That's why she wants him to be the one to find her instead of going to find Vivian herself. They need to talk things out between themselves.

"I understand."

Ivan hung up the phone. He picked up the note while reading it

'Hey! I'm going to my mom's house to explain everything. I apologize for dragging you through this stupid mess. I didn't think straight when I dragged you in this mess. All I could think was, 'I can finally stop going to blind dates.'. Because of my greediness, I ended up hurting your feelings. It hurts me seeing you keep apologizing again and again when everything started because of me. Don't blame yourself. Everything is my fault, not yours.'

Anxiety hit Ivan hard as he continued to read the note.

'You're right! It's best to end everything before it's too late. I'm sorry for taking your first. I'm sorry for not taking your feelings seriously and making you do things that you don't want. I'm sorry for putting you through hell these past couple days. I'm sorry that I took advantage of your kindness. You must hate me to your heart content now right?. I'm an idiot aren't I? Lol. I don't know what to do to repay your kindness. If there's anything that you want, let me know. I'll make sure to satisfy you till you're satisfied.

You must've regretted agreeing to my request after going through hell, right?. I wish that I could turn back time so that you won't have to go through all this.

Please leave me your address before you leave so that I can send your things there when I come back. Again, I'm really sorry. Thank you for everything.

Oh yeah! I'm keeping the ring as a souvenir from the first guy I slept with.

PS. Vivian W.'

The unpleasant pain in Ivan's chest grows even more after reading Vivian's note.