

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 66: Dead or Live

"That's funny, a sea-witch like you wouldn't come face to face with me without wanting something? What is it you want?" Erica asked her

"The Pearl, it belongs to the queen" Olga told her

"And what makes you think i have the pearl?" Erica asked

"You do, that's the only gift you ever received from your pathetic mother; my bad, i forgot she is right here with you" Olga said smacking her lips together

Erica balled her hand slightly annoyed by her

"It's a gift i received from my pathetic mother; she even risked her life for it; do you think i will hand it over to you?" Erica asked her with a smile

"You know for someone who never had emotions in her, i found you cute; but now you seem to think with a lot of emotions and all i want to do is squeeze you" Olga said to her

"I want to see you try to take it from me looking like that" Erica told her.

Olga quickly grows out her extra monster hand and stretches it towards her scratching her chest

"You missed to take my heart, it's my turn now" Erica told her.


(Kingdom of Oceania)

One of Prince Luca messenger swim into the royal shelter interrupting the royalties as they discuss about the incidents that has been happening at the sea

"Your royal majesty, we have a grave issue right now" he said

"What is it " King George curiously asked

"The Kingdom of Marco has waged a war with the Oceania's for attacking their king" he said

"What" Prince Luca and Princess Adunni said out louder in unison

"They believed an assassin impersonated as a messenger attacked the king while delivering a message, the messenger turns out to be one of the Oceania's Siren" he told them

"Whoever is the master mind of these whole crises at the sea is a wild one; he or she is no ordinary Mer-Person, they came fully prepared for this battle" King George said 

(Back at the fight between Erica and Olga)

Olga coughs out blood when Erica had hit her hard for the eighteenth time in a row, she fell with a great thud on the floor. When Erica had turn left, she saw that Imelda had left their presence with her mother's body. 

"She never learns, nothing goes through her ear" Erica angrily said as she made an attempt to leave the room in search for her but Olga quickly stabbed her on her stomach with her hand leaving a big scar on it

"Whatever you do, you are just going to end up like your mother; you will never be accepted anywhere" Olga told her laughing out loud

Erica pressed her injury as much blood was coming out from it. she rushed to Olga and stepped on her with great anger multiple times that she finds it hard to breath 

"How does it feel been attacked in your weakest state? just like you did to Vashi?" Erica asked her

"Nothing compared to the way your mother felt when i took you away from her" Olga said forcefully laughing.

"What did you just say?" Erica asked grabbing her by the neck

"You should have seen how mad your mother went when i took you away from her, it is probably the reason she is this way. Even after finding out that you were alive; she still couldn't get close to you until the very day she died. you both are pathetic" Olga told her in laughter.

Erica screamed out loud in agony with her voice shattering every glass around in pieces and her screams echoed from one room to the other for minutes. when she had stopped; Olga was lifeless and covered in her own blood.

Erica staggery dragged her body outside heading to whatever direction she thinks Imelda would be, when she was one foot away from the building, she saw that Imelda lay there unconscious with Vashi's body beside her, she had suffered from Erica's siren cry which had damaged her ears as blood drops from it.

Imelda watches Erica carries both Olga and Vashi's body out of the building as she was unable to move.